Ultraman Senki

Chapter 589 The Realized Monster Doll

"Damn it, hate it!" The woman in white stood on the tallest building in the city, staring at the small vase in the distance with her eyes spanning thousands of meters. Guard the guy.

"What's wrong? Do you really want to eat?" A gloomy voice sounded in the ears of the woman in white, which startled the woman in white. She quickly dodged to the roof of the building next to her, and looked at herself just now. Where I was, but there was nothing there.

"Why are you so excited?" The gloomy voice came from behind again, like a tarsal maggot.

"Who are you?" The woman in white said with a gloomy face, she couldn't even detect the source of the voice, and where it was.

"I also see that guy is very upset, so I will definitely destroy what that guy wants to protect." A gloomy voice sounded in his ear: "So do you really want to eat?"

"What are you helping me with?"

"Hehe," the gloomy voice laughed twice, and there were two heavy objects hitting the ground: "This is a boring thing made by a boring person, you can use it to attract their attention, Then swallow what you want."

After finishing speaking, the voice disappeared, and the woman in white lowered her head to see that two doll-like things fell under her feet, but they exuded a palpitating power of darkness.

"Really? Is this it?" Bogaru opened his right hand and the doll on the ground automatically rose up and fell into his palm: "Go!" With the wave of Bogaru's palm, the power of darkness in his body Immediately activating the two dolls, the two dolls rapidly grew in size in the black mist, and within a few seconds they turned into huge monsters tens of meters high.

And here Xingye and five people from GUYS are watching GUYS' engineering team, their experience is so rich. It only took a few minutes to build a simple platform, all made of thick steel plates, connected by thick metal columns for reinforcement.


Just when the apron had just been built, two heavy slamming sounds came from a distance, the sound was very small, even subtle.

"Ang! Aang!" A shrill siren sounded in GUYS's command room, and Mu Zhimei hurriedly tapped the keyboard and began to check the satellite image: "A monster appeared in the urban area."

Zhe Ping stared at the two huge monsters on the projector and said, "It's Asteron and Gostron."

"Oh," Mu Zhimei was taken aback, "Two names?"

"They are two brothers, but how did they appear?" Zheping looked at the clean ground in puzzlement. They didn't come out of the ground, but these two monsters couldn't fly either.

"Why don't they appear, they have appeared now, hurry up and destroy them!" Assistant Toriyama looked at the two monsters standing between tall buildings, and they had already begun to wave their hands to destroy the city.

"Nani? A monster appeared in the center of the city?" Long Yi said to the memory display in a daze, "But the Yanfenghuang is still in the Phoenix's nest."

"That means..." Mu Zhimei stared blankly at Zhe Ping, "It's just the two of us."

Zhe Ping nodded with a bitter face: "That's right."

"Hurry up and attack me, both of you." Assistant Toriyama yelled at Zheping and Mu Zhimei.

Mu Zhimei hesitated: "Although I have the lowest GUYS flight license, I have never actually fought."

"Me too." Zhe Ping rubbed his palms uneasily: "This is completely different from when I got a license. If I make a mistake and miss the attack...it won't work."

Long hated iron and yelled at the memory display: "There is nothing wrong, you are GUYS players, use our wings to attack, and protect everyone."

"I see." Zhe Ping stood up hesitantly, and walked towards the hangar. His legs were trembling along the way, and Mu Zhimei behind him was also in the same state.

"Hot-blooded idiots are useful sometimes." Marinai shook her head with emotion.

Zhe Ping and Mu Zhimei were sitting in the two speed phones, their hands were still trembling, Zhe Ping swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and began to operate according to the regulations.

The armor plate on the Yanfenghuang was opened, revealing the blue sky, and the Yanphoenix slowly stood up to face the sky.

"Yan Fenghuang, attack!" Zhe Ping said and pushed the propeller, and the tail of Yan Fenghuang spewed out scorching air, driving Yan Fenghuang to the sky at high speed. The sweat is almost dripping down.

In the sky, the Vatican star's optically invisible spacecraft slowly landed and flew towards the temporary parking area built by GUYS.

Xingye turned his eyes to the future, and his thoughts came out through his body: "Mebius, you stay here, and I will deal with those two monsters."

"What about you?" Future asked with his mind: "I will never let you fight alone."

"This is obviously a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain. Bogaru's real purpose is to smear 929. You must not let Bogaru swallow it, you know?" Xingye turned his gaze to the distance, and he can clearly see it through the overlapping buildings. Those two monsters were frantically destroying the surrounding buildings.

"I understand." Future said seriously.

Xingye turned his gaze to Captain Sui Shui, nodded at him, and walked towards a house behind him.

Captain Suishui picked up the memory display device in his hand and began to issue orders: "Long, Sadaharu, after Zheping lands the Yanfenghuang, you can transfer immediately."

Long said full of fighting spirit: "I know, I will let these two monsters know how powerful I am."

A golden beam of light shot straight into the sky, and then landed in the middle of the two monsters.

It only took a few seconds for the two monsters to appear, and five buildings were easily smashed by the monsters. You must know that this is the center of the city, and there are many people living in each building.

There were endless screams, wailing, and crying, and many people were buried under the building without knowing what happened.

The light quickly condensed the figure of Nexus. Nexus had already begun to accumulate the power of time and space and his right fist, and then raised his right fist above his head, releasing a golden beam of light.

It was only at this time that the two monsters realized what had happened. They turned around and looked at Nexus, their eyes were red and full of fierce light.

The golden beam of light exploded in mid-air, and the floating light spots fell quickly, forming a golden mask that enveloped Nexus and the two monsters inside, and the streamer on the surface of the mask disappeared immediately. , and the monsters and Ultraman inside also disappeared.

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