Ultraman Senki

Chapter 444: The So-Called Inviting Body of Destruction

The launch site that was originally flat is now full of large potholes. Several buildings have become ruins in the battle just now.

The three Ultraman raised their heads and flew into the sky, and quickly disappeared into the blue sky and white clouds.

Staff officer Tanimura swept away the frustration and panic just now, looked at the wreckage all over the ground with excitement, and urged repeatedly: "Quick...quick, go and collect the wreckage on the ground immediately, and don't let any one go."

At the same time, I was secretly happy, the defensive power of these strange metals could be clearly seen just now, even the power of Ultraman could not break through, which is impossible with the technology on the earth. If the craft of these metals could be understood, if not replicated, humanity would benefit greatly from being able to analyze how they were made.

Xingye, Womeng and Teng Gong fought side by side, looking at the red sunset in the distance, slowly setting.

I Meng turned my head and looked at Xingye next to me: "What is the purpose of this launch? Can you tell me?" He saw the power of the missile just now, but it was just an ordinary missile. The so-called planetary destruction plan simply doesn't work, but there are other reasons.

Xingye nodded: "It's just an illusion for the body of the destruction, that is, human beings already have the power to destroy the planet, and the body of the destruction will definitely want to destroy human beings as soon as possible."

I couldn't help but sigh in my dream: "Why does the body of destruction have to destroy human beings? Can't we coexist?"

Teng Gong raised his head and looked up at the sky: "We haven't even seen the true face of the shattered bodies, let alone their purpose. What we can do now is to protect this beautiful planet with the power that the earth has given us. Planet, must not repeat the previous destruction."

Xingye shook his head: "Even terrifying beasts and human beings can't coexist with them, let alone brutal cosmic monsters or shattered monsters."

I Meng turned my head and said seriously: "Those monsters are not necessarily so cruel by nature, they only become extremely destructive because they are far away from their familiar environment, but we can only destroy them."

Xingye folded her arms: "Do you know why I protect those earth monsters?"

Xingye gave the answer without waiting for them to answer: "I have seen many monsters. The monsters on the earth are completely different from some monsters wandering in the universe and preying on living planets. These monsters on the earth are not so much monsters. It’s just some large creatures, and their existence must have their own meaning and purpose.”

"Purpose and meaning?" I could not help frowning upon hearing this.

"This is just my guess," Xingye smiled, "But it's true that monsters on Earth have never voluntarily drilled out of the ground and attacked humans."

I can't help but nod in my dream. It is true that every underground monster appears because it is affected by foreign objects, and there has never been an example of active attack.

This launch mission did not cause any uproar. Even the newspapers and TV stations only reported the appearance of the monster and the news that Ultraman disappeared the monster, treating it as a daily monster, and more aimed at the monster. The mechanical transformation of the game and the three Ultraman once again joined hands to meet the enemy have been extensively reported.

It's just that within a few days of the peaceful time, another bigger news broke out. Some people claimed that the Defense Forces were negotiating with the shattered summoning body, and they also posted a picture of General Chiba and an octopus-like alien. Sitting there holding hands with smiles all over their faces, if they just read the title, eleven out of ten people would be attracted and the rest would just watch the fun.

"The chief of the Defense Force negotiates with the destructive entity, and the earth will usher in peace!" This title is full of hype and attraction, of course, the content is a lot of specious words full of probabilities, possibilities, etc. In short, these are an informed People broke the news, as for who is the insider...

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Defense didn't even bother to respond to this kind of news. The Defense Force also wanted to negotiate with the destroyer, but unfortunately they couldn't even see the shadow of the other party. All kinds of monsters came, and they didn't listen to you at all. Just step on it and the world will be quiet.

As a result, the defense forces now know nothing about the host of the destruction, and can only passively defend. After finally taking the initiative to attack, the opponent attacked before stepping out of the earth, making the defense force's counterattack plan a joke.

But outside the earth's atmosphere, the location where the wormhole was used when the giant beast Zorin came, suddenly rippled like water ripples again, and then quickly expanded into an extremely huge wormhole, the energy fluctuation of the wormhole still Before the extremely strong magnetic force was transmitted, it rushed out of the wormhole first, and the circuits in the surrounding satellites were immediately destroyed by the strong magnetic force and became expensive bulk garbage floating in the universe.

Xingye was walking down the street, carrying a lot of things in big and small bags, all of which were food, and he didn't have to go out for half a month for one purchase.

Suddenly Xingye stopped in his tracks, and a strange mental wave came from the sky, trying to pull Xingye into his conscious world.

Xingye looked up at the sky in amazement, the mental wave came from the sky: "Who the hell?"

However, this mental wave was not very tyrannical. Xingye closed his eyes and his body dissipated immediately. When he opened his eyes, he found that he had come to a void in the universe.

An erratic voice came from an infinitely distant place: "Hello, people from another universe."

Xingye turned her head and looked to the left: "Stop hiding, come out."

"Hahaha," the voice laughed loudly, and the surrounding dark void immediately changed, and what appeared in front of Xingye turned out to be the eight planets of the solar system, but these planets were only tens of meters in size.

The space in the area where the sun is located suddenly distorted, and then a very weird-looking person appeared. The head was as weird as the head of a Buddha statue in Indian Buddhism. The whole body was covered with tentacles of various sizes. The left hand had three sharp claws and the right The arm is a conical fleshy column-like thing.

This 'person' looked at Xingye with a smile: "Welcome, traveler from another universe."

Xingye looked at the guy in front of him: "Don't you know that you should introduce yourself before talking to others?"

"Hahaha," the man laughed again, then stopped smiling and looked at Xingye: "I am the messenger of the Lord, and I am Zebub, the god of death who will save this dying world."

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