Ultraman Senki

Chapter 603 The sword is Ultraman?

"It's a lie, how could this guy be an Ultraman?" Sadaharu looked at the black-clothed man in front of him in astonishment, but he saw with his own eyes that the sword shot light at Bogaru without any hesitation. Regardless of Mebius being there, the ruins in the K area haven't been cleaned up yet.

"Ultraman?" Jian glanced at Sadaharu: "Is that what humans call us?"

"Hmph, how does this guy act like Ultraman?" Long looked at the sword indignantly.

"I have already thrown away the so-called Ultra Heart," Jian said indifferently, "for revenge."

"Revenge?!" Zhennai was taken aback, the sky of Planet Arbor had turned into night, and the countless crystals on the earth shone with dazzling light, turning the entire planet into daytime, as if being in an ocean of light.

Marina had no time to think about anything else, only this beautiful planet in her eyes.

"Ang!" A familiar roar sounded in everyone's ears, and an ugly figure descended from the sky, wrapped in blood-red light and standing in the incomparably pure light.

"Bogaru!" Future was shocked.

While roaring, Bogaru devoured the densely packed crystal pillars on the ground with a speed as fast as a harvester, and soon the pure light covering the entire planet dimmed.

"The Miracle Star is shrouded in terrifying blood." Jian's tone became a little bleak and sad: "When I returned with the power I finally obtained, what I saw was a planet that had been shrouded in death. Bogaru and I There was a fight, but I lost, not even keeping Bogaru."

The blue Ultraman on the screen is waving the lightsaber in his hand and attacking Bogaru indiscriminately. GUYS can see that the attack of the blue giant has no tricks at all, and it is just attacking randomly to vent the anger in his heart. The color giant lost quickly, and Bogaru devoured all the crystal pillars and left leisurely.

"Damn it!" Marinai looked angrily at Bogaru who was going away.

There is a layer of dark clouds over the planet Arbor, and the earth is plunged into darkness. There is no trace of greenery, only a large desert is left, and the planet full of vitality has now become a dead silence.

"Annoyance, remorse, everything is meaningless, this miracle star in the universe has completely died." The voice of the sword was full of sadness and anger: "At that time, I heard The groaning and resentful cries of the destroyed Arbor lifeform."

On the screen, the blue giant beat the ground angrily, splashing violent dust every time, and everyone could feel the sadness and anger in his heart.

Then countless illusory shadows flew up from the ground and rushed towards the blue Ultraman who was kneeling on the ground. These shadows converged into a dark silver armor that wrapped the blue Ultraman inside.

"Then I understood that what I need now is not remorse, but to wear this armor and take revenge. This is the mission entrusted to me by Abo Undead." Jian said in an extremely firm tone: "I have visited countless Planet, I found some clues. I know that guy is from the Bogaru family. They are high-dimensional predators. They regard this universe as a predation field. They are monsters that devour all life. Under the fangs of the Bogaru family, Countless planets were destroyed."

"Bogaru belong to the same family, that is to say, this Bogaru on earth is just one of them, isn't it a lie?!" Sadaharu couldn't believe what he heard. Jia Ru didn't know one species but a race.

"Bogaru is strong and weak. The Bogaru who destroyed the planet Abo is the strongest in the Bogaru family, but he is not the strongest." Jian said solemnly: "If you don't have the determination to die, you can't do it." The one who defeated Bogaru."

"Is that why you fought Bogaru at the bottom of the sea last time?" Future couldn't help but ask.

"I'm still wearing Abo's revenge armor, even if I die, I will defeat Bogaru." Jian said decisively: "No one can stop me."

"Nani?" Long was taken aback, then looked at Jian angrily, "Your body belongs to Captain Serizawa."

"Hmph." The surrounding environment has returned to the original gravel forest, Jian glanced at the dragon and turned around, the dazzling blue light emitted from his body disappeared immediately.

"Crack!" The door of the command room opened, and Assistant Toriyama inside immediately greeted him: "Great, great, everyone has worked hard, this is the first time GUYS has eliminated a monster with its own strength, everyone do it It's really good."

Secretary Maru followed Assistant Toriyama, stuck his head out and said, "That's right, the headquarters will reward you as well, and the assistant doesn't have to worry about how to respond to reporters' questions."

"It doesn't matter if you don't say these words."

But none of the four people who came in showed a smile on their faces, walked in without saying a word, and sat in their seats.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Assistant Toriyama looked at the four of them with a puzzled face: "Why are you so upset that the monster has been eliminated?"

"Maybe it's because I thought that only one monster was eliminated, and Bogaru ran away." Secretary Maru whispered in Assistant Toriyama's ear.

"Really?" Toriyama nodded with a sudden realization: "Although it's a pity that we couldn't wipe out all the monsters, it's already a great improvement. Hahaha!"

"Everyone doesn't seem so happy?" Mu Zhimei turned her head and whispered to Zhe Ping.

"En! En!" Zhe Ping nodded in agreement, and said in a low voice: "It seems that something is not going well again, maybe it has something to do with the blue giant last time."

"Crack!" The door of the command room opened, and Xingye walked in with a report: "The performance in actual combat is not bad, but there are a few points that need to be paid attention to..."

Before Xingye finished speaking, Assistant Toriyama walked over angrily: "Who are you? How can people come here casually?"

"Ah, who are you?" Xingye looked at the aggressive little old man in front of him, and asked with his head tilted.

"This is Assistant Officer Toriyama, who is also the spokesperson of our GUYS," Captain Susuzu who came in later introduced, "This is Dr. Xingye sent by the headquarters to be in charge of GUYS's weapon development."

"Hey, why didn't I hear that the headquarters is going to send someone?" Assistant Toriyama was stunned, and his proud face suddenly burst into tears, looking like he was about to cry: "Don't the headquarters trust me anymore? Why? No one informed me."

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