Ultraman Senki

Chapter 591 Fight without scruples

"Ha!" Mebius put on a fighting posture towards Bogaru, and then strode towards Bogaru.

Bogaru roared, raised his arms and continuously fired black and purple light bullets at Mebius.

Mebius rolled forward on the spot, dark purple light bullets flew over his head, piercing the air and screaming.

And Mebius didn't get up immediately, but stretched out his right leg and kicked Bogaru's abdomen, kicked Bogaru back a few steps, and then got up immediately. Pounced on Bogaru and grabbed Bogaru's shoulders with both hands, trying to knock Bogaru down with both arms.

But even though Mebius exhausted his strength, he only shook Bogaru's body a few times, and he couldn't bring him down no matter what. On the contrary, Bogaru threw Mebius out with a strong wave of his hand, and hit a building on his back, crushing that building into pieces.

"Ha!" Mebius supported the ground with both arms, and shook his dizzy head vigorously. Gravel and rubble fell from his back and hit the ground, splashing puffs of smoke and dust.

Bogaru had already strode over, and slapped Mebius on the back with his claws indiscriminately. When he was about to slap Mebius to the ground again, his abdomen hit the bricks and rubble hard, almost Bury it in.

As if he was still angry, Bogaru raised his right foot and stepped on Mebius' back fiercely, one foot after another, each foot made the ground shake heavily.

"You bastard." Long shouted: "Stop it."

The Flying Wing and Loader turned around and launched an attack on Bogaru who was constantly attacking Mebius, and beams of light pierced the air and rushed towards Bogaru.

"You humble ants, come down for me." Bogaru turned his head, his slender eyes suddenly bent, and a strong thought force came out through his body, and ripples appeared in the air immediately.

The laser whizzed towards it, but when it was more than ten meters away from Bogaru, it suddenly turned back as if it had hit a mirror.

"What?" Sadaharu, who had the best eyesight, had already seen it, and hurriedly pulled the joystick. The loading number had just started to lift, and the laser had already hit the tail of the loading number, while the flying wing number was directly hit on the wing.

The hit parts of the two fighter jets immediately exploded and burst into flames, falling to the ground with black smoke.

"Longsang, Sadaharu!" Mebius lay on the ground, stretched out his hand but could only watch the two fighter jets falling continuously, he was unable to rescue him at all, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up and fight back against Bogaru.

"Hahaha!" Bogaru laughed triumphantly, turned his head to look at Mebius on the ground: "Your taste is not bad, so let me eat it."

As Bogaru said, he was about to spread his wings, Mebius rolled on the ground, away from Bogaru, his right hand swipe across the breath of Mebius on his left arm, and a light blade cut towards Bogaru .

Bogaru was totally unprepared, and was immediately hit straight, and strong sparks splashed from his left shoulder, which made Bogaru furious.

"Cough! Cough!" The black-faced dragon coughed and jumped out of the cockpit of the Flying Wing, bent over and coughed a few times, looking at the Flying Wing behind him, which was basically finished. , took off the helmet and threw it on the ground fiercely: "Damn, hate!"

The dragon was extremely resentful, the wings he had painted by himself had fallen off twice, and each time it was the same monster, the same powerless to fight back.

"You bastard." The dragon's teeth clicked, and he took out the Tulayga gun hanging on his waist, closed the second barrel and just raised his peripheral vision, but saw a figure in front of the left .

Long turned his head and looked at an extremely familiar person standing in the shade of a tree on the side of the road more than 20 meters away, staring directly at Mebius and Bogaru who were fighting between tall buildings.

"Captain Serizawa," Long said with a surprise smile on his face, and hurried over: "You are Captain Serizawa, right? I have a lot to say to you, so please listen to me, okay?"

Captain Serizawa didn't even look at him, he raised his right arm, and a blue light shone on the right arm, forming a blue scabbard-like armguard.

"Ah!" Long stopped and looked at the sudden appearance of the scabbard in astonishment, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

I saw him raising his left arm, holding a small sword in his left hand and inserting it into the scabbard of his right arm. The combined small sword immediately shone with a dazzling blue light. The victory of the light made the dragon have no choice but to Raising his arms to cover his eyes, even so, he still tried his best to open his eyes wide and resist the light to look over there.

The light quickly subsided, Long put down his arms and immediately opened his mouth wide, eyes widened, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief, and said in a jerky tone: "Serizawa...captain?! You're lying."

The eyes of the familiar figure standing there disappeared, and what appeared in front of him was a blue giant with a height of tens of meters, standing on the road, and the houses on both sides were as low as toys.

The sword immediately raised his right arm, and the knight aura on the right arm immediately shone with a strong electric light, then bent his right arm, crossed his arms in front of him, and then synthesized a cross shape and released a rainbow-colored light, directly hitting the opponent compared to Meng Bogaru fighting with Us.

"Sword!" Bogaru said angrily, and slapped Mebius on the shoulder, knocking Mebius to the ground, and he had entered a different space and disappeared.

Mebius was half kneeling on the ground and just raised his head when he saw a rainbow-colored light expanding in front of his eyes. Mebius hurriedly dodged sideways, but it was too late, the light rubbed against Mebius' shoulder However, it penetrated several buildings and bombarded the ground.

"Oh! Ah!" Mebius fell to the ground clutching his left shoulder, crying out in pain, feeling as if his shoulder had been sliced ​​by a knife, and then heard a loud bang behind him.

Mebius endured the pain and turned around to look, and was stunned immediately, billowing thick smoke straight into the sky, the flames produced by the explosion had a range of one or two hundred meters wide, and all the buildings within hundreds of meters around the explosion were shaken down The originally neat and clean streets were now shattered into pieces of asphalt, and even the glass of the buildings thousands of meters away were all shattered into pieces.

"Ugh!" Mebius looked at the almost ruined city in bewilderment, and the pain in his shoulder became numb or even numb.

"Ha!" The sword didn't feel anything, and with a flick of his right arm, a blue knight beam blade was condensed from the knight's breath, and the sword waved the lightsaber in his hand and rushed towards Borg who had just come out of a different space Ru.

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