Ultraman Senki

Chapter 717 Serizawa Returns

"Dragon..." Behind the three of them came an energetic voice from the future, making them stop and turn their heads, looking at the deep corridor behind them.

The future came out from the corner of the corridor, and shouted at the dragon with a smile on his face: "Who do you see coming?"

Then the familiar person who came out from behind Mirai made Long stunned for a while, and Marina and Sadaharu also showed pleasant smiles when they saw him.

Mirai and Serizawa walked in front of the three of them one after another. Serizawa smiled and looked up and down at the still strong dragon, and nodded: "Long, I saw it all. You did a good job."

"Captain Serizawa..." Long nodded vigorously, "It's really good of you to come back."

Sadaharu suppressed the excitement in his heart, he didn't know where to put his hands and feet, this was the first time he got so close to Ultraman. Zhenzhi felt that this was the most important moment in his life, but when he opened his mouth, Zhenzhi found that he couldn't speak, or he didn't know what to say.

"Let's go! Captain Serizawa, let's go back to Phoenix's Nest." Long nodded vigorously at Serizawa.

"Yeah!" Serizawa nodded slightly, and walked in front side by side with Long, towards the direction of the command room.

Xingye, who was far behind, was listening to Captain Suishui talking about the battle that took place in front of the phoenix's nest.

Captain Shuishui didn't feel any relief on his face: "Although the Yabo people were defeated this time, that guy will come back from the darkness again. We must block that different-dimensional passage as soon as possible, so that the Yabo people can't use those super-humans again." Beast."

"What a troublesome creature. Don't you have a way to deal with the Yabo people for so many years?" Xingye couldn't help shaking his head. No matter how many times he has been defeated, as long as the resentment in his heart still exists, he will be resurrected after a period of time. Keep pestering you, this creature is simply disgusting.

"We can only seal it with a cross barrier," Captain Shuishui said with a wry smile, "There is no good way to deal with the creatures born of this kind of resentment. The Ampera star and the superheroes who were defeated by Otto's father back then The Judas Tai Luo defeated were all creatures born in the darkness, as long as the darkness does not disappear, they will be resurrected again and return from the depths of the darkness, all we can do is to seal them for as long as possible."

"Wouldn't it be impossible to destroy them forever?" Xingye frowned when he heard the words, and fought hard for a long time before finally destroying the enemy. As a result, they revived after a while and continued to fight against you. Isn't that too much? Are you depressed?

"Whether it's Ambella or Zhou Da, they are both source and darkness. Ultraman can't destroy them because light and darkness are two sides of one body. This is the reason why you can't make your own shadow disappear forever." With a smile on his face, he said: "Until Ultraman accidentally came to the earth when he was escorting Bermuda to the monster cemetery, he met a very magical creature like human beings. They have both a dark side and a bright side in their hearts." On the one hand, this is very similar to Ultraman before super evolution, and since then Ultraman has started to protect the irreplaceable planet Earth."

"Really?" Xingye nodded, human beings are indeed a very strange creature, light and darkness coexist in the heart, even a saint, there is a dark side in the heart, but human beings have set up various laws and morals for themselves to control The dark side of one's own heart is inconceivable to some creatures in the universe.

Just like the Ambella star, he hates light, so he wants to destroy all the light in the universe, which doesn't make any sense to you. On the other hand, human beings have to find some grandiose reasons for fighting a war, such as the world police, or the humanitarian crisis... Then look at the Yabo people, if they want to destroy the earth, they have to shout loudly, so that people all over the world Everyone knows that these super beasts belong to my Yabo people, and I want to destroy your planet.

"Crack! Click!" The door of the command room opened, and a group of people filed in. Serizawa looked at everything in the command room with a trace of nostalgia. This was the place where he lived for a long time. The decoration of the command room can still vaguely see what it used to be, but the place has long since changed. The original GUYS now only has Long alone.

"I don't belong here anymore." Serizawa couldn't help but sighed in his heart. Here, all the faces of the former GUYS players appeared in his mind. They used to discuss tactics and training together. It has not appeared for more than ten years. GUYS's position is very embarrassing, and it is not taken seriously, but the players have not given up the training and maintenance of fighters that have been working hard.

Indeed, everyone waited until that day, and the monster alarm that had not sounded for 25 years reverberated over the city, although everyone did not expect this day to come. But after receiving the dispatch order, everyone set off immediately.

That was the first time GUYS fought with a real monster. Everyone was well-trained and had thousands of hours of flying experience, but... the flowers of flames bloomed in space, but I watched helplessly. Fighters turned into flames in front of the monsters, and young lives died one by one. The faces and names of those people... Serizawa still remembers them. Looking at their passing, he escaped in frustration and panic. After letting the dragon escape to leave seeds for GUYS, he drove a plane and crashed into Di Nozoro alone, wanting to end his life with guilt, but he didn't want to meet the sword who just came to the earth...

"Sit down, Serizawa-kun!" Captain Shizumi walked in at last, greeted Serizawa enthusiastically, picked up the coffee machine on the side, and wanted to give her a cup of freshly ground coffee.

"Ka..." The door of the command room suddenly opened at this moment, just a crack opened when I heard Assistant Toriyama's exasperated voice outside: "Captain Suisui, what's going on?"

Assistant Officer Toriyama hurried in without waiting for the door to be fully opened. This speed was not at all attainable by his short legs. It was obvious that the matter was so urgent that Assistant Officer Toriyama even wanted to shorten the walking time.

"What happened?" Future turned around and asked.

As soon as Assistant Toriyama walked in, he saw Mirai coming towards him with a concerned face, "Aha!" Assistant Toriyama's mouth grew to the limit in an instant, and there was still room for pickles after putting a bun like that. Mirai was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Assistant Toriyama had such an expression.

"It's... it's... it's... him." Assistant Toriyama pointed at the future with a face full of horror, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Auxiliary Officer...Look!" Secretary Maru behind him shook Assistant Toriyama's shoulder vigorously, and pointed at Serizawa who was sitting on the chair opposite the door with his right index finger shaking like chaff.

Assistant Toriyama moved his surprised eyes away from Mirai, and looked in the direction of Secretary Maru's finger. Serizawa, who was wearing a black windbreaker, was sitting on a chair, looked at him and said hello: "Long time no see, Assistant Your Excellency."

"Serizawa-kun, it wasn't a hallucination that day." Assistant Toriyama's neck dangled a few times like a noodle, and then looked at the future, rolled his eyes and fell straight down.

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