Chapter 669 The Siege of Kobe

"Boom! Boom!" The sky over the entire coastal area of ​​Kobe was shrouded in puffs of black smoke rising into the sky. Thirteen robots on the ground poured lasers and electron beams madly, and buildings exploded like thunder. With the sound, it collapsed into piles of ruins with flames and black smoke.

The heavy footsteps of the robots and the constant explosions reverberate in the city. The beautiful and beautiful city has now turned into hell. Countless people who have not yet evacuated look in horror at the robots that are destroying all the way to this place in the distance. , There were bursts of explosions ringing in my ears.

A ray of golden light pierced the sky and approached rapidly from the edge of the sky. The speed was so fast that it covered a distance of several thousand meters in the blink of an eye. Crossing each other, the golden light condensed into the figure of Nexus behind Impreza.

Nexus turned his head and cast a glance at Impreza, who had a ten-meter-wide hole in his chest behind him, and stood up.

Impreza behind him exploded with a bang, and the rising flames followed Nexus who stood up, and Nexus' silver body was turned red by the raging flames.

"It's Ultraman Nexus."

"Ultraman is here, we are saved."

The crowd who was evacuating in the distance burst into cheers and looked at Nexus with great excitement.

Nexus looked at the twelve Implezas in front of him, and couldn't help but think of a robot that was very similar to the Type II Impleza. The battle at the rocket launch site left a deep impression on him. impression.

"Your appearance really annoys me," Nexus moved his hands and stared at Impreza who had turned around in front of him: "I'm going to dismantle you into parts."

On the left side of the head of the Impreza that I killed just now, there is a shallow Type I engraved on it, which is very different from the three Imprezas marked as Type II.

When looking at them from a distance, the firepower of the three Type IIs was obviously half stronger than that of the other ten. It is estimated that there will be a gap in the armor.

Starry night estimates that even Mebius can easily deal with a Type I Imperia. If the I becomes Mebius in the form of time and adds Mebius Knight Light Blade, it is estimated that it can almost deal with a Type II Imperia Leza.

The other twelve Implezas had already turned around, and the electronic eyes locked onto Nexus immediately, and the three Gatling electron beam cannons above their heads spun rapidly.

"It depends on whether you are aiming faster or I am flashing faster," Nexus raised his right arm and swiped past the energy core in front of him, a layer of bright water surged all over his body, and then a dazzling blue light burst out.

Twelve Imprezas locked onto Nexus just now, and Nexus, which was exuding blue light all over, suddenly disappeared.

All the Imprezas raised their heads in unison and looked towards the sky. Nexus had already rushed towards a Type II Imperiaza, and punched the Inpreza with lightning speed. On Plaza's chest, the powerful force brought by the high speed immediately sent the Implaza flying, and the chest was deeply sunken with a clear fist mark.

Nexus rushed to the sky as soon as he punched and was too late to close his fist. Just when his feet were more than ten meters off the ground, several laser beams penetrated several buildings and hit the place where Nexus had just stood, smashing the road Several huge pits more than ten meters deep were blasted out.

When Mebius arrived here, he saw that Nexus's speed had increased to an extremely fast level. It was completely a blue light that shuttled rapidly between twelve Imprezas. Every time the blue light stopped, there was one The Impreza was sent flying, and the most serious one already had several punch marks on its body, and the laser cannon on its shoulder was smashed crookedly.

Mebius hid behind a white cloud, raised his left arm, and the red orb in Mebius' breath shone with blue lightning, and Mebius' breath changed into Mebius' knight breath, Mebius also painted several golden patterns on his body.

Mebius raised his left arm and aimed at a Type I Impreza on the ground. The aura of the Mebem knight glowed like a flame, and there was a faint electric light beating in the flames. The light condensed into a flame-colored bow of light centered on the aura of the Mebem knight.

Mebius pulled up the condensed bowstring with his right arm, and as the bowstring tightened, energy visible to the naked eye gathered on the arrow, making the arrow several times brighter than other parts.

Mebius pulled the bowstring to the maximum and then released it. The arrow of light rushed to the ground at high speed, and the fiery red light hit the Impreza instantly like a phoenix, piercing through the top of its head. Unabated, it penetrated the I-type Impreza next to it again.

"Boom! Boom!" The two Imprezas fell to the ground immediately, and the steel around the hole pierced by Mebius' Bow of Light turned crimson red, and molten iron continued to drip down.

"Good job." Nexus quickly dodged the attacks of the five Imprezas, turned around in the air and jumped to the back of an I-type Inpreza, his right fist was covered with a layer of strong energy , punched Impreza on the back, pierced Impreza in an instant, and then poured energy into Inpreza's body continuously.

With a loud bang, the Impreza immediately exploded into pieces.

Mebius fell to the ground, raised his left arm, and a sharp Mebius Light Blade popped out from the Mebius knight's breath, and rushed towards Impreza waving.

"Mebius, why haven't you gone back?" Nexus raised his arm to block a few laser beams, and then kicked an Impreza flying out and hit the two Impreza behind him, The three Impreza authorities rolled into a ball.

"How can I go back at this time?" Mebius waved his lightsaber to block several lasers attacking him.

The arrival of Mebius attracted some of Impreza's attention. Finally, Nexus didn't have to dodge at high speed. He immediately raised his right arm and passed the energy core in front of him, and his body immediately glowed red. Covering Nexus' body, it turned into a red form.

"Come on!" Nexus collided his fists and strode towards the two I-type Imprezas gathered together.

The two Imprezas raised their arms at the same time and hit Nexus fiercely. At the same time, the muzzles on their heads and shoulders also aimed at Nexus.

"Don't underestimate me." Nexus struck out with both fists at the same time, and the sudden burst of force lifted the two Inprezas two hundred meters from the ground before they hit the ground heavily, and were hit in the chest A huge dent had been smashed out of the place where it was almost flattened. The two downed Imprezas burst into sparks like fireworks, twitched twice and then stopped moving. The parts inside were completely destroyed by Nai. Xers was smashed.

Nexus flashed a beam of electrons sideways, and grabbed the arm of the Impreza next to him with his magic hand. With five fingers, the steel arm shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Nexus swung it up suddenly. , directly threw Inpreza into the sky, and then jumped up, kicking the instep of Inpreza as the center, the huge force spread to the surroundings and directly kicked Inpreza into pieces, all over the sky The parts of the goddess are scattered like flowers.

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