Ultraman Senki

Chapter 66 Original Sin - Jealousy

"He's out of battery!" Lina was a little surprised.

The Phoenix took the opportunity to attack and several missiles roared towards the monster, hitting the monster's body and splashing strong sparks and flames soaring into the sky. The beaten monster roared in pain and kept backing away.

Dijia took the opportunity to grab the monster's neck and slashed the monster half-kneeling on the ground with a hand knife, then raised his knee and hit the monster's chin, the monster looked up from the giant force, but saw a huge black shadow smashed down . An iron fist hit the monster on the forehead, knocking the monster dizzy, and the monster fell powerlessly. When Dijia jumped back and was about to gather energy, he was surprised to find that the monster's body began to flash with lightning, and then disappeared suddenly, leaving a small figure lying there on the beach.

"Ah!" Lina opened her mouth in disbelief, and even Zong Fang, who was at the back, grabbed the seat and looked down in surprise: "It turned out to be human!"

Dijia was also a little surprised and stood there for a while, and then found that the human being lying there had become weaker and weaker. He was silent for a while, then stretched out his hand and flew into the sky and disappeared.

Xingye was lying on his back on the ground, the burning pain in his chest made him feel unbearable pain even if he moved a little more, and the wound on his leg was even more unbearable pain. Picked up the shockwave launcher and pulled the trigger towards the sky.

At this moment, a ray of light shot straight into the sky like fireworks and exploded at a height of 100 meters.

"What are these? Fireworks?" Lina looked at the light that looked like fireworks exploding beside the Phoenix.

"What is that?" Zong Fang pointed at a UFO that was rushing towards us in surprise. stone stuff.

"Stone? How is it possible?" Lina couldn't believe her eyes.

I saw the stone aircraft landed obliquely in the building complex, and the Phoenix quickly followed it, but when the Phoenix was still there, it saw a silver-white aircraft rising slowly and then quickly disappearing again. the horizon.

"What is that thing?" Zong Fang asked suspiciously, but he didn't have time to think about it. They still had a lot of things to deal with. Like the monster on the beach who turned into a man, or the man who turned into a monster.

Out of breath, Horei ran to the beach, but was shocked to find that the man lying on the beach turned out to be his good friend Ryosuke Sanada.

"Ryosuke? How is it possible?" Hori widened his eyes and looked at Ryosuke who was slowly getting up: "You use your own to do the Ebolon experiment!"

"Haha!" Ryosuke covered his chest and laughed loudly: "Ablen can enhance the quality of people, and now I am much stronger than before. You just saw my majestic appearance. Haha..."

"Why did you do this?" Hori could not understand the behavior of this former friend.

"Do you know? Before I met you, I had never failed, but you made me fail twice. One was for Sayaka's breath-holding match, and the other was for qualifying for the winning team. I failed both." Ryosuke Glaring at Horii: "No matter what I do, I will be the first. If I am not the first, no one will love me. That's why I transplanted Ablon cells. I want to regain what you took from me Shi, why did you beat me." Ryosuke finally shouted with all his strength.

"Ryosuke, that's not right." Sayaka ran over and looked sadly at Ryosuke, who was already extremely weak, and said, "Like Hori, he has short legs, is fat, and likes to tell some silly jokes, but he is full of shortcomings. .”

Hori was on the verge of being petrified when he heard it. In the eyes of the former goddess Sayaka, he was such an image. The corners of Hori's mouth twitched a few times. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion and atmosphere, he would have ORZed.

"But even though he has so many shortcomings, people still like him." Sayaka said: "Your thinking is wrong."

"You don't understand my mood at all." Ryosuke looked at them and said.

"Of course we understand," Horei yelled, "Aren't we friends? Why didn't you tell us? Didn't we talk about everything back then?"

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Ryosuke looked up to the sky and laughed, then fell down on the beach weakly: "You don't understand me!"

Sayaka knelt down next to Ryosuke's lifeless body, covered her face and cried in pain, and Hori looked at her closest friend with complicated eyes: "Ryosuke, everyone has dark corners, and you lost to the one in your heart." Sleep well, and don’t compare yourself with others.” At the end, Horei knelt down next to his friend’s corpse and wept uncontrollably, tears falling on the beach and mixing with the sea water.

Everyone in the victory team stood there from afar and watched Hori, who was always happy, but now he was in great pain and sadness. They had never seen such Hori, so sad and sad.

The former friend has always been extremely jealous and hated him, which made Horei feel pain and regret. He blamed himself very much if there hadn't been that ridiculous game back then, maybe they are still the closest friends now, just as good as they were at school back then.

Zongfang came over and patted Horei on the shoulder, silently comforting Horei. Horei wiped away his tears and stood up, his eyes were bloodshot and there were traces of tears on his face. Without the usual joyful and playful look, it seems that the whole person has aged a lot all of a sudden.

"Although the command is too much, can you not report that Ryosuke is that monster? I know it's too much, but he is dead. I don't want him to be disturbed by the world after death." Hori said pleadingly, if Let people know that Ryosuke can transform from a human into a monster after transplanting Ablon cells, those crazy people will never give up such an excellent sample, even if the sample is dead, no, maybe the dead sample is more important to them tempting.

Zong Fang nodded vigorously: "I see, I will report to the captain."

"Thank you! Thank you very much." Hori bowed deeply before Ryosuke got up.

A black mist that was hard to see with the naked eye rushed out of Ryosuke's body and quickly disappeared into the sky. Dagu came over just as he disappeared. And in a dark space, Faust proudly watched the black mist that just flew over whirled in his palm.

"Haha, the darkness in human hearts is really too pure. It only takes a simple challenge to harvest so much dark power. It won't take long for me to collect enough dark power to evolve to a higher level Hahaha..." Faust's triumphant laughter echoed in the space.

Xingye lay with his eyes closed in a sea of ​​golden light, the light attached to the wound and the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the evolutionary believer on the right hand kept flickering with Xingye's heartbeat. And in the blood of Xingye's body, countless tiny light particles flowed with the circulation of the blood, penetrating into every part of the body, and almost every cell was filled with light particles that shone with yellow chicken-colored light.

The split of the Space Development Bureau has actually started, and the research department of the Space Development Bureau was integrated into the research department under the leadership of the director under the pretext of this accident. The current Space Development Agency is like a delicious meal, and everyone is waving their knives and forks eager to get a piece of it.

In a luxuriously decorated office on the top floor of the Central Building of the Space Development Agency, Shimadzu Hago, who was already in his fifties, was sitting on an expensive leather chair, lying on the back of the chair exhaustedly.

Sighing with emotion, he laughed at himself: "I didn't expect the Space Development Bureau to fall to such a point. It's really ironic."

Recalling the glory days of the Space Development Agency, it can be said that even Director Sawai needs to respect his opinion, because they have the most powerful scientific research team and represent the highest technology in the world, and their space exploration plan also represents the future of mankind and hope. No one dared to look directly at the behemoth, let alone challenge his authority, until... that boy appeared.

Shimadzu Hago still remembers the first time he saw that boy, with a thin body and wearing a slightly baggy black top, but he talked freely at the TPC general staff meeting. His eloquence and genius brain made most of the staff members who participated in the meeting agree to his plan, which seemed to Shimadzu Hago to be whimsical - to establish a purely scientific research department and a force responsible for earth security.

The result of the meeting was that Xingye, who was not even as old as his grandson at that time, became one of the top executives of TPC, and TPC allocated a lot of resources and manpower for its deployment, making the research department take shape quickly.

Then, in just half a year, hundreds of scientific research results that could be quickly put into practical use were produced. In particular, the new materials and ultra-high-strength alloys developed by the team led by him made the current Far East base possible.

In less than four years, the research department under his leadership has left the research department of the Space Development Bureau behind. Everyone knows that only there is the holy land of scientific research. Thousands of scientists and more than ten times as many assistants and scientific research personnel, research institutes and laboratories are all over the world and all walks of life. The former leader, the Institute of Space Development Agency, has been forgotten by the world. It has even been proposed to merge the research institute of the Space Development Agency into the research department of the TPC.

This time, the Ebolon Project is a desperate plan of the Institute of the Space Development Agency. As long as it succeeds, it can achieve world-renowned results. It can remain independent instead of being annexed by the research department that was despised at the beginning.

"I actually lost to a young man. I am getting more and more regressed as I live. Maybe this is not bad. Now that I am retired, they will give me a decent result." Shimadzu Yugo thought very decadently, a series of blows It has made him lose his aggressiveness.

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