Ultraman Senki

Chapter 75 Scary Robot

"The F4 hangar is damaged, please evacuate all personnel immediately! Repeat, please evacuate immediately." The base issued an emergency notice just after the wall was damaged, and all personnel in the F4 hangar evacuated immediately. After confirming that the evacuation is complete, all automatic doors Immediately lowered and then lowered the airtight door to prevent the seawater from spreading to other areas.

The robots that rushed out of the seabed not far from the base quickly merged together there, and looked exactly like the small ones, but turned into huge robots tens of meters high and tens of thousands of tons in weight.

And when the robot began to rush into the sea, Artdis had successfully taken off. The wings on both sides of the huge spaceship were lowered and then pulled up to fly towards the sky.

In the command room, Director Sawai and Captain Chujian watched the whole process nervously, and they were relieved only after the Atdis took off successfully. Such a huge warship had never taken off before, even after the simulator It has been done dozens of times, but after all, there is still a gap between the simulation and the reality. Now that it has finally succeeded, everyone can't help but feel relieved.

"What is this?" Ye Rui looked at the monitoring screen on the computer in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Ju Jian Hui Wenyan asked concerned.

"A huge robot appeared on the seabed outside the base, and it is walking towards the base. Now the screen is projected on the main screen." Ye Rui said and the screen was projected, and he saw a huge robot walking on the dark seabed. Walking towards the base step by step, dust rose from the place behind him and melted into the sea water, dyeing the clear sea water gray.

Standing in the stairwell, Xingye looked through the walls and saw the huge robot on the bottom of the sea walking towards the base, and couldn't help thinking, "Do you want to destroy the base if you can't destroy the Artdis?"

Take out the Evolution Believer and pull it out, the light quickly wrapped the starry night and then passed through several layers of walls to the bottom of the sea, condensing the figure of Nexus in front of this robot.

"Nexis!" Ju Jianhui looked at Ultraman who appeared on the bottom of the sea with some surprise.

Xingye transformed herself into a red form, then gathered strong energy on her right fist, slowly moved from left to right and raised her right fist towards the sky.

The robot stopped when it saw Nexus, and the scanner on its body clearly saw the powerful energy gathering on Xingye's right hand. Then he stretched out his arms and opened several holes in his chest, emitting several laser beams.

Xingye evaded in a hurry but thought that the base was behind him, gritted his teeth and stretched out his arms to release the Otto barrier, and stepped on the ground with both legs.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Several laser beams hit the barrier and exploded. The powerful thrust pushed Xingye back more than ten meters, and his legs drew two deep ravines on the seabed. The silt deposited on the bottom of the sea turned up and the sea water suddenly became chaotic.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The hole in the robot's chest continuously shot out lasers and hit the barrier. Xingye pressed his arms against the barrier and stepped deeply on the bottom of the sea with his legs.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Powerful lasers hit Xingye's barrier from time to time. Xingye's hands gradually bent from stretching out, and many small cracks gradually appeared in the Otto barrier, and finally resisted for a while. After the attack, it finally shattered.

Just when the barrier was shattered, Xingye leaped up, kicked the robot to the ground, Xingye rolled on the spot, then quickly got up and rode on the robot's chest, raising his fists, repeatedly hitting the robot's body, huge The force of the robot collided with the robot, making a dull sound that echoed in the sea water. The robot was almost driven into the mud of the seabed.

Everyone in the command room looked anxiously at the battle that was about the survival of the base. When the robot first appeared, they had already persuaded Director Sawai to leave the base, but Director Sawai firmly refused.

Just when Nexus raised his iron fist and was about to attack again, the jet hole on the back of the robot suddenly activated, and the strong airflow from the robot blew Nexus away, flying hundreds of meters in the sea before finally stopping .

The robot stood up and turned to face Nexus. Several missiles were fired from the launch port on its body, roaring towards Nexus, and exploded around Nexus. Nexus was completely covered by the smog.

"Whoosh!" Nexus rushed out of the smoke and quickly rushed to the robot, picked it up and flew to the sea.

The robot raised two pairs of iron arms and hit Xingye's chest fiercely, sending Xingye flying.

The starry night landed on the seabed and clutched its chest. The robot landed heavily on the seabed and splashed the surrounding sea mud. The robot raised its head and walked towards Nexus.

Nexus was not timid at all, he rushed forward and punched with all his strength, the robot slowly swung out its arm but caught Xingye's punch just in time. Pulling it out, an irresistible force struck, and Nexus couldn't help but fell to the ground, and the robot kicked Nexus away with force.

Xingye rolled several times in the sea before stopping, stood up with all his strength and saw that the robot had come to him and grabbed Nexus by the neck.

Xingye grabbed the robot's arm with both hands, but felt a strong attack. The robot easily lifted Xingye up, and Xingye raised his right fist and slammed the mechanical arm a few times, but it didn't work at all. The robot didn't let go at all, as if Nexus' attack was tickling him.

"Damn it, it's really strong!" Xingye secretly hated, gathering energy on both arms, and the Nexus Armor flashed red light, and the shining red light arm blade instantly popped out. Vigorously swiping quickly at the joints of the robot arm, the robot's hand was cut off immediately.

Xingye landed half-kneeling on the ground, rubbed his neck, the severed hand of the robot fell on his feet, Xingye stood up, his legs straightened, his shoulders shrugged and he slammed into it, knocking the robot away, and took a few steps back before stopping down.

Xingye took the opportunity to punch the robot in the chest, knocking the robot back a few steps, then jumped up and turned around, kicked the robot's head with a whip leg, and kicked the robot sideways.

And here, the Artdis has come to outer space, and from a distance, I saw a flash of lightning under the mechanical island, and several N series satellites in the distance immediately moved towards it after seeing the flash under the mechanical island. The mechanical island fired a laser cannon and hit the mechanical island. After the flames dissipated, the mechanical island was unscathed, and then dozens of tiny flying robots rushed out, pounced on the satellite, and shattered it.

"The base is in danger!" Dagu asked worriedly when he saw the robot wrestling with Nexus.

"Nexis has appeared, and our target is ahead." Zong Fang solemnly ordered: "Open all the muzzles and shoot down the target in one go."

"Understood!" Xincheng and Horei hurriedly operated, the top of the Artdis was opened, and a huge muzzle with a width of more than ten meters was slowly raised, and hundreds of particle cannons were placed around the Artdis. It also begins to deliver energy.

"Aim at full energy, the Drake cannon has been fully charged." Lina was busy reporting to Zong Fang behind her on the console.

"Start—attack." Following Zong Fang's order, the Atdis fully fired hundreds of particle cannons and fired at the same time. The meteor-like shells converged into a ray of light and rushed towards the mechanical island. The particle cannons fired at the same time, and the flames that bloomed turned the Atdis into a fiery red.

Finally, the Drake Cannon, which gathered powerful energy, fired, and a beam of three-color light with a thickness of more than ten meters rushed towards the mechanical island, bombarding the mechanical island and exploding with flames all over the sky.

The Atdis continued to fire for a minute before stopping the attack. And the mechanical island in front of him was completely covered by the flames of the explosion, and the flames spread hundreds of thousands of meters. Half of the sky on the earth was reflected in the color of sunset by the fleeting fire.

Finally, the Atdis fired all the energy, and the flames like purgatory flooded the mechanical island. The victorious team in the command room all looked at the scene in front of them excitedly. They had never seen such a powerful Firepower and such a powerful weapon.

"What's going on?" Hori said excitedly, although he was still doubtful but full of confidence, nothing could survive the explosive power and scorching flames.

"How is it possible?" Lina looked at the scene in front of her in disbelief. Not only she, but everyone couldn't believe what she saw. The firepower of the Artdis just now could completely wipe out a city from the earth. The mechanical island in front of me didn't show any signs of damage except for the shell turning extremely red.

"Damn it!" Zong Fang slammed the table fiercely: "Are ordinary weapons useless?"

In the bottom of the sea, Xingye grabbed the robot's arm, supported the robot's chest with his right hand, and lifted it over his head with all his strength, and it fell headfirst into the mud.

The huge force plus the weight of the robot itself almost buried half of the robot's body in the mud. The robot's legs dangled weakly, and half of its arms were buried in the mud.

Seeing this, Xingye finally breathed a sigh of relief. This robot is like an impregnable wall. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't cause any damage to his outer shell. Moreover, if he hadn't been rigid and stuck in the program and couldn't give full play to his strength advantages, Xingye might He was knocked down a long time ago.

The robot's arms bent into a strange arc, and the arms were deeply buried in the sea mud, and the body suddenly propped up from the bottom of the sea.

In just an instant, the robot adjusted its posture, and the jet engine behind it suddenly spewed out a violent airflow like a vortex, stirring up a huge amount of sea water, and suddenly rushed in front of Nexus and hugged Nexus.

The two rolled down on the bottom of the sea, stirring up a huge amount of sea water, rolling up the silt from the bottom of the sea, and the surrounding sea water was instantly dyed a muddy color, covering the two of them.

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