Ultraman Senki

Chapter 662: Noble

"That's right," Hirukawa was completely attracted by the beauty depicted by the black shadow, and he couldn't help but nodded, licked his lips, and said with greed on his face: "I want great power, what do you want? You are a devil, and I am willing to trade with you."

"Don't want anything," Soi Ying said with a chuckle, "Put your heart full of greed and desire into the darkness, and you will gain unparalleled power."

"Then what should I do?" Hirukawa asked impatiently, his eyes glowed red, and he couldn't wait any longer.

"That's it." Black Shadow smiled.

Countless lingering black mist emerged from the surrounding void and quickly wrapped Hirukawa inside. Hirukawa stood there blankly, his eyes gradually being dyed black.

Zaki folded his black and red arms in front of him, looking at the black cocoon in front of him: "I didn't expect to find a fool so easily, and really believe that there is a free lunch in this world, only an idiot would believe it. But just right, I happen to be short of a puppet during this time, so let this guy make trouble for Noah, I hope this fool can live a little longer."

"Ka..." The door of the command room opened, and all the guys from GUYS turned their attention to the door. Mu Zhimei stood there timidly, with the glasses on her face again.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!" The alarm sounded suddenly, and Mu Zhimei hurried to her position.

The projector lit up, showing the figure of Misaki Yuki: "An abnormal electric field was captured in Dongji Mountain. It may be a monster. Please act immediately."

Captain Shuishui came in, walked quickly to the middle and said in a deep voice, "GUYS, SallyGo!"


When the Yanfenghuang arrived there, an extremely thick red mist suddenly rose from the originally calm mountain.

"What is this?" Long looked at the mist with a frown.

"Whoosh" suddenly a red tentacle-like thing flew out of the fog and hit the Yanfenghuang in the air.

"Wanyan Phoenix is ​​separated." Long immediately pressed the separation button, and the Flying Wing and Loading were separated immediately, and the red tentacles passed between the two fighters and rushed into the air.

"Huh! Huh!" The red mist quickly converged, forming a huge monster. It looks like a sunny doll, exactly the same as the red ghost that appeared in the GUYS base, but its size is dozens of times larger, the left hand is a sickle and the right hand is a few entangled whip-like arms, and the head is a smooth ball Head, with two eye-like holes and a triangular mouth, this monster looks weird no matter how it looks.

"Sure enough, it's the disc creature Nobe." Zhe Ping couldn't help nodding: "I didn't expect the disc creature to come to the earth again, and I suddenly had a bad feeling."

"Attack!" Long shouted, driving the Flying Wing towards the disc creature at high speed, and pressed the attack button forcefully.

Three fighter jets rushed towards the disc creature Noble on the ground in a fan shape, laser beams whizzed and hit him, splashing a series of sparks, Nobe kept waving his whip and sickle, Can't hit the nimble three fighters.

The disc creature Nobe raised his head, a puff of red smoke spewed out from the triangular mouth, and spread quickly, dyeing the surrounding space red.

"What are these things?" The dragon flew cautiously around the edge of the red mist. The first rule of battle is not to easily break into the things sprayed out by monsters.

"It's definitely not a good thing." Zhenzhi said to the screen and said: "Captain, use the meteor technology, and watch me blow them all away."

"Yeah," Captain Shuishui nodded, "Meteor technology is lifted!"

"Maneuvering mode, start!" Sadaharu pulled the meteor engine loader and immediately unfolded layers of light wings, the wings on both sides were unfolded, the turbines were spinning rapidly, and two huge tornadoes quickly rolled towards the red mist below. , rolled all the red mist into the tornado, followed the tornado and flew into the sky.

The red mist had just rolled up into the sky, and when it touched the fast-rotating turbine, the turbine immediately flickered with bad sparks and made a sound of "呵! 呵!".

"Ding! Ding!" The siren sounded, and Zhenzhi hurriedly looked down, and was shocked to find that the Bullinger fan had stopped working.

"The Bullinger fan is out of order," Sadaharu yelled into the headset, "there's something wrong with these red mist."

"Nani?" Long was taken aback, and hurriedly turned his head to look at the position of the loading number. The two tornadoes had dissipated, and because of the tornado, the area of ​​the mist was even wider.

"Let's go to the ground to attack." Long quickly thought of a countermeasure.

The three fighter jets slowly landed on the ground, and the four raised their Turaiga guns and launched an attack on the disc creature Nobe, and laser beams hit Nobe's body, splashing fierce sparks.

However, after attacking for a long time, the effect was not great. Apart from making Nobel become irritable, it had no effect.

The body of the disc creature Nuobei was like a piece of red cloth, but the red cloth made it walk on the ground, forcing it towards the four of GUYS, spraying out puffs of red mist while walking.

Future took two steps back and ran to the nearby shelter, immediately summoned the breath of Mebius, raised his left arm and shouted: "Mebius!"

A fiery red beam of light rushed up, condensing the figure of Mebius in mid-air, Mebius turned over in the air, and kicked the disc creature Nobe.

Kicking Nuobei out all at once, Mebius landed steadily on the ground, and raised his fighting hand towards Nuobei.

Nuobei kept shaking his body and strode towards Mebius. Mebius kicked off the ground with his right leg, stepped forward with both legs, and rushed towards Nuobei quickly.

Nuobei waved his sickle and slashed at Mebius, Mebius immediately dodged sideways, and at the same time, he slashed at Nuobei's body with the knife in his right hand, knocking Nuobei back a few steps.

Mebius took two steps forward and kicked Noble to the ground with a side kick.

The battle of Mebius was displayed on the big screen in the GUYS command room in real time, and Mu Zhimei secretly cheered Mebius with her small fists clenched with excitement on her face.

On the screen, Mebius has already used continuous attacks to beat the disc creature Nobe to the point of being unable to take care of himself. He punched Nobe and then began to gather energy to emit Mebium rays.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!" At this moment, a rapid siren suddenly sounded in the command room.

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