Ultraman Senki

Chapter 674 The Power of Guardian

Before the evil Bogaru flew back and landed, Nexus disappeared again, and then suddenly appeared in front of the evil Bogaru. Nexus swung out his bent right fist and hit the evil Bogaru hard. Jia Ru's chest, sent it flying into the sky, and then Nexus disappeared again.

If you look down from the sky, you can clearly see that a red figure on the moon is flying back and forth like a football, and a golden figure is moving at a speed several times faster than the "ball". Before the phantom left by the ground dissipated, it appeared at the position where the "ball" was about to arrive, and then kicked it back. This appearance is completely at the level of the World Cup.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The sound of physical collisions was accompanied by the cracking of bones or scales. The evil Bogaru who was kicked like a ball was extremely angry, but he couldn't get rid of the current situation no matter what. , every time he just started to gather energy, Nexus kicked him flying and scattered the energy he gathered.

Nexus raised his feet again to kick the evil Bogaru away, and then disappeared again in front of the evil Bogaru, with his arms crossed together, and the Nexus armaments on both arms shone with golden light, like a little sun. If you use a high-power telescope on the earth, you can see the golden light shining on the moon.

"It's over." Nexus shouted, the golden light on his arms quickly condensed, turning into an X-shaped golden light blade that cut towards the evil Bogaru.

"How could I..." the evil Bogaru yelled loudly, but before he finished speaking, the golden light blade passed by the evil Bogaru and disappeared into the sky.

"Boom..." the evil Bogaru hit the ground fiercely, there was a clear X-shaped slit glowing with golden light on his chest, clearly illuminating the broken scales on his body.

Nexus turned around and walked away, the golden light around his body slowly dissipated, and Nexus turned into a child form again.

"Boom!" An earth-shattering explosion sounded, and a flaming mushroom cloud soared into the sky, illuminating the kilometer range behind Nexus, and endless dust was kicked up by the hurricane, rolling towards the surroundings.

The dragon's legs were already trembling due to exhaustion, but the dragon was still moving step by step with difficulty. The distance between the Ott brothers and the four aliens behind them had grown from more than 100 meters to more than 2,000 meters. , and behind the dragon is a line of clear footprints, stepping on the broken streets and bypassing the ruins.

"It should be safer here." Long carefully put down the future behind his back, took a few heavy breaths, and sweat dripped down his face, dripping on the ground, mixed with The black smoke all over his face is like the facial makeup of Peking Opera.

Long raised his right hand and took out the memory display device in his coat pocket, but he pressed it a few times in a row but there was no response. Long put his hands on his hands, pressed his mouth hard and shouted loudly: "Give me the light, hurry up and give it to me." I'm on, please."

But no matter how Long Long beat and pressed, the dusty memory display remained silent.

"Ah! Ah!" Long roared, and directly smashed the memory display device in his hand, rolled down a few times and fell into the bottomless crack on the street.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Long punched the ground forcefully, the back of his hand was already oozing blood, but Long didn't feel any pain, because the anger and pain in his heart had completely covered other feelings.

"Long... Long, don't do this. Cough!" A faint voice came from one side, and Long hurriedly turned his head to look. Future had already opened his eyes, clutching his left shoulder and trying to sit up.

"Future, are you okay?" Long raised his right hand, wiped the tears from his face with the back of his hand, and hurriedly supported Future.

Shaking his head in the future, he turned his attention to the distant battlefield. The Ott brothers faced the four aliens plus two Imprezas. You come and go, each other wins and loses.

Long also cast his gaze over there, full of resentment: "I didn't expect these souls to be so difficult to deal with, and even the Otto brothers couldn't beat them."

Holding his left shoulder in the future, he barely stood up, seeing the dilapidated ruins around him, he couldn't help clenching his fists: "I failed to protect this place."

Long took a deep breath, his face was full of anger, he suppressed his anger and said: "In the future, this is not your fault, you have tried your best. This place is very dangerous, you should leave here as soon as possible."

"What about you, dragon?"

"I want these souls to know that the earth is not a place they can wreak havoc." Long said through gritted teeth, "I promised Captain Serizawa that the earth will be protected by human hands, and I can still fight."

"I want to fight too," Future put down his right arm covering his left shoulder, took a deep breath, and showed a trace of pain on his face: "I am a member of the Space Guard, and I will never run away. The earth is an irreplaceable planet, and I I will never let this beautiful planet be destroyed by these invaders, and I will protect this planet."

Long shook his head: "Can you continue to fight now? Don't force it. Only by being alive can you do more things and protect more people. With the Ultra Brothers and GUYS, this planet will not perish. "

As Long said, he had rushed towards the Flying Wing that landed in the north at full speed. Future's right arm rested on his left shoulder, and the wound was still aching. More importantly, Future knew that his energy had been exhausted in the battle just now. Even if you want to fight, you can't do anything.

"What should I do? I want to protect this planet, and I need the strength to protect everyone," the future clenched his fists and muttered to himself, staring straight at the shrinking figure: "Without the power of Ultraman, I can't do anything..."

"Don't think so." A majestic and familiar voice came into Future's mind, making Future's eyes widen, and saw Ace kicking the Gazi star away, and pulling out his arms with a swipe. The head-decapitated light blade cut on Impreza's left shoulder, directly cutting Inpreza's left shoulder in half.

"Nothing is impossible," Ace made a fighting gesture towards the Gazians: "You must have the courage to believe. This faith has incredible power and can turn the impossible into possible."

"That's right," Seven slammed it down with an ice ax in his hand, and the ice ax directly scattered the rays of light emitted by the Nakel star, and Seven stood up straight: "No matter what kind of difficulty it is, you can't do it." Give up, only by defeating yourself can you have more powerful power."

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