Ultraman Senki

Chapter 407 Prototype? Number one machine?

And those missiles all hit the robot on the ground, and the flames from the explosion almost submerged it, and messy scratches appeared on the originally smooth metal surface.

"Something is rapidly rising from the ground to the ground," Dunzi looked at the radar screen in surprise, a heat source representing life is rapidly rushing to the ground: "And there is a huge life reaction."

"Bang!" The ground next to the ground-penetrating missile split open suddenly, a large piece of soil flew up and was thrown into the sky, and a monster full of mud came out of the ground and roared towards the sky. Filled with pain and anger.

This monster is covered with hard scales, but most of the scales have been broken, and one of the sharp horns on the head is broken. There are two sharp fangs beside the mouth, one is completely broken and the other is also covered. It is full of cracks and has a thick tail like a white tiger.

But now this monster is very miserable, with a sticky blood-like liquid continuously flowing out of its mouth, and its body can't even stand upright.

One eye was completely blind, and the only eye that could see clearly was full of anger, and he moved step by step towards the command vehicle where Hiiragi was in the distance with heavy steps.

"How is it possible, the ground-penetrating missile has no effect." Hiiragi looked at the seriously injured monster, couldn't help frowning, and picked up the microphone: "Everyone enter the air-raid shelter immediately."

Nexus turned his head to look at the seriously injured monster, couldn't help but clenched his fists, stood up abruptly, and swung his fist vigorously. The fist was covered with a layer of dazzling sparks, and it hit a The robot's chest was immediately knocked out and fell heavily to the ground.

Nexus looked anxiously at the monster that was still walking forward step by step, and hurriedly said: "Leave here quickly and return to the earth."

"Ang!" The monster ignored the reminder from Nexus a thousand meters away, fixed its eyes on the command vehicle ahead, and moved firmly.

Vehicles parked around the ruins of the launcher were trampled flat by the monster, and all the engineering equipment worth tens of thousands of gold were smashed by the monster.

"Damn it!" Hiiragi pressed the button next to it, and the self-propelled chariot on one side drove over, aiming at the monsters that kept approaching here.

Nexus saw that the monster didn't listen to his words, so he stepped forward to run over, but beams of light came from behind, and Nexus hurriedly jumped to the side. Several beams of light rubbed against Nexus' body and bombarded the ground, blasting the ground into several large craters.

"Go to hell with me." Nexus faced the light beam hitting him, and strode towards the robot, with his left hand resting on his right arm, and his right fist was already shrouded in dazzling light.

"Boom!" Nexus punched the robot's abdomen, and violent energy immediately poured into the robot's body.

"Boom" A louder explosion sounded, and the robot was instantly gasified by the powerful energy, leaving not even a trace of debris. The violent flames even splashed out hundreds of meters of flame clusters.

And in a room with more than a thousand square meters, there are rows of hundreds of computers densely covered like a lecture theater, and at the southernmost end is a huge display screen that completely occupies that wall.

The battle between Ultraman Nexus and the two robots is displayed on the big screen, and there is a row of data next to it marking various data of the robots: energy storage, armor damage, ammunition consumption...

And the scene where Nexus destroyed the robot with a punch with all his strength, immediately made all the people present exclaimed. You must know the hardness of the armor on this robot, even if it is a 1000mm rail gun plus an alloy. Even armor-piercing bullets couldn't penetrate it, but now it was wiped out by Ultraman's punch.

Several commanders looked at each other, and they all saw shock in each other's eyes.

The Australian commander couldn't help sighing: "I didn't expect him to become stronger again. It seems that what he showed last time was not his true strength."

The commander of North America said firmly: "There is no turning back when we open the bow. We have no way out. We must destroy it."

Several commanders all nodded in agreement. Once they become enemies, they can only be eliminated as soon as possible.

A staff officer trotted over and saluted them: "The commander-in-chief sent an order to dispatch the prototype."

"But hasn't the prototype machine fully studied its electronic and intelligent systems? Wouldn't it be inappropriate to rush out?" A slightly seasoned commander put forward his opinion.

"There is no other way now. He must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise it will be bad when he reacts."

Everyone nodded when they heard the words. Following the order, an alarm sounded in a secret base on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. A huge opening slowly opened on the top of the huge base, and then a huge robot flew out of it. , moving quickly in the sea water.

After Nexus eliminated the robot, he turned his waist and kicked the other robot to the ground. Then he turned around immediately, raised his right hand and released a light blade, cutting the self-propelled chariot that was attacking the monster in half, and the ammunition inside exploded immediately, smashing the chariot to pieces.

The monster walked crookedly towards the front, and walked straight towards the command room where Hiiragi was located, without any intention of attacking the soldiers hiding in the trench next to it.

Hiiragi did not flinch, and pushed the switch up: "Don't think that we humans will be afraid of you." The ground next to it opened with the sound of the machine, revealing a gentle slope paved with steel below, a self-propelled combat vehicle The car drove out of the tunnel and continued to fire at the monster.

When Nexus raised his arms again to destroy the chariot, the armor on the back of the fallen monster opened, and rows of weapon launch ports suddenly shot out laser beams and hit Nexus. behind.

"Oh!" Nexus was immediately sent flying and hit the ground heavily. Just when Nexus raised his head, he saw a huge beam of light, piercing through layers of clouds from the sky and hitting his position directly.

Nexus didn't have time to get up and immediately rolled to the side. The light beam bombarded the ground and exploded immediately. A cloud of flame mushrooms more than 300 meters high rose up, and the earth and rocks caused by the huge shock wave hit Naike in a chaotic manner. Nexus felt a bit of pain on Seth's body.

Nexus steadied his body and raised his head to see that a robot of the same shape was falling from the sky, but just by looking at the metal material on his body, it could be seen that this robot was different from the previous two robots.

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