Ultraman Senki

Chapter 435 Hard Fight

"Whoosh..." Team Lightning fired several laser beams at one of the monsters, but the astonishing lasers passed through the monster without hindrance and hit the ground, creating a crater more than ten meters wide.

"What?" Hengmei couldn't help being taken aback, and unbelievingly fired a laser again, but it still passed through the monster without the slightest effect.

"Is it a projection?" Beitian didn't dare to attack anymore, he hovered in the sky and looked at the four monsters on the ground frowning.

Nexus received a punch from the Destroyer, but he also kicked him. Both of them took two steps back at the same time. Nexus turned his head and saw that two identical monsters were walking towards him step by step.

"Clone or phantom?" Nexus couldn't help frowning, and tentatively waved his arms and sent out two light blades that cut towards the two monsters, but the light blades passed through the monster's body without hindrance.

"A phantom?" Nexus didn't have time to think about it, the Demon Destroyer had already rushed over again, and the lightsaber on Nexus' right arm slashed at the Demon Destroyer fiercely.

The Destroyer stretched out his right arm, and the lightsaber slashed at the scales on his arm, causing dazzling sparks to splash. The two raised their right legs almost simultaneously and kicked each other fiercely. Before Nexus attacked again, the two phantom monsters behind him had already moved closer, and the drill bit on the left arm of one of the monsters stabbed Nexus' back fiercely.

"Stab!" The drill pierced the armor of light on Nexus's back and splashed dazzling sparks. Nexus couldn't help but stop for a moment when he was hit hard, and the Destroyer took advantage of this left claw to move upward Slashed hard across Nexus' chest.

Nexus was immediately sent flying 100 meters high, fell hundreds of meters and hit the ground heavily. Nexus immediately got up and looked around, and the other two monsters also surrounded him.

Five monsters surrounded Nexus in the middle, and slowly closed the circle. Nexus stood up slowly, and the five monsters moved at the same time and accelerated towards Nexus.

Nexus raised his head and flew into the sky suddenly, causing the five monsters to rush to nothing. The Destroyer's arms kept firing light bullets one after another, and the right arm of one of the four identical monsters suddenly swelled several times, and then fired several small monsters, which were very similar to the monster Shabaga, but behind But his wings are much bigger, and his speed is not inferior to that of Nexus.

"Don't forget about us." Before Nexus launched an attack, the Lightning team had already flown over to attack these small monsters, and the Hercules team on the ground also turned around and fired missiles one after another. Go out and intercept these small monsters and light bombs.

Seeing that the small monsters he launched were intercepted by Team Lightning and the Sting, Sabak roared angrily, and one of the monsters strode towards the Sting.

Nexus suddenly rushed down from the air with a flying kick that hit the monster's shoulder and kicked it flying. Just as it landed on the ground, it immediately rushed over and grabbed Sabak's tail, pulling it up from the ground. After a few rounds, he smashed towards the Demon Destroyer who was walking toward him.

The Demon Destroyer immediately dodged sideways, and mercilessly let the large hidden weapon fall to the ground. He is a bit tricky now, the light armor on Nexus protects the color timer, just now he just hit Nexus a few times in order to be able to catch the color timer of Nexus, and finally touched it When they arrived at the color timer, they found that the translucent armor of light covered the color timer, which could only be seen but not touched.

The most powerful killing move against Ultraman instantly became a decoration, and Nexus has not applied the light skills, so that the ability to absorb and bounce light has also become a decoration. He had to deal with Nexus with fists and kicks.

But what annoyed the Destroyer even more was that Nexus was much faster than him and Shabak, so Nexus basically fled away immediately when he missed a hit.

Teng Gong raised his head to look at the sky, Womeng drove the EX machine over his head, picked up the sapphire cone and nodded at Teng Gong. Teng Gong smiled and nodded, the EX machine roared past, Womeng raised the sapphire cone in his hand and shouted: "Gaia!"

A dazzling red beam of light appeared in the sky, condensing Gaia's huge figure, and it landed on the ground. Suddenly, dust splashed all over the sky and almost covered Gaia.

Nexus breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Gaia. He was really under a lot of pressure to face these two monsters, especially because he couldn't use the light skills. But the energy consumption is really too great, and I'm afraid it will be consumed to death by these two rivals in a while.

"I dreamed that this cloned monster was given to you by the Lightning team, and this monster was given to me." Nexus said and rushed towards the Demon Destroyer.

The Destroyer Demon ran forward without any fear, and the two iron fists collided. The ground under the two of them immediately cracked and splashed dust all over the sky, and only the sound of fists and punches could be heard in the dust.

Team Lightning and Team Hercules were bombarding the recognized body, and Gaia rushed up to fight it. The remaining three are just phantoms and can't help at all.

Sabac stabbed out the drill bit on his left arm suddenly, Gaia quickly turned sideways and grabbed the monster's left arm with both hands to imprison it firmly, suddenly several small monsters came out from the monster's right arm and attached to Gaia's body, Gaia They were startled and before they could react, the little monsters exploded in surprise.

"Hmm!" Gaia exhaled in pain, his arms couldn't help but let go of the monster's left arm, it was pulled out of Gaia's hands immediately, and then stabbed fiercely on Gaia's shoulder.

"Wow!" Gaia stepped back immediately, clutching his right shoulder and screaming in pain. The three little monsters who had just stood firm just now had pounced on them, Gaia had no time to dodge, and was immediately attached to the little monsters and exploded.

"Hmm!" The continuous explosions made Gaia feel pain all over her body and fell to her knees. The monster turned around suddenly, and hit Gaia's head fiercely with its thick tail on the back, and immediately hit Gaia on the ground almost unconscious past.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" The monster still wanted to attack Team Lightning and the Sting had already launched an attack. A series of lasers and missiles hit the monster's body and sparked dazzling sparks, which stopped the monster's footsteps.

The monster looked up angrily at the fighter jets in the sky and the Stern in the distance. The ground under his feet suddenly split and the monster disappeared abruptly.

"What?" Hengmei looked in shock at the place where the monster disappeared. The ground there was still flat, except for cracks, there was no hole for the monster to get in: "How did it disappear?"

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