Ultraman Senki

Chapter 694: The Bloody Beginning

Xingye walked over while protecting Mayumi, and saw Mirai being held by Sadaharu and Mari Nai, there was a lot of space around the GUYS people, and the surrounding citizens pointed at them and talked a lot.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Xingye walked over, looked around and found nothing.

"The future suddenly yelled at the citizens, this is troublesome." Marinna looked anxiously at the crowd gathered around, and everyone looked at them with eyes full of surprise.

"Future, did you discover anything?" Long looked around vigilantly, his right hand had already been lowered, and he put it next to the holster intentionally or unintentionally.

When Zhenzhi saw the dragon's movement, he immediately clasped the dragon's right hand: "Long, wake me up, it's enough for one person to go crazy in the future, do you want to make the trouble bigger?"

"You don't know anything at all." Although Long didn't do anything else, his vigilant eyes still scanned the surroundings, looking for clues.

Zhenzhi roared angrily: "You didn't recognize the form, this is not a battlefield."

"What are you doing? Today is the GUYS Appreciation Festival." Assistant Officer Toriyama walked over angrily, panting heavily through his nostrils.

"What are you doing? GUYS members actually threatened the citizens at the Citizen Appreciation Festival. Is this how GUYS protects the citizens?" A somewhat familiar voice sounded from the crowd.

Everyone in GUYS heard the sound and looked, and saw an annoying face moving out from behind the camera, looking at everyone with a stern look: "Meet you again."

"It's you bastard." Sadaharu gritted his teeth and looked at Hirukawa.

Long Yin looked at Zhi Chuan with a sullen face: "Are you provocative?"

Hirukawa had a smug smile on his face: "I took pictures of everything, it's in this camera, what? Do you want to smash it? Come if you have the guts, hey, I will never stop..."

"Pa" Before Zhichuan finished speaking, he heard a crisp sound, and his right hand was immediately empty, and Zhichuan turned his head and saw Xingye appearing beside him at some point.

"Meet you again," Xingye raised his eyebrows, pointing to a pile of parts on the ground: "You said let me smash it, I like to do good things to satisfy you."

"You..." Zhi Chuan suddenly became furious, and Xing Ye stood there leisurely: "It seems that the lesson I taught you last time was not enough, you really belong to the cucumber."

"Very good." Zhi Chuan took a few deep breaths. The experience of being beaten up last time made him suppress his anger. He stared fiercely at Xing Ye who was dressed in casual clothes, and said: "You wait for me." Go." He left in a hurry, Xingye didn't wear the GUYS uniform, it could be attributed to a dispute among the citizens, there was no point for him to stay any longer, instead he would be beaten.

While walking, Zhichuan thought indignantly: "Just wait, you will know how powerful I am, this day is coming soon, I will definitely make you kneel at my feet."

"Crack! Crack!" A few drops of water fell from the sky and fell to the ground, turning into fragments and bursting apart, dyeing the area the size of a coin red.

"Is it raining?" Zhenzhi felt the water dripping on his body, and when he looked up, he was stunned. His superhuman eyesight allowed him to see drops of rain falling from the sky, but all the rain he saw was red , like blood.

"Ah, what is this?" Drops of rain fell on the ground and people's bodies, and many people in white shirts were terrified to find blood stains on their shirts.

"is blood?"

"My God, there is blood in the sky."


The crowd immediately became chaotic, some wanted to leave quickly, and some wanted to run into the booth to avoid the rain.

"Hurry up and evacuate the crowd." The GUYS people hurriedly began to guide the crowd to retreat in an orderly manner to prevent accidents, and the GUYS staff who maintained order in the square immediately adopted an emergency plan, quickly lowered the curtain around the square, Umbrellas were distributed to citizens. Umbrella flowers bloomed on the ground, spreading from the crowded square to all around.

"Patter!" The rain was getting heavier, falling on the ground and converging into blood-colored streams that entered the city's drainage system. The whole city was covered by this blood-colored heavy rain, and the red rain curtain dyed the whole city. It became like a bloody purgatory.

"Why is there red rain?" Mayumi said incredulously, just looking at the pouring blood rain outside made a chill rise from the bottom of my heart.

"Although I don't know why, but it's definitely not a good thing." Xingye looked at the messy square. The GUYS Citizens' Appreciation Festival ended in such a hurry. The blood rain was dyed blood, and the dark sky and the pouring blood rain were like a ghostly haunted area, which was daunting.

Just after returning to the command room, Assistant Toriyama lost his temper for the future: "What the hell is going on with you, you actually lost your temper at the citizens at the GUYS Citizen Appreciation Festival, really."

Long immediately stood up, looked at Assistant Toriyama and said, "How do you know that Mirai lost his temper? You also saw that blood rain. Mirai discovered something before he did this."

"What can we find?" Assistant Toriyama was still angry: "It was still photographed by the reporter. If Xingye didn't destroy the camera, we would be in big trouble."

Xingye sat in front of the computer, tapping the keyboard with his ten fingers quickly, rows of data quickly slid across the projector, and Zhe Ping sat next to Xingye, helping to process the vast data sent by the satellite.

Zhe Ping raised his head and said, "The bloody rain was not caused by an abnormal weather, but because of an unknown energy influence, which caused the change in the rainwater. The rainwater collected at the scene was analyzed and found to have a very weak energy reaction. Moreover, substances that do not belong to the earth were found in the rainwater."

"Did you hear that? That's not normal rain, so in the future, it's because of something that it discovered, and it's definitely not throwing your temper at the citizens indiscriminately." Long said to Assistant Officer Toriyama.

Assistant Toriyama pursed his lips: "So what?"

Zhen Nai turned to look at the future: "Future, what happened at that time?"

The future raised his head and said with an extremely serious face: "A voice told me that this is the prelude to their revenge and the beginning of the destruction of mankind. The resentful spirits that are about to recover will destroy Ultraman Mebius."

"The beginning of revenge?!" Sadaharu repeated, frowning and said: "Is it an enemy? Or is he here for revenge like the Metz people?"

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