Ultraman Senki

Chapter 420 Parasitic Jellyfish

"There's no time to explain. Hurry up and run to the control room, or it will be over." Teng Gong said and started running, and the three members of the Swordfish team also ran after seeing this.

The chaotic running sound of the four people echoed in the dark corridor, and quickly disappeared at the end of the corridor. Not far from the four people running, more than 20 jellyfish appeared in the darkness. The jellyfish they killed Wandering around, trying to find the intruder.

The four of them quickly arrived at the control room, quickly opened the door, and entered inside.

Teng Gong sat in front of the main control computer, turned it on, and tapped the keyboard a few times. The lights in the dark control room turned on with a snap, turning the surroundings into daylight, making the four of them uncomfortable for a while.

Following Teng Gong's rapid tapping, the numerous screens in the control room, which was hundreds of square meters in size, lit up one after another, revealing the situation in various parts of the base.

"This... this..." The captain of the Swordfish team couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time, because it was really amazing. Several monitoring screens showed a huge room, but this The room is now full of robots of the kind advertised by the Defense Forces. A rough estimate is that there are seventeen or eighteen of them. In the middle of the room is a huge vortex, with some bright particles floating out of it.

Now this dead base has come alive, all the lights are on, turning the base into daylight.

Teng Gong tapped the keyboard quickly to zoom in on the monitor, and looked at the data from the detector and couldn't help but frowned: "It's a metal reaction." Metal particles floated to a robot with only half of its body on the side, transforming part of its body.

"Sure enough, Xingye's guess is good." Teng Gong couldn't help but nodded. It seems that this robot was transported to the earth in the form of metal particles through tiny wormholes. The energy response caused by tiny wormholes is very small. Moreover, there would have been an energy reaction in the base of the defense force, so naturally it would not be suspected.

Teng Gong has already begun to collect the surveillance video during the period when the base was out of operation, and played it on the big screen. All the surveillance videos are running at double speed.

"This is..." The three members of the Swordfish team looked at the surveillance video on the screen in astonishment, only to see groups of small jellyfish that were no more than ten centimeters in size suddenly appearing in the base, and then crazily pounced on them. The people in the base, every human being who was hit fell down immediately, but within a few minutes, all the people in the entire base fell down.

Then those people stood up again, but there was no expression on everyone's face, and their legs moved stiffly, like zombies, which made people feel creepy and shuddering.

Then the bodies of these humans gradually faded until they disappeared completely, while the bodies of the jellyfish became much larger. It continued to wander in the base, and the disappearance of human beings also caused the base to gradually lose its function, and the surveillance cameras also ended here.

The three members of the Swordfish team felt that the world was collapsing, and there was such a life. At the same time, they made up their minds that they must not let themselves be parasitized by that jellyfish, otherwise it would be too terrible.

"Command room, this is the Swordfish team, please answer!" The captain of the Swordfish team began to call the sky base, but there was only a rustling sound in the headset, and there was no answer.

"The communication here is cut off, otherwise so many people wouldn't disappear without a sound." Teng Gong sighed, glanced at some robot troops and immediately began to crack the highest authority code of this base.

Teng Gong quickly copied two copies of the video recording here, and then handed one of them to the Swordfish team, and said solemnly: "This thing must be handed over to the sky base, otherwise this jellyfish will be killed on a large scale. If they reproduce on the earth, human beings will definitely perish.”

"Hmm!" Captain Swordfish reached out and took the storage disk.

Teng Gong picked up the special gun and sneered: "The only thing I'm thinking about now is how to escape."

The captain of the Swordfish team looked at the team members solemnly: "The safety of the earth is all on our shoulders. Even if we try our best, we must send this thing out. We must not let the aliens' plot succeed."


A gap was opened in the door of the control room, and one eye looked around cautiously. Seeing that the surroundings were unobstructed, he opened the door and stepped out, raising the laser gun in his hand to aim at the front.

The three members of the Swordfish team walked alternately in front of each other at a fast pace. Every time they reached a corridor, they would investigate the situation before moving on. Teng Gong held a special gun in his hand and was ready to make the jellyfish appear in a physical form at any time, so that the arrowfish could not move forward. Fish team destroy them.

I walked all the way safe and sound, the criss-crossing corridors are bright and majestic, but looking at the long bright corridors are empty, this feeling is more terrifying than the darkness. The corridors are bright and bright but there is no trace of popularity, giving people the illusion that there are only a few of them in this world. This kind of depression is more unbearable than pure darkness.

The front is already where the submersible is placed, and before the future is happy, hundreds of small jellyfish have sprung up at the intersection ahead, filling the entire corridor space.

"Reveal!" Teng Gong yelled, and pulled the trigger. A strong wave radiated out, sweeping across the jellyfish in front, and then the three members of the Swordfish team opened fire one by one, shooting down each jellyfish one by one. The intersections of the corridors were full of burning flames.

"Ang!" A strong wave suddenly came into the minds of the four people, causing the four people to have a splitting headache immediately, and they couldn't help covering their heads. And those jellyfish took the opportunity to pounce on them, so the four of them had to endure the pain like a cracked bone, and kept firing to kill the jellyfish that pounced on them. Compared with the pain, they were more unwilling to be parasitized by this kind of jellyfish.

Finally, the last jellyfish was killed when it was only one or two meters away from them, and the four hurried forward. Before they had run far, there was another unbearable wave.

Teng Gong endured the pain and looked back, a huge jellyfish slowly floated over, just a corner of it appeared to occupy the entire corridor, and the surrounding walls were like nothing to stop the huge jellyfish at all.

"Oh my God!" The three members of the Swordfish team staggered forward. This jellyfish reminded them of the huge jellyfish that appeared in desert cities and quiet towns. Only the equipment on the submarine can deal with this jellyfish. The laser A gun wouldn't tickle him enough.

Teng Gong raised the gun in his hand and adjusted the power to the maximum, then pulled the trigger suddenly, and a strong wave hit the jellyfish. This uncomfortable feeling made the huge jellyfish retreat tens of meters immediately.

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