Ultraman Senki

Chapter 701: Hirukawa's Plan

Xingye picked up the coffee cup on the table, picked up the coffee pot in front of Captain Water, filled himself with coffee, and then said: "After the MAC was wiped out, the earth quickly reorganized UGM to continue to defend the earth. So if you feel If you no longer have the faith to fight, you can leave here. A new GUYS will be formed again and continue to guard this planet with Ultraman."

"Who is going to back down?" Zhenzhi said loudly with his neck stuck: "I will not leave here until the invaders are driven out of the earth."

Long put his right hand on the memory display in his jacket pocket: "Captain Serizawa entrusted GUYS to me, Mebius is still fighting hard, how could I leave?"

Marinai muttered in a low voice: "We just feel that our strength is low and we can't fight against the invaders. We don't mean to give up."

"So instead of sitting here and doing nothing, why not help Uncle Araki and the others repair the base and restore the base to normal operation as soon as possible. You must know that our time is running out." Xing Ye took a sip from the coffee cup and said with a smile.

"Why is time running out?" Marinna asked curiously.

Long stood up and said in a rather casual tone: "Today's time is indeed running out, let's go, repair the base quickly, and if there are any enemies coming, we will use our wings to repair them."

Long led the others to get up and follow behind, and walked to the inner base below the Phoenix Nest. Everyone was simmering with fire in their hearts, and they didn't want to do it again when they were beaten to the door by the enemy.

The door of the command room was slowly closed, leaving only Captain Sui Shui and Xingye sitting here, and the noisy command room fell silent for a moment.

"Today is really dangerous. This base was almost destroyed." Captain Suishui still had lingering fears when he recalled today's scene. He was in the command room at that time, and Assistant Officer Toriyama almost fainted from fright when he saw the rapidly expanding missiles on the screen.

Xingye put down the coffee cup in his hand, and said with a serious face: "The Yabo people have already started their official attack. The current strength of GUYS is simply not enough to deal with the upcoming attack. The Kingdom of Light sent the Otto brothers last time very reluctantly."

Captain Sui Shui sighed softly: "The flight mode of the Phoenix Nest has not been adjusted yet, and the security chief Araki and his team have already done their best to catch up with the work, but it will take a week to release the Phoenix Nest."

Xingye nodded: "I extracted an unknown different-dimensional energy from a super beast attacking the Phoenix's nest, which should help us learn more about the different-dimensional situation, and find a way to destroy the space channel as soon as possible."

Captain Sui Shui pondered for a while and raised his head and asked, "Can't you do it too?"

Xingye shook his head: "No, my power of time and space can affect the Yabo people's different-dimensional channel, but it is impossible to completely destroy it." Xingye paused before continuing: "Just like just now The super beasts of the Yabo people attacked the base and destroyed the ground badly, but we can repair the depressions and craters created by the blast. In the same way, my power of time and space affects the different dimensions of the Yabo people It’s not a problem to even destroy part of the channel, but to completely collapse this different-dimensional channel can only be done at the molecular level or even at the particle level, and if only relying on external forces, I’m afraid it won’t be possible in three to five hours.”

"I understand." The captain forced water nodded.

"I hope everything goes well." Xingye murmured to himself in a low voice. If it was too late, he would go deep into the depths of another dimension that he was completely unfamiliar with, and destroy this channel of another dimension piece by piece, but this was the last means.

The extra-dimensional space attached to the universe is full of unknown dangers. The super-dimensional space contains countless universes. Many universes are connected to each other by many space passages. Like an overpass, you can go to other places through the auxiliary bridge. Bridge, just see if you can find it.

And the exchange of matter between these interconnected universes also leads to not far differences in the laws of the universe, and even the same people live different lives, which are called parallel universes or parallel spaces.

In addition, there are many other different spaces or subspaces of different shapes attached to the formed universe like small bubbles, just like the meta-field created by Starry Night, it is a space that relies on Nexus A subspace where power exists.

In the absence of precise space coordinates, it is impossible to find a specific different space. Fortunately, the Yabo people have a different dimension channel connecting the earth, and they can find the different space where the Yabo people are located. However, the time required is unknown. If you are lucky, you may find it all at once. If you are not lucky, you will search for it for several years like the Kingdom of Light and still find nothing.

This is because the space channel is not a long cylindrical channel as ordinary people think. Each space channel has something that belongs to the maker like a code disk. If you don’t know the correct code, you will He was sent to a place where no ghost knew where it was.

Hirukawa opened the door with a sullen face, slammed the door hard, and hit the door frame with a loud 'bang'.

"Ala, Ala, why are you so angry? My warrior." A laughing voice sounded in Hirukawa's ear.

Hirukawa turned his head when he heard the sound, the Mephilas star was sitting cross-legged in the living room, slowly drinking a cup of tea.

Hirukawa sat down with a gloomy face, and looked at the Meferas star with an unhappy face: "Why don't you let me go? Those two Ultramen have been lured away by the super beasts of the Yabo people. I don't have to. Destroy that nasty phoenix nest without breaking a sweat."

The Mephilas star put the teacup in his hand to his nose, and smelled the tea intoxicatedly: "It's really good. I didn't expect the humble earthlings to make these delicious things."

"Hey, did you hear that?" Hirukawa stared angrily at the Mephilasian: "Didn't you say that you want me to meet that... Dark Emperor? Where is he now?"

"Hehe," the Mephilas star sipped his tea and laughed a few times before putting down the teacup in his hand: "Your Majesty is not something everyone can see. I have already reported to His Majesty, but what did the Yabo people say?" How can His Majesty the Emperor be able to meet anyone, I can't help it. The Yabo people just joined in, and His Majesty the Emperor had to postpone the time to see you in order to win him over."

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