Ultraman Senki

Chapter 417 Fluctuating Lifeforms in the Defense Force

Teng Gong strode forward without any intention of stopping: "I am preventing mankind from going to the abyss of extinction. Human beings will become arrogant with these scraps of iron and steel."

When I heard the words in my dream, I couldn't help asking in surprise: "Really? You have really changed."

The meeting room of the defense force headquarters was full of big men from the defense forces of various countries and dignitaries from various countries. They gathered together for what happened last night.

Staff Officer Chiba stood there and talked about what happened last night: "I don't know what went wrong with XIG, and if I remember correctly, the disbandment of XIG needs to be decided at the general staff meeting. Besides, even if XIG is to be disbanded There is no need to destroy the sky base, it is the strongest sky fortress of the Defense Force."

A staff officer sitting next to the Chiba staff also said: "Commander-in-Chief, the two robots that attacked early this morning did not notify us. The attack on Ultraman in the suburbs of the city has been seen by many people. The current public opinion is not good for us. The Defense Force, and it also caused casualties at the Defense Force base. I think you want to give an explanation?" At the same time, he glanced at the people participating in the meeting, trying to find out who was involved in what happened last night.

"That's right, the command of the robot army cannot be handed over to one person. It is necessary to form a joint command to ensure that the robot army can play its role to the maximum, instead of becoming a private army of one person. expand with power."

All the representatives participating in the meeting nodded in agreement. No one would agree to handing over the robot army to one person. This is the idea that everyone has in their hearts.

The commander-in-chief sat at the head with a proud face, looked at the group of people in the conference room below with disdain, and slowly stood up: "I am the commander-in-chief of the defense force, and as the highest officer of the defense force, I have the power to Decide on anything. The XIG doesn't follow orders, I don't need such a force."

All the people attending the meeting looked at each other in blank dismay, and their eyes were telling a question: Is the commander-in-chief crazy? Otherwise, how could you not know your position?

The commander-in-chief of North America sneered, and looked at the commander-in-chief contemptuously: "The disbandment of XIG needs to be decided by the general staff meeting. The commander-in-chief will not even forget this. I think we can move on to the next topic now and discuss how to establish it. Robot Force Joint Command."

"Yes!" Representatives from various countries nodded in agreement, while a representative of a small country frowned and walked to the side of the commander-in-chief, and said in a low voice, "Do you know what you just said? Have you forgotten who you are?"

The commander-in-chief slapped the table and was furious: "I am the commander-in-chief of the defense force, you must obey my orders."

Everyone looked at him in surprise, not understanding why a mascot that was good before had suddenly become so inflated now. A thought could not help appearing in everyone's mind: maybe it is really crazy.

Staff Officer Chiba frowned and looked at the commander-in-chief: "Commander-in-chief, what's wrong with you? Your mental state is not very good today. Do you want to go to the medical department to have a look?"

"Yes, he is indeed feeling a little uncomfortable today." The representative of the small country immediately reacted, calling on the commander-in-chief's entourage to get this abnormal commander-in-chief out as soon as possible, so as not to cause trouble for his country anymore.

"Let go of me." The commander-in-chief threw the burly men away, and stood there with an angry face: "I am the highest officer, and you people don't obey my orders."

Everyone exchanged glances, and they all saw amusedness and doubts.

The North American commander stood up and looked at him vigilantly: "Who the hell are you?"

"Huh?!" Everyone was shocked, and then thought of the commander-in-chief's performance, and immediately thought of this possibility.

"He is the undulating life form!" A faint voice suddenly appeared in the meeting room, and then a golden light flashed, condensing the figure of Nexus.

Nexus immediately raised his right hand and sent a beam of light penetrating the room, blooming above the ceiling, and countless light spots immediately surrounded the meeting room. The representatives of various countries found that their surroundings had been transformed into a gloomy mountain environment with a blink of an eye.

Staff Officer Qianye couldn't help squatting down, stroking the ground with his hands: "Is this the different space?"

Nexus pointed at the commander-in-chief and sneered: "In this space that belongs to me, the space ability of your wave family is of no use here at all. Let's die here together with the previous wave lifeforms."

The commander-in-chief's body flickered twice, but he still stood there, his eyes bent into an arc that humans could never do, and he didn't open his mouth, but everyone here heard his voice: "I didn't expect that I was still caught. You discovered it, but it was too late, this planet is about to be ruled by the Lord, and you humans are a gift from the Lord to us."

"What did you say?" Staff Officer Qianye stood up, staring in astonishment at the commander-in-chief who was slowly floating up.

The Commander-in-Chief floated to the sky, and the space around his body rippled like water waves. His body immediately blurred, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a huge translucent jellyfish, floating in midair.

"What?!" Everyone was stunned. The commander-in-chief of the defense force turned out to be a fluctuating life form. This is as nonsense as if the FBI was established by the Soviet Union.

Nexus crossed his arms in front of him, his body glowed with a strong golden light, and the golden light quickly swelled up, instantly changing from the size of a human to a giant tens of meters tall.

In the command room of the sky base, Captain Di looked at Teng Gong standing at the door of the room with some vigilance, and Dunzi and George also looked at my dream full of doubts.

I Meng also noticed everyone's vigilance and rejection, so I had to stand up and say, "Teng Gong found out something about that robot and the defense force."

Dunzi muttered: "After invading the reference room of the ground base so many times, I must be able to find things from the Defense Force."

George couldn't help but tugged on Tunzi. Tengzi didn't have a good impression of Teng Gong. After all, he almost let his favorite sky base fall last time.

Captain Di turned his head to see the bulge in Teng Gong's waist, and stretched out his hand: "Please hand over your weapon, okay? Don't get me wrong, this is a rule."

Teng Gong turned his head and looked at Captain Di expressionlessly, Captain Di stood in front of Teng Gong and refused to give way, with his right hand stretched out there all the time.

My dream was very embarrassing: "Teng Gong, Captain Di..."

Teng Gong snorted coldly, stretched out his right hand and took out the special gun pinned to his waist, adjusted the handle of the gun and handed it to Captain Di, who took it and looked at it curiously before sticking the gun in his leg put on.

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