Ultraman Senki

Chapter 600 GUYS's First Victory

"Now I will let you know the results of our hard training." Sadaharu shouted, and at the same time pulled the joystick next to him: "The Bollinger fan is on."

The two turbines on the wings rotated rapidly, quickly forming two long tornadoes that enveloped Gudun inside. As the loading number rose, Gudun, which was rotating like a top, was also swept into the sky.

With a loud "bang", the ground trembled violently. Gu Dun fell directly from a height of hundreds of meters and hit the ground heavily. I couldn't stand up on the ground for half a day.

"Spaceum missile launch." Long shouted, and dozens of special warhead missiles with white smoke flew out from the flying wing, whistling and hitting Gudun's body everywhere.

The constant explosions made Gu Dun tremble all over, and finally lay there motionless, letting the subsequent Spitium missiles hit him.

"Boom" A more violent explosion sounded, and Gu Dun was immediately blown into pieces and turned into flames all over the sky.

"Ah!" Mu Zhimei and Zhe Ping cheered and jumped up from their seats, embracing each other excitedly. Within a second, Mu Zhimei pushed Zhe Ping out, and made Zhe Ping sit back on the chair.

"Great." Long and Future shook their fists excitedly. This was the first time that GUYS really relied on his own strength to eliminate monsters.

"You guys." The woman in white appeared on the top of the mountain, and looked at the two fighter jets moving in phantom in the air with great anger: "You dare to kill my food, I will swallow you."

As she said that, the woman in white suddenly swelled dozens of times, turning into an incomparably huge Bogaru.

"Bogaru!" Zheping's cheers didn't last for a few seconds, and Bogaru, whom he least wanted to see now, appeared on the screen.

"Look at me to deal with you." Long said, turning the body and rushing towards Bogaru quickly.

"You actually destroyed our wings, I will never let you go this time." Zhenzhi shouted loudly and rushed over.

Bogaru watched the two shining golden fighter jets rushing towards him quickly, narrowed his slender eyes, and stood there motionless like a poisonous snake waiting to be preyed upon.

"Open the Bullinger Fan." Sadaji repeated his old strategy and launched the attack first. Two tornadoes whizzed down, enveloping Bogaru inside.

But unexpectedly, Bogaru's body didn't move at all, and the huge power of the tornado couldn't affect it at all.

"No way?" Long couldn't help being startled, but he quickly launched an attack. Dozens of Spesium missiles roared towards Bogaru.

Bogaru's slender eyes bent, as if mocking, raised his arms and released several electric shock rays, covering all the Spyium missiles inside.

"Boom! Boom!" The Spitium missile was detonated immediately, and the power of dozens of Spitium missiles exploding together was astonishing. The drastic airflow change caused the two fighter jets to lose their balance immediately, and they rolled and flew away. Ryu and Sadaharu pulled the joystick desperately to keep the plane from falling.

"Damn it." Long looked at Bogaru very angrily. At this moment, the countdown on the screen reset to zero, all the wings of light converged, the golden light all over his body disappeared, and the fighter jet returned to cruise mode.

Bo Jiaru stretched out his hands and aimed at the Flying Wing in the distance, and the strong thought force immediately wrapped the fighter. Long and Future immediately felt that something was wrong, because the fighter was completely stagnant.

"What's wrong?" Long repeatedly pushed the joystick, the engine roared, but the Flying Wing was still suspended in the air, motionless.

"Hahaha!" Bogaru laughed triumphantly, swung his right hand violently, and the Flying Wing suddenly swung to the right following his movement.

"Ah!" Long immediately let out a scream, and the instantly increased turning force pressed on Long's body, making him feel a little suffocated. The huge pressure squeezed the blood vessels and made his eyes go dark. There were sparks everywhere, and it was obvious that it had done a lot of damage just now.

"Dragon, Mirai!" Sadaharu and Marina were anxious, and rushed to attack Bogaru's body with laser beams hitting Bogaru's body, just splashing sparks, like tickling, Bogaru didn't care at all, he just wanted to Torture the guy who killed his own food.

A blue beam of light rose from the ground, condensing a huge blue giant.

The sword rushed towards Bogaru, and halfway through, the knightly breath on his right arm had condensed a dazzling blue lightsaber.

"Aha!" The sword swung its arm and slashed at Bogaru, and Bogaru hurriedly dodged to dodge.

The flying wing that got out of control hastily left here, but the speed of the flying wing was constantly decreasing, and it was obviously unable to participate in the battle.

"The Flying Wing has lost its power, and now it is landing on the ground to fight!" Long reported while lowering the Flying Wing to the ground.

The sword danced and the knight's beam blade continuously launched attacks towards Bogaru, the blade pierced the air and let out a scream.

Bogaru's claws clamped the knight's beam blade, and his eyes suddenly shot two dark purple lightsabers to hit the sword's body.

"Boom" amidst the violent sparks, the sword staggered back a few steps before stopping. Just when he raised his head, he saw a huge claw enlarging in his pupils. Bogaru had already taken advantage of the victory to pursue, fierce slapped on the body of the sword.

There was an unpleasant rubbing sound of "呲啦", followed by dazzling sparks, Jian hummed and couldn't help taking a few steps back.

Bogaru threw several light bullets with both hands and caught up with the retreating sword. Amidst the violent explosion, the sword flew out and hit the ground heavily, clutching his chest in pain.

"Hahaha, Jian, your strength seems to have weakened." Bogaru's slender eyes bent proudly: "You will be eaten by me just like Abo."

"Abo's revenge hasn't been avenged yet?" Jian roared inwardly, and got up little by little with his arms supporting the ground.

But before he stood up, Bogaru kicked the sword fiercely on the chest, kicked it flying, and smashed it heavily on the mountain wall, the mountain shattered immediately, and the rubble rolled down almost The sword is buried.

"Hahaha!" Bogaru smiled triumphantly, and with a light bullet, he knocked out the twin-tailed monster who was struggling to burrow into the ground, and walked towards the fallen sword, intending to eat him first.



Just as Bogaru took a step forward, a scorching flame ball flew from the ground and hit him with violent sparks.

"Huh?" Bogaru looked in the direction of the attack in doubt, and Long held up the laser gun and shouted at Bogaru: "Stand up, Captain Serizawa. How could the Captain Serizawa I know be so easy?" What about being defeated?"

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