Ultraman Senki

Chapter 755 The Resuscitated Doll

A puff of black smoke fell to the edge of the lake, condensing Zaki's figure. Compared with the crowded city center, this area is like a paradise. The green area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters is full of woods, grass, and even a lake. , along the lakeside is a large area of ​​single-family villas. Birds and flowers are everywhere, and the fresh air is completely different from the dirty air in the city.

Wearing a black robe, Zaki walked outside a luxurious single-family villa, looked up at the house, and walked in. The thick walls were nothing in front of him, and Zaki walked on the beautifully carpeted floor without making a sound.

"Long time no see, it seems that you have a good life." Zakiki's gloomy voice at the door of the hall echoed in the hall.

"Plop..." Hirukawa, with one foot on the table, baldly fell to the floor, stood up in panic, and looked tremblingly at the man in black robe who appeared in front of him.

"Oh, you are here, please sit down, please sit down!" Zhi Chuan stood there shyly, trembling.

"Hehe," Zaki walked towards Hirukawa step by step with unhurried steps, looked him up and down, and then sat down: "It's like two different people, the little reporter who was obedient at the beginning, now He became a rich man."

"Ah..." Hirukawa stood there feeling uneasy.

Zaki suddenly raised his right arm, and a puff of black smoke from his right hand enveloped Hirukawa inside. Hirukawa pinched his neck in pain as if he was suffocating, feeling that the black smoke could not stop drilling into his brain.

A series of memory pictures emerged in the black smoke: some were a puff of black smoke transformed by Hirukawa and appeared in the bank vault, emptying the gold, and then the whole vault collapsed; some were Hirukawa pretending to be a ghost to scare the rich man. ....

Zaki put down his arms, and Hirukawa immediately fell to the ground limply, looking at Zaki with horror on his face, stepping back with his feet on the ground, his eyes full of fear.

"It's really greedy enough. The heart of darkness full of desire has been released under the induction of power, which is better than I thought." Zaki looked at Hirukawa with satisfaction, as if he was looking at his own work.

"I'm just...just..." Hirukawa said in a trembling tone.

Zaki glanced at him sideways: "You are doing well, but your heart is still too restrained, let go of your heart, and release all the darkness in your heart."

Following Zaki's words, traces of black mist appeared on Hirukawa's face and merged into his body, and the pupils of both eyes were also dyed black. A stiff smile.

"That's it. You have enjoyed the glory and wealth with the power I gave you, and now it's time to repay me." Zhaji stood up, and Hirukawa followed closely behind him, his body was covered in dark mist, and his eyes were gone A hint of focus.

"Puppets are still easy to use. What do you want to do with your own thoughts? Human beings fight among themselves because they have their own thoughts. If they all have one thought, there will be no more fights." Zaki laughed and disappeared into a puff of black smoke It disappeared, and Hirukawa also turned into black smoke and followed closely behind Zaki.

In the spaceship of the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness, Disrem, who was covered in bone-like armor, stood on the rotating operation panel, staring at the smiling Mephilas star opposite, and asked sharply: " What about Mephilas, Grozam, and Yapo?"

The Mephilas star was still smiling, and didn't care about Disrem's tone: "Why do you start to care about the Yabo people?"

"Hmph, don't change the subject, why did the two of them die on Earth? But you are standing here unscathed, His Majesty's revenge battle is about to begin, but you let Grozam die on Earth, Are you going to betray His Majesty the Emperor?" Disrem stared closely at the Mephilas star, trying to find a clue in his eyes.

The Mephilas star smiled and shook his head: "I, Grozam and the Yabo people had the same thoughts as you now, and I also thought that it was only a piece of the earth, and I could solve it by myself. Now, Yabo Man and Grozam are dead on Earth."

"Hmph, without your push, how could a mere earth block Grozam? It's definitely your fault." Desrem didn't believe a punctuation mark that the Mephilas star said at all.

"You can try it." The Mephilas star stretched out his hand and made a gesture of seeing off the guests: "You just came, even if I want to do something, it's too late. But let me explain to you in advance, the two people on the earth Ultraman must not be underestimated, and I got news that Eddie Ultraman also stayed on the earth, you should think about it."

"Hmph, I don't need you to care about it. I will definitely find evidence that you betrayed His Majesty the Emperor. What will I do with you then?" Desrem glanced at Mephilas with a gloomy expression, then turned and walked towards the north gate .

"Crack! Crack!" The door closed with a bang, and the four criss-crossing steel pillars locked the door firmly. The Mephilas star still didn't show any panic or anger, and looked at the door with a smile in his eyes. A steel gate.

"This guy is stronger than the last one. The converted soul must be very good." A puff of black smoke appeared beside Mephilas, condensing the figures of Zaki and Hirukawa behind him. Glancing at the closed door: "When will you bring the Ampera star here, I can't wait to taste his soul."

The Mephilas star glanced at Hirukawa: "Why did you make him a puppet?"

"Because a guy without thinking will never betray." Zaki touched the other two locked doors: "Just like you, if you are too intelligent, you will not be satisfied, and if you are not satisfied, you will betray. It's better to make plans as soon as possible, I don't want to be bitten by my own dog like the Ampera people."

"Hehe," the Mephilas star was still not a little annoyed by Zaki's words: "Your Majesty the Emperor is not so easily deceived, all his thoughts are now attacking the Kingdom of Light, even if the four of us die Now, he also has the Impreza Legion at his disposal, so this matter cannot be rushed, it needs to be done slowly."

"Really?" Zaki glanced at Mephilas: "This guy is handed over to you, as the reward last time, anyway, you have hooked up a long time ago, so I will fulfill your wish and let him follow you alright."

"Thank you very much, I just need a bodyguard." The Mephilas star bowed slightly, and Zaki disappeared into black smoke without comment.

"It seems that I still don't feel relieved, and I still need to put a monitor beside me," the Mephilas star stood in front of the stiff-faced Hirukawa in such a carefree manner: "It's okay, now you are a thug who is worthy of the name. What he said is right, no thought is the best, so I want to be the one with thought." Mephilas said at the end, with a hint of ferocity on his face, and he did not have the usual calm appearance.

The grim words of the Mephilas star echoed in the empty captain's room, except for Hirukawa who was stunned, no one else could hear the Mephilas star's declaration.

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