Ultraman Senki

Chapter 768 The Curse of the Yabo People

In the GUYS command room, everyone was still immersed in the grief of the disappearance of the future. The computer in front of Mu Zhimei and Zhe Ping sounded the alarm sound of "Didi". Mu Zhimei wiped away her tears and opened the incoming communication.

Zhe Ping's eyes widened, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in astonishment, "GUYS Haiphong's submarine discovered a super-ancient relic on the bottom of the sea, right where Nexus fought those two aliens."

The projector turned on and began to play the images transmitted by the submarine detectors. Because of the drastic changes in ocean currents caused by the submarine battles, the images were very unstable, just like the old-fashioned black and white TVs with extremely poor signals. The images were full of snowflakes, but you can You can still see part of the huge metal pyramid on the bottom of the sea exposed above.

"There is such a thing under the sea?" Secretary Maru was amazed.

"There is a strange signal." Zhe Ping frowned and kept typing on the keyboard: "Although it is very weak, there is indeed something emitting a signal in that ruins. It is different from all the signals discovered so far. It is a completely unfamiliar code." Way."

"Unfamiliar signal?" Captain Shuishui's eyes widened suddenly, and he cast his eyes on the projector in the middle. Through the turbid sea water, he could vaguely see the flashing light. It was Nexus talking with the two aliens. Splashes of flash as people fight and collide.

"And this signal is sending out a repeated signal very stably. It seems that it has been going on for a long time. Because I have never explored deep into the seabed before, I have not discovered the source of this signal. But... who built it on the seabed? source?” Zhe Ping was a little terrified, there was an unknown signal on the bottom of the human sea and it didn’t know how long it had existed, it was like finding a camera from an unknown source at home, which made people feel creepy.

Assistant Toriyama asked extremely nervously: "Can you decipher what signal is being emitted?"

"I'm working hard, but there is a part of the signal that is a bit similar to the signal sent by the Venton Stars last time. They are all reporting a coordinate." Zhe Ping guessed.

"Coordinates? What coordinates?"

"The coordinates of the earth, this may be the reason why the earth is frequently visited by various cosmic beings and monsters." Captain Sui Shui raised his head and said in a heavy tone.

Assistant Toriyama hurried over in surprise and asked, "Is this true? Captain Sushui!"

Captain Sui Shui shook his head slowly: "No, this is just my guess. But since the period of frequent monsters, human beings have not found the reason for the frequent appearance of monsters and the constant visits of spacemen to the earth. All kinds of guesses and assumptions have been rejected. Overthrown. This is a new guess, whether it is true or not will not be confirmed until this signal is deciphered."

"Ugh!" Nexus slashed down with a sword, and the lightsaber on the right arm of Mebius Killer, which had collided with Nexus many times, was directly cut in half by the sword, and Nexus also Slapped on the shoulder by Desrem's paw, Desrem's paw scratched on the armor of light, splashing violent sparks, Nexus was sent flying by this huge force, in the sea water It took more than ten laps to stabilize the body, and the feet slid on the ground for a thousand meters before finally stopping.

"Hmph, Nexus bow and arrow beam!" Mebius Killer scattered half of the lightsaber on his right arm, then raised his right arm, the black and purple light condensed into a bow of light, and the remaining energy condensed into a bow of light. Arrow, aimed at Nexus.

"Tch, do you want to imitate me? Then let's see who is stronger." Nexus suddenly raised his right arm, with the lightsaber on his right arm as the core, Nexus' bow and arrow armed immediately flashed The golden light condensed the bow of the bow of light.

"Ultimate bow and arrow beam, launch!" The bow and arrow beam of Nexus' right hand roared and rushed out, and the bow and arrow beam of the Mebius killer over there also fired.

The two bow and arrow beams collided instantly, and the moment the ultimate bow and arrow beam collided, the light bows on both sides immediately spun like drill bits, crushing the Mebius killer's bow and arrow beam into pieces.

"Whoosh, puff!" Killer Mebius saw only a stream of light flashing in front of his eyes, and a scream sounded in his ears. Before his brain could react, he felt a pain in his abdomen. The bow body of the beam of light's ultimate bow and arrow was stuck in his abdomen, while the sword head pierced out from behind him.

"Nani?" Disrem stood hundreds of meters away from Mebius Killer, staring in astonishment at Mebius Killer who had been instantly killed. A scream suddenly sounded in his ear, and he turned his head hastily. Nexus has rushed over quickly, he raised his head just now, Nexus has already punched Desrem on the forehead, and immediately sent him flying.

"I failed again," the Yabo man tremblingly raised his right hand, clenched his fist suddenly, and the steel knuckles of his fingers creaked: "One day I will crawl out of the endless dark abyss, Come back to this universe, Ultraman Nexus, you have already been cursed by our Yabo people, the battle between us has just begun, no matter where you are, we will find you for revenge."

With a loud echo of "Boom", the Mebius killer exploded, and endless flames rose up in the seawater of billions of tons. Even the deep sea could not extinguish the raging fire. Squeezing towards the four directions, the ocean currents brought up rushed to the surroundings.

Originally, it would not be so easy to eliminate the Mebius killer, but this guy actually fought the bow and arrow beam with himself. This thing is not much slower than the speed of light. The distance between the two sides is a thousand meters, and even the knockoff bow and arrow beam is useless. In a second, the Mebius killer was hit before he could react, kicking him out of the game.

'Boom! Boom! Boom! "Nexus used both fists and kicks, consuming a lot of energy to attack Desrem frantically. The super-fast attack speed made Desrem unable to react at all, and every attack made him keep backing away." with.

"Ha!" Nexus' right fist full of energy hit Desrem's abdomen heavily, and even the hard bones made cracking sounds.

Nexus lowered his right hand, and the light armor on his body quickly spread out. With the Nexus bow and arrow armament on his right arm as the core, it formed a huge lightsaber. The light turned into a blue light and rushed towards Disrem.

"Don't underestimate me." Disrem roared incomparably angrily, raised his huge fan-shaped left claw, and slapped Nexus viciously with thick dark energy condensed on the five sharp fingers.

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