Ultraman Senki

Chapter 506: Restarted Plan F

In a meeting room of TPC, Jujian Hui and Zongfang were introducing the situation on Luluye to the TPC participants.

The projector played the image of the strange bird captured by the Phoenix. The strange bird that was very similar to Zoga reminded everyone in the conference room of the terrifying birds that once spread all over the world.

Countless fireballs fell from the sky, buildings collapsed, countless people wailed in the flames, cities turned into ruins, and the world was shrouded in endless darkness.

"This is Zoga?!" A staff officer stood up tremblingly, pointing his finger at the black bird on the screen in horror.

Zong Fang shook his head: "No, it's very similar to Zoga but only two meters in size, but there are a lot of them. There are tens of thousands of them just flying out. As for how many are left in the island, I don't know."

"No way, why are there so many?"

"My God, that's too much."


There was a buzzing sound of discussion in the conference room, and several staff officers were whispering to each other.

"The investigation team opened the demon's seal, and the dark giant revived and released these wraiths. The investigation team all died." Ju Jianhui said in a low voice.


The discussion became louder, and everyone looked at Ju Jianhui in surprise because she mentioned the dark giant.

Ju Jianhui raised his head and looked at the crowd and said loudly: "I don't know why the F plan is restarted, but now this plan has once again put mankind in crisis. Isn't the lesson from the fake Tiga last time not enough? You know we have already There is no Tiga to right the wrongs of humanity."

A staff officer in his thirties who was sitting next to Director Ji Gang sneered and looked at Ju Jianhui: "It is because we don't have Tiga, and human beings have lost the power to fight against unknown enemies, that we need to restart Plan F."

"Don't you think this plan is too absurd?" Ju Jianhui looked directly at the Yakumo staff officer and said.

"Ridiculous," Staff Officer Yakumo stood up and looked at the crowd with a sneer: "If a powerful enemy strikes again, how should we resist it? Only by solving the riddle of the giant of light and gaining absolute invincible power can TPC and mankind It is a matter of urgency. We need Ultraman as our defense force..."

Director Ji Gang patted his palm with his fan and said lightly, "Yakumo, the director is here, so please speak in moderation."

Staff Officer Yakumo shook his head and said firmly: "I don't want to be restrained. Although we have made some sacrifices, we must work harder. We must definitely dig out Luluye, solve the riddle of the giant of light and use Ultraman's power Build an invincible line of defense on Earth."

"You don't even know what's hidden in Luluye," Ju Jianhui looked at Staff Yakumo angrily, "Once the darkness there breaks out, the world will be shrouded in darkness again. You are using I will never let you bet on the future of mankind."

Staff Officer Yakumo sneered and turned his head to look at Jujian Hui: "I still have a question for you? Why did the investigation team all die, but you came out intact? Could it be that the monsters in there still sympathize with each other?"

"What do you mean?" Zongfang became angry immediately, stepped forward excitedly and glared at Staff Yakumo.

Staff Officer Yakumo looked at the angry Zongfang with a sneer on his face: "I think we should investigate Captain Jujianhui, maybe we can find out the truth about the investigation team's demise."

Zongfang clenched his fists and glared at Adviser Yakumo, and said word by word from between his teeth: "Are you suspicious of the captain?"

"Hmph, I'm just performing a normal inquiry, why are you so nervous?" Staff Yakumo sat down and squinted his eyes at Zongfang: "But it's true that so many people in the investigation team disappear at the same time, it's really not something that one person can do. .”

"You..." Zong Fang strode forward angrily, clenched his fists as if he wanted to beat someone up.

"Zong Fang!" Ju Jianhui hastily grabbed Zong Fang who was about to run away.

Director Sawai raised his head and said, "I trust Captain Jujian Hui. Do you want to discuss Plan F again?"

Staff Officer Yakumo said eagerly: "Director, TPC review has its own process, this is the rules and regulations and must not be favoritism."

Yakumo continued aggressively: "Luluye is very important to human beings. The annihilation of the investigation team this time is a great loss to TPC. We must investigate clearly, and we can't just listen to what one family says, so for Captain Jujianhui An investigation is necessary."

"Sasa, Captain Jujianhui was brought out by me from Luluye, do you have any questions?" A familiar voice came from the opened door, and then Xingye came in and cast his eyes directly on the eighth Cloud staff.

"Starry night!" Director Sawai looked at the boy who came in with great surprise, and stood up straight away: "You are back."

"Well," Xingye nodded with a smile, and raised the things in his hand: "Look, everyone has a share in the gift that Mayumi chose."

Speaking of which, Xingye had already begun to distribute gifts in this serious meeting room, each of the staff officers took the gifts that Xingye handed over, and looked at Director Sawai with some embarrassment, only to find that the director took the gifts that Xingye handed over with a smile gift box.

"Hey, this is the TPC general staff meeting. Who told you to come in." Staff Yakumo looked at Xingye angrily. After Xingye gave the gift box to Director Jigang, he passed him directly to a staff officer on his left. More importantly What's more, the atmosphere of censoring Ju Jianhui that he managed to create just now disappeared.

He spent a lot of effort to remove the obstacle of Plan F of the Victory Team. He was about to use the incident of the investigation team to review Ju Jianhui, thereby paralyzing the Victory Team. When this plan was about to succeed, it was destroyed by Xingye.

Yakumo was extremely annoyed, wishing he could eat Xingye alive.

"Yo, you have a face," Xingye sent out the last gift box, and then slowly turned his head to look at Staff Yakumo. This kind of ignorance made Staff Yakumo furious. Since he was promoted to TPC senior staff officer a year ago, he has never received such slights again.

"Guards, guards." Staff Yakumo yelled angrily. Director Yoshitake next to him frowned. What is the significance of what people do to Xingye? Even Director Sawai happily accepted the gift.

Two guards in black uniforms with fist and knife emblems on their shoulders walked in and saluted.

"Send me this troublemaker to the police station." Staff Officer Yakumo pointed at Xingye angrily and shouted loudly.

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