Ultraman Senki

Chapter 44 The Siege of Kunlun

"How are Dagu and Lina going?" Ju Jianhui asked quickly.

The screen quickly turned around, showing the scene from the laboratory. A group of researchers turned back and forth around the freezer, while Lina and Dagu watched the group of people busy.

"Buzz! Buzz!" Just as the command room turned the screen around, the laboratory suddenly sounded an alarm.

"What's wrong?" Ju Jianhui asked quickly.

"There is a situation here. The temperature of the freezer suddenly rises rapidly, and the refrigeration system has lost its function." Dagu shouted anxiously at the camera.

"Get out of here quickly, this place is blocked!" At this moment, a group of people in black uniforms ran over with guns, and the leader shouted at Dagu, Lina and the researchers. Then the group pointed the guns at the freezer and opened the safety.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Several firearms fired collectively and instantly smashed the freezer into a sieve, and the corpses inside were battered and battered.

"Haha! Haha!..." A woman's very happy laughter sounded like a silver bell in the room suddenly, like a ghost. This laughter must be very attractive if it is not in the research room where the alarm is constantly ringing. But now it just makes my scalp tingle. What's more, the laughter came from the battered corpse of the alien.

Faced with such a strange scene, even experienced soldiers were a little scared. Everyone had panic and fear on their faces, but no one fled. laughter

"Dagu!" Lina shrank towards Dagu in fear in this very weird situation.

Dagu glanced around like a torch. In his eyes, a very illusory alien like a shadow, exactly the same as the freezer, moved around them very quickly. Dagu followed the shadow closely and observed him. When the shadow moves, Dagu instantly pulls out the Haipa gun and shoots at a corner.

"Ah!" A very sharp cry sounded after the Haipa gun fired, and it was obvious that Dagu's shot hit the target.

"Whoosh" a group of shadows ignored the base wall and quickly rushed out of the base from the wall and then flew towards the west.

"What was that just now?" Lina finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the laughter disappear.

"The soul of this alien," Dagu suddenly opened his eyes wide after answering: "No, command them." He rushed out of the research room.

"Dagu, Dagu!" Lina took two steps after chasing after her, when she heard the PDI ringing at her waist, she had no choice but to open it: "I'm Lina!"

"Lena's team immediately drives the Phoenix to Kunlun Mountain!" Ju Jianhui gave the order.

"Understood!" Lina closed the PDI and saw that Dagu had disappeared in the corridor, and turned around and walked towards the hangar.

Dagu ran all the way to the command room, and Ju Jianhui looked at Dagu, who had always been calm, and ran over in a panic: "Did something happen to the Dagu team?"

"The alien's soul escaped from the base just now, how about directing them?" Dagu said briefly and asked hastily.

"They have already set off for the Kunlun Mountain area." Ye Rui raised his head and replied.

"Oops," Dagu's face changed drastically: "The soul of the alien who escaped just now is likely to activate that mechanical life."

"What?" Ju Jianhui was also surprised and hurriedly contacted the four people who set off: "This is the headquarters, please answer!"

"I'm Zong Fang, received!"

Jian Huiyi explained Dagu's inference just now in a horrified manner, and finally said: "Please be careful, Lina has already gone to support you."


"It's unbelievable that after being frozen for more than 20 years, it is still possible to use the soul to move, it is really unbelievable!" Hori said with a sigh.

"These guys don't use common sense to infer. They hate these difficult things that they don't understand the most." Xincheng shook his head and said gloomily. It was a simple detection job that was supposed to be a battle now.

"It's close to the Kunlun Mountains, be careful!" Zong Fang reminded.

At this moment, an extremely small light group quickly surpassed Feiyan EX and flew into the Kunlun Mountains.

"What is that?" Hori looked at the light in surprise.

"I have a bad feeling!" Zong Fang couldn't help frowning when he saw the disappearing light and what Da Gu said.

"Boom" A raised hill in the Kunlun Mountains, which stretches for thousands of miles, suddenly collapsed and large chunks of earth and rock rolled down. The rumbling sound echoed in the valley like ten thousand horses galloping.

"It seems that something is about to come out from the inside of the mountain." Ju Jianhui quickly notified Zong Fang and the others of the latest information from the satellite.

"There must be a reason why it is on such a high mountain as Kunlun Mountain!" Horei noticed this problem.

Ye Rui quickly pulled in the satellite image, and it appeared on the screen as an obvious mechanical creation. The top of the head had already started to light up with a silver-white light, and other parts of the body were slowly lighting up.

"I'm waking up from a 24-year sleep." Jujian Hui said in shock.

Finally, the mechanical dragon's eyes lit up and started to move. It opened its mouth wide and spewed a stream of red smoke at Feiyan EX that just flew over.

"What is this?" Hori looked at the thing that the mechanical dragon was constantly ejecting and quickly collected samples: "Ye Rui, I have already sent the sample back and analyzed it immediately."

"Understood!" Ye Rui quickly began to analyze it with the central computer.

The results of the analysis in a short period of time are not very detailed: "The red smoke of Horijing seems to be a catalyst that can absorb oxygen to produce an unknown gas. The actual test is needed."

Horei nodded and said suddenly: "I finally understand why I chose such a high Kunlun Mountains. The air flow here will travel all over the world."

"Is it to transform the atmosphere of the earth?" Zong Fang said bitterly.

"If you let the red smoke walk around, something big will happen." Hori said solemnly.

"Damn who sent this kind of thing to the earth." Xincheng pressed the launcher fiercely and two lasers hit the mechanical dragon, but were bounced off by his outer armor.

Dagu raised his head and looked at the mechanical dragon that was still spouting red gas with an extremely ugly face, Ye Rui raised his head and said in a panic: "It's not good, if this continues, all the oxygen on Earth in Kunlun Mountains will be absorbed by this gas. That would be the end of the environment there.”

Hearing this, Dagu took a deep look at the mechanical dragon, turned and ran out of the command room, saw no one in the corridor outside, immediately took out the magic light stick, turned it into light and rushed towards Kunlun Mountain. The whole body is wrapped in the light, the sea water recedes quickly under the body, the clear sky, blue sky and white clouds are very beautiful, but Dagu has no intention of enjoying this scenery. Moving forward at full speed, Kunlun Mountain was already seen in less than half a minute.

"What's this?" Lina just came here, before she adjusted her mentality and started to attack the mechanical dragon, she was taken aback by a light group that swept past behind her.

Under Lina's gaze, the ball of light fell to the ground, condensing Di Jia's tall body.

"Ah!" Lina opened her mouth in surprise and said incredulously, "That was Dijia just now?!"

"Ha!" Tiga landed and immediately posed a fighting posture towards the mechanical dragon.

"Haha!" The laughter heard at the base reappeared in Dagu's mind: "Heroic fighters of the light, what a pity! Your partners have all gone back, why are you still here fighting for these innocent people?" What about the battle of hopeless humans? How pathetic?"

"Why can't we become friends with the humans on the earth if we attack the earth? Can't there be peace between planets?" Dagu asked his own questions as if venting.

"What's wrong with Di Jia?" Hori looked very puzzled as Di Jia stood in front of the mechanical dragon and the mechanical dragon stopped shaking its head, and the two behemoths looked at each other.

"Are they communicating?" Lina guessed.

"Humans? Ahaha!" The voice laughed loudly and became serious: "Humans will only get in the way, they will only make this beautiful planet worse, haven't you seen it before? These stupid humans every time They're just doing the same thing, they're wasting this beautiful planet."

"Human beings are not hopeless!" Dagu retorted excitedly.

"The extinction crisis of the last era has confirmed this. So many of you Ultramans failed to save these stupid humans. Now they have all gone back and only you are left. Do you think you can save these humans alone? ? Dagu team!"

"I am not one." The blue figure appeared in Dagu's mind: "Human beings will not repeat the same fate forever."

Dijia stepped forward and hit the mechanical dragon's neck with his right fist, turning it to one side, then stepped forward and grabbed the mechanical dragon's neck with both arms, and pressed him firmly on the ground. He raised his iron fist and mercilessly struck the mechanical faucet repeatedly, causing sparks to fly everywhere.

Feiyan EX and Phoenix also flew over, and the lasers and missiles rained down on the mechanical dragon, splashing violent sparks.

The mechanical dragon suddenly raised its head and lifted Dijia up, and slammed its neck to throw Dijia away. As soon as Dijia stood up, he saw that the mechanical dragon had rushed over, and raised its front claws to grab Dijia's leg On the ground, the intense pain made Di Jia half-kneel on the ground.

The mechanical dragon repeated its old tricks and swept towards Dijia horizontally with its neck, but was dodged by Dijia with a roll. Dijia stood up and looked at the mechanical dragon vigilantly.

"We are not the only ones who want this planet. Even if I die, people from other planets will come to snatch this planet. Before the heart of darkness wakes up, before this world is brought into the abyss of despair by him, countless universes who lost their homes Everyone will come to fight for this piece of land. Hahaha! How long can you hold on to the fight, Dagu team?"

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