Chapter 643 The Recovery of Darkness

"Meteor technology, lift the ban!" Captain Sui Shui in the command room immediately shouted at the screen and gave an order.

"Maneuvering mode, turn it on!" Long, Sadaharu, and Marina pulled the meteor engine at the same time, and the three fighter jets glowed with golden light, and at the same time spread layers of light wings, rushing towards the oncoming enemy at a faster speed Tino Zoru.

"Ang!" Di Nuozuolu had already seen the three fighters on the opposite side, let out a low growl from his throat, and spit out an invisible beam of iron-slashing light from his wide-open mouth, and quickly cut through the air and slashed at the three fighters.

"Spiral defensive wall, start!" Zhennai pulled the joystick, and the booster immediately spun, and layers of light wings formed a spherical defensive wall to block the front of Zhan Tie's light.

"Boom" accompanied by a crisp impact sound, the beam of Zhan Tie was immediately bounced off, and the booster was also pushed back more than ten meters by the impact.

"And me?" Sadaharu had already flown the Loader to the sky above Tinozoro, and shouted, "Bulinger Fan, turn it on."

The turbines on the two wings rotated quickly, and two tornadoes filled with electric currents were blown up, instantly sandwiching Di Nuo Zoru between the two tornadoes, and the endless current immediately made Di Nuo Zoru feel paralyzed and lost control. The body couldn't help turning with the tornado, completely at the mercy of the tornado.

Sadaharu pulled the joystick, and the loader immediately raised its nose, and the tornado spun and threw Tinozoru, who was completely powerless to fight back, into the sky.

"It's not over yet," Long shouted, and pressed the attack button: "Spaceum missile launch."

Dozens of missiles emitting white smoke roared and hit Di Nozolu, who was still spinning in the air, and exploded with a loud noise. The surrounding white clouds were immediately dispersed by the shock wave generated by the explosion, revealing the clear blue sky. The flames exploding all over the sky can be seen clearly even tens of thousands of meters away.

"Boom..." Di Nuo Zoru, who was covered in black smoke, fell from the air and hit the ground heavily, lying motionless in the hollow made by the blow, the scales all over his body were blown to pieces, and the two There is only half of the long tail left.

"Dino Zoru, he has lost his life response." Zhe Ping said happily looking at the computer screen.

Dragon drove the Wing around Tinozoru who was emitting black smoke on the ground, but he was saying in his heart: "You should have seen it, Captain Serizawa, this is the present that you entrusted to me. GUYS, we have shouldered the responsibility of protecting the earth."

And at the foot of this barren mountain, a black figure stood on a stone by the stream, staring at the corpse of Di Nuozuolu in the distance: "These four guys are looking for that powerful life soul for me? In return, I'll just help them hold you back. I can't let you bother the four of them."

Speaking of that, the black shadow stretched out his hand, and the black robe that slid down revealed a black and red arm. The black right hand released a thick black mist, which immediately merged into Tino Zoru's body.

The four of GUYS just walked into the command room, and saw Assistant Toriyama who greeted him with a smile on his face: "Oh, it's hard work, everyone! As long as you continue to maintain the current state, you can easily defeat the monsters." ah."

"Of course, we are GUYS!" Long sat down and said proudly.

"It's strange," Zhe Ping looked at the screen with a bitter expression, "Di Nuo Zoru's polarity is actually reversed, how could such a thing happen?"

"What's the matter?" Long Wenyan stood up immediately, walked towards Zhe Ping quickly, looked at the computer screen in front of Zhe Ping, and saw a rising curve on it, which made Long feel a little puzzled.

"Di Nuo Zoru is not dead, this guy has come back to life." Zhe Ping raised his head in shock, and played the picture on the projector.

Di Nuozuolu, who was emitting wisps of black smoke, slowly swayed, and then stood up suddenly, with his head down and his tail up. The thick legs retracted into the body immediately, and then two small heads protruded from the original position of the legs.

And the paws that were originally together separated and stretched rapidly, like four tentacles, swinging on the back.

The original upper limbs began to extend, turning into two thick soles. The broken scales all over his body fell to the ground like shedding skin, revealing the new shiny black scales inside.

"He came back to life again." Sadaharu couldn't believe his eyes. At that time, Tinozolu was blown up by the Spaceum missile, leaving only a pile of meat.

"The ganglion at the tip of the tail is expanding, forming a new brainstem. His head has now become two. How could this happen?" Zhe Ping's tone was full of disbelief.

"Ang!" Di Nuozuolu roared with both heads at the same time, and the loud voice echoed in the mountains.

"Hoo! Hoo!" There were two extremely slight cracking sounds, and the mountain on the left of Di Nuozuolu immediately made a cracking sound. Looking carefully, the 200-meter-high mountain peak has been moved from the top to the top. It was cut into three sections, and the fracture was so smooth that it could be used as a mirror.

"Ang!" Di Nuo Zoru roared happily, looking very satisfied with the effect he had created. With heavy steps, he stepped on the trees under his feet and strode towards the distance.

"Even this has become two." Long said in astonishment.

Xingye stared closely at the two-headed Dino Zoru, especially since this guy was polarity reversed.

"Where is Zhe Ping going?" Long turned around and asked.

"According to his current route, the Xionggu Dam is 30 kilometers away." Zhe Ping raised his head and replied.

"Very well, let's go, this time he will definitely be blown to pieces." Long said confidently.

"But even with my dynamic vision, it is very difficult to see these two invisible whip-like tongues." Sadaharu frowned.

Marina interjected: "I am the same, and I don't have the confidence to distinguish two fast-moving voices."

"Then let's use artificial monsters," Xingye said, lifting the box on one side, "Maybe the laser beam on Wuyingdam's forehead and the cannon on his left arm can deal with Di Nuo Zoru, and he will attract Di Nuo Zoru's attention." Let’s attack from the side.”

"Then Migras has no chance to play?" Mu Zhimei said sentimentally.

"Now is not the time to worry about this." Long looked at Mu Zhimei helplessly.

"Migras also needs to be dispatched to attack Tinozoro with a long-range electric beam."

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