Ultraman Senki

Chapter 439 The Awakening of My Dream

Sure enough, after a while, I ran all the way into the command room in a dream, walked up to the commander of the stone room, and said impatiently: "Commander, I think the attack plan this time still needs to be discussed."

Staff Officer Qianye couldn't help frowning and said displeasedly: "Why? My dream, do you have any reason?"

I Meng looked at the two of them persistently and said without flinching: "What evidence do we have to prove that the planet in the M91 galaxy is the parent star of the destruction-invited object?"

Dunzi sat on the operating table and explained: "According to the charge distribution of the wormhole, it is determined that the other end of the wormhole is the M91 galaxy, and a large number of life reactions of Goff and Paz have been found on that planet."

My dream still persisted and said: "But that planet may just be the planet where Gefu and Paz live. We can't conclude that it is the home planet of the shattered summoned body."

Staff Officer Qianye asked with some doubts: "Is there any difference?"

"Of course it's different," I Meng said seriously: "We have always regarded Goff and Paz as the creatures of destruction or biological weapons manipulated by the creatures of destruction. In fact, this is wrong. Monsters are not summoned by destruction. Manipulation will destroy the earth, but it is because they are forced out of their familiar environment by the shattered hosts, and become so cruel in order to adapt to environmental changes."

Staff Officer Qianye still insisted: "Even so, those monsters have already caused harm to us humans, and the existence of **** has already posed a threat to the earth, so it is necessary to destroy their planet."

I dreamed and shook my head: "But even if we destroy the planets of Goff and Paz, destroying the recruits only needs to use wormholes to connect the planets of other large creatures with the earth. It is necessary to fight against large-scale creatures in the entire universe. It is just like human beings wiped out those wild creatures for their own safety."

Commander Shishi and Staff Officer Chiba looked at each other and nodded with deep emotion. Commander Shishi sighed and sat down: "However, this battle is beyond our ability to stop. Now that the plan has begun to be implemented, we can only do it." We acted according to the order, and all the power is concentrated in the hands of one person, Staff Officer Tanimura, at the Geo base on the ground."

I made up my mind in my dream and saluted: "I'll go down first." After speaking, I hurriedly ran out of the command room.

Commander Shishi and Staff Qianye couldn't help but look at each other, and Staff Qianye knocked on the table unconsciously: "He wants to stop this war."

Commander Shishi smiled and raised his head slightly to look at the EX machine that had already set off outside the window: "The Defense Force should know this time that Ultraman is not always on the side of humans."

The EX plane landed at an airport next to the launch site. I dreamed that I got off the plane and ran to the command room in a hurry, hoping to find Admiral Tanimura as soon as possible to prevent this launch mission.

"I dream." When I was about to reach the building of the command room, I dreamed that I heard a familiar voice.

"Xingye," I stared at Xingye slowly walking down the stairs and asked with some dissatisfaction: "Why did you make this planet-destroying weapon for the Defense Force? Do you know that the planet is not caused by destruction?" The parent star of the body, which is just the planet where Goff and Paz live."

Xingye smiled: "With the Alchemy Star, human beings will be able to manufacture such powerful weapons sooner or later. It doesn't really matter that much whether that planet is the home planet of the Destroyed Invitation Body or not."

"Why? How can it be unimportant?" Womeng said with some indignation: "They are also innocent, but they became so violent because they were brought out of their own planet by the shattered host."

Xingye looked at the missile in the distance: "Whether the monster is ferocious or not is just your guess, but it doesn't matter whether this launch is successful or not, what is important is to have this launch mission."

I dreamed and heard that I looked at Xingye with doubts on my face, and my tone was full of doubts: "Xingye, what are you planning? I remember you said that monsters on earth are living beings just like humans, but Geoff and Paz They are also creatures living in this universe, they just feel scared because they suddenly came to a strange environment..."

I Meng talked about my point of view to Xingye, Xingye raised his hand to stop my dream from continuing, and pointed to the building next to him with his right finger bent: "You should tell the people inside these words, they He is the person in charge of this plan.”

It can be seen that I Meng still has a lot to say. After hearing what Xingye said, he nodded and ran to the command room.

Teng Gong came out from behind a thick pillar, looked at my Meng's back and glanced at Xingye: "You know it's useless, why do you want me to dream about it?"

Xingye sneered: "Only when you hit a nail will you know the pain. I dream that he needs to be more mature. He must not only look at the problem from the perspective of human beings, but must jump out and look at the problem from a fair perspective."

Teng Gong said indifferently: "Justice? There is no absolute justice on this planet or in this universe. Justice is just a beautiful decoration."

Xingye smiled and walked slowly from the shadow of the building to the sunlight, sat on the steps and looked at the two huge receiver-like wormhole transmission towers in the distance: "But this is necessary, I know A friend is very kind, cherishes life very much, and does not want to hurt them, but even then, he will still fight to protect those brutal invaders from the universe."

Teng Gong walked over to Xingye and sat down, listening to Xingye's words.

"There was once a group of life forms living in a different space. Their dimension was facing collapse, so they wanted to immigrate tens of billions to live on the earth. If it is absolutely fair, then the earth should be selflessly open."

Hearing this, Teng Gong gave a rare smile and stared at the missile in the distance: "So fairness is really just a nice decoration, and it is impossible to achieve."

The door of the building next to "哗啦" opened, and I Meng struggled to be pushed out by two people.

One of the guards looked at my dream displeasedly: "You, as a member of XIG, object to this plan, you should be sent to a military court."

"Hmph, don't pay attention to this kind of person, I really don't know if he is human." Another person looked at my dream with disdain, and the two turned their heads and walked into the building, closing the door with a bang.

I Meng slowly stood up and walked in front of Xingye and Teng Gong with a face full of confusion and a look of shock: "Why do human beings become like this? Once such a war starts, there will be endless stories."

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