Ultraman Senki

Chapter 570 The Earth in Another Universe

The space channel above the monster cemetery finally completely closed and disappeared, and the planet regained its calm. However, the calm didn't last long before it was broken by a space passage hundreds of meters wide.

"Boom!" A pair of huge red feet stomped heavily on the ground, and the hurricane brought about by the dust that had accumulated on the ground.

"Someone dares to make trouble on the territory of my Bogaru clan and even kill my clansmen." An extremely hoarse voice sounded, and the owner of the sole of the foot revealed his true face.

It is very similar to the Bogaru that Xingye just eliminated, but this guy has red scales all over his body, like a red beetle. The difference from ordinary Bogaru is that the head of this Bogaru is It is not flat but conical. In addition to the tentacles on both sides, he also has a third, slightly shorter horn on the top of his head. His body is not so much scale armor as it is wearing a crimson armor.

And behind him is a Bogaru that is three times bigger than the Bogaru that Starry Night eliminated. Its body is covered with countless blood-red lines, flowing like blood, and restraining its body like a fishing net. Huge force.

"Skat, you are the most powerful of our Bogaru family except me," the red Bogaru roared, "When you break through the shackles on your body, you can become another Bogaru A form of evolution."

"I see, Mr. Evil Bogaru." The voice of the Bogaru behind him seemed male and not male, female and not female.

"His Majesty the Emperor is preparing to attack the Kingdom of Light. I can't leave. Go and find someone who dares to challenge the Bogaru clan, and eat him." The evil Bogaru said before turning around and stepping into the space crack.

"Happy to help." Bogaru said as he stuck out his long tongue and licked his lips, then tore open the space and stepped in, heading towards GUYS who had just left. And many small Bogarus reappeared in various places on this planet. They screamed and jumped and appeared next to the spirit monsters floating in the space from time to time, tearing off a piece of debris and swallowing it, and then the small Bogaru Ru stopped there immediately as if she was in a deep sleep, the lines on her body lit up, flowing rapidly, and the bulging belly slowly disappeared.

A golden streamer rushed into the earth without a sound, and disappeared quickly. And in the dark void of the universe, a cloud of dark mist that almost merged with the void floated in the universe.

"I found another one. I will destroy all of you, so that Noah will never appear." A gloomy voice looked at the disappearing golden light and laughed, and then disappeared without a sound.

The Yanfenghuang had already rushed out of this passage, and the space passage was completely closed at the moment it just rushed out, which made the GUYS people very happy.

"The super space is closed. I don't know when it will appear again. I haven't solved the mystery here yet." Zhe Ping's tone was full of regret.

"I'd rather never show up here again." Marinai glanced at her mouth, the little Bogaru that looked like a spider scared her to death.

"Who the hell is he? Why did he know me? The Ultraman Guard of the Kingdom of Light doesn't have him. Where did he come from?" Future was full of doubts and incomprehensions, and the hard object in his hand Bringing it back to reality, looking at the watch that had stopped working, Future could not help but sigh deeply.

Xingye and Mayumi landed in a park. On the distant horizon, the sun was slowly setting, and the afterglow sprinkled on the earth, dyed with a layer of golden light.

"Where are you going tonight? You won't be sleeping in the park!" Mayumi looked around and saw that there was no difference between her surroundings and the earth she lived on, and suddenly lost interest in exploring.

"How is it possible," Xingye pulled Mayumi to the side seat and sat down: "Wait."

Mayumi sat down and looked at Xingye holding a tablet with TPC three big characters in her hand, all of which were dazzling numbers, and she fainted after just looking at it for a while.

"what are you doing?"

"Producing identity, we are black households."


When the sun was completely below the horizon and the lights were on, Xingye put away the computer that had been held up for more than ten minutes, and patted Mayumi who was drowsy on her shoulder.

"Oh, what's wrong?" Mayumi rubbed her sleepy eyes and sat up straight.

"Let's go, or I'll sleep in the park." Xingye said, pulling up Mayumi, walked to the side of the road and stopped a taxi.

Along the way, Mayumi looked at this city in a different world with a little curiosity. It was not much different from the city she lived in. The same feasting, the same busy traffic...

If there is a difference, there are all kinds of pictures of Ultraman in the streets and alleys. Almost every store has posters of Ultraman and large dolls...

There are also various products endorsed by Ultraman. It seems that Sophie is holding a bottle of potion, and a sentence is written in brackets from her mouth: Fatigue sometimes comes after fighting...

I don't know what Sophie thinks after seeing the advertisement she endorsed...

"A lot of Ultraman." Mayumi kept counting along the way, and finally found that there were too many.

"Yeah, Ultraman has been protecting us humans for so many years," the driver in front said with emotion: "I'm really grateful for their care for so many years, but I'm just an ordinary person and there's nothing I can do for them Yes, only by doing their job well and making this world a better place can the Ultraman know that their efforts are not in vain.”

Xingye could feel that the uncle driver's words were from the heart, and he thanked Altman from the bottom of his heart.

"My child is going to be an adult soon, and I'm going to let him get a GUYS license. It would be even better if he can join GUYS, so that he can fight with Ultraman." The driver uncle said in a rambling manner.

"But fighting monsters is very dangerous." Mayumi couldn't help but said, the victory team was all soldiers... well, Daiko was an exception.

And this uncle's tone seems to be that ordinary people can join this organization called GUYS.

"The earth is our human's earth, and we must use human hands to protect it," the driver uncle said excitedly: "Ultraman has been desperately protecting the earth, how can human beings lag behind."

Waving goodbye to this uncle who just drives a taxi, Xingye feels that this world is completely different from other worlds. Human beings recognize and appreciate Ultraman from the bottom of their hearts.

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