Ultraman Senki

Chapter 411 Nexus' revenge

PS: The book friend group is on the introduction. Xingsha will bubble up in the group if he has nothing to do.

Next is the appearance of various experts, from the weather to the climate to the economy, in short, all-round bragging, uh, introducing the benefits of this robot for earth defense and human beings. It makes people feel that if there is no such thing in the sky above the city, it will be unlucky to eat well, go out smoothly, and the zodiac sign will become unlucky.

In the command room, several people stood in front of the big screen and watched the news about the robot released by the Defense Force this afternoon, and the information they got about the robot was more complete.

The firepower, battery life and weight of the robot introduced above show the strength of this robot in an all-round way. This point is no longer confirmed. The battle with Nexus at noon has revealed the strength of this combat weapon. powerful.

Staff Officer Chiba didn't feel happy to see the powerful weapon: "Is such a powerful weapon really made by us humans?"

Commander Shishi said with a serious expression: "I haven't seen this and I don't know it, but I know that if this kind of thing gets out of control, we don't have the slightest power to stop it."

Captain Dike nodded: "And judging from today's Nexus Ultraman battle, as long as there are two robots, even Ultraman may not be able to win."

I dreamed that I was sitting on the seat in a daze, not saying a word, my eyes were out of focus, and I was completely out of my mind and didn't know what I was thinking about.

Dunzi looked worriedly at I Meng who was sitting there without a trace of vitality: "I Meng, he has become like this again?"

George nodded in agreement and began to recall: "The last time was after the battle with the giant beast, the last time was..."

I sat there in my dream, but I didn't know where I was drifting: "What is Ultraman fighting for? Human? The earth? Is it really right for me to fight for human all this time?"

What happened today completely confused my dream. In the past, he always thought that humans were victims, but today he saw how humans eliminated monsters, even though the monsters had no intention of harming humans. Even the Defense Force wanted to eliminate the Ultraman who had been protecting humans for their own so-called plan. Now I Meng doesn't know whether my battle is still necessary.

Commander Shishi glanced at I Meng who was sitting there silently with a confused face, and couldn't help sighing. The only one who can contain the robots is Ultraman, but now...

In Teng Gong's secret residence, Teng Gong showed Xingye the information about the shattered summoning body that he had found in the monuments all over the world.

A series of murals showed a huge head protruding from the sky, while on the ground there were two entangled red and blue colors, until the position of the head...

All the ancient books collected before Xingye are now moved to this secret residence of Tenggong. The table is covered with open books, and these murals of different styles are the result of Tenggong.

Xingye clutched his left shoulder, turned around and looked at Teng Gong: "It seems that you have come out of the shadows."

Sitting there, Teng Gong's face was full of sadness: "This guy just used wrong information to make Ultraman fight, and then descended to destroy all life on the earth. It's ridiculous that human beings are still hurting the earth. Human beings will definitely be punished.”

"Only when human beings learn a lesson will they know that what they did was wrong. All I can do is to shorten this process so that human beings suffer less harm."

"It would be great if my strength is still there." Teng Gong raised his right wrist to look at the dim colored timer holding the sapphire bracelet: "I can't do anything at all now."

Xingye stood up and said calmly: "If you keep thinking like this, then you really can't do anything. Complaining about yourself will never accomplish anything. Think about the glory you lost in battle."

Xingye took out the Evolution Truster and pulled it out. His body was immediately enveloped in golden light, and then the golden stream of light rushed to the sky, quickly disappearing into the night sky. Sitting there, Teng Gong stared blankly at the distant starry night, slowly lifted the sapphire bracelet, and stared at the dimly colored timer on it in a trance.

The starry night turned into a golden streamer and shuttled quickly among the clouds. Below were bustling cities. Looking down from here, you can see the city that never sleeps built by thousands of lights. The lights of vehicles driving on the criss-crossing roads form flowing rivers of light.

"It's really beautiful!" Xingye couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Humans used their own wisdom and strength to build this incomparably magnificent city on this planet, but the price was the extinction and migration of countless creatures.

This is a heavily guarded defense army base, hidden in the deep mountains, surrounded by barbed wire and covered with monitors. possible attack.

A soldier was patrolling with an automatic rifle in his hand. He inadvertently raised his head and saw a different star in the sky. He couldn't help but patted the shoulder of the young soldier in front of him: "Do you think that star is different?" ah?"

The young soldier raised his head and looked: "It seems to be moving, is it a satellite? Or an airplane?"

"Why do I feel like I'm falling towards us?"

"How is it possible?" Another soldier laughed indifferently.

The two were talking, but they were surprised to find that the brightly shining 'star' became bigger and bigger with the passage of time. Before he could cover his ears, he slammed into the nearby mountain range.

With a loud "boom", the earth and mountains vibrated, making the soldiers guarding here think they were under attack, and immediately raised their guns, and the searchlights were turned on immediately to shine towards the sound source, and illuminated there daytime.

A huge black figure stood up amidst the smoke and dust, and the mountain wind blew away the dust. The guard soldiers looked at the silver giant standing on the hill in amazement.

"That is..."

"Ultraman Nexus..."

Finally someone remembered what to do: "Hurry up and report to your superiors!"

While the guards were panicking, Nexus looked at the secret base built in the valley, which stored a large number of ground-penetrating missiles of the Defense Force.

Nexus stretched out his arms and crossed them in front of him, then lifted them up on his chest, a strong electric light shone between his arms, and when he raised his arms, his forearms were already shining with bright silver light.

"Ultimate light!" Nexus crossed his arms into an L shape, and under the astonished eyes of the soldiers, he released a bright light bombarding the base.

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