Ultraman Senki

Chapter 393 Challenge from Data Lifeforms

"Speaker Daniel, there is an urgent communication." Dunzi reported and connected the communication to the big screen.

Daniel didn't even have time to exchange greetings, and said anxiously: "Commander, it's not good, the thing that was parasitic in Chrysis came back to life, and just broke through the blockade of Starry Night and ran onto the Internet."

Xingye leaned over and continued to move: "Now the European Defense Force branch has been invaded, and all systems have collapsed. We are disconnecting the European branch's network from the world network, and we must not let it run away. Otherwise, the global network will be messed up by this thing."

Before Xingye finished speaking, the communication of the sky base was suddenly disconnected, which made Xingye stunned.

"The network of the European branch has been completely disconnected," Daniel said with some joy: "Now we are gradually investigating the hiding place of the abnormal program."

"We must not let it run away this time." Xingye focused on this aspect, and really didn't want to fight with that kind of guy who could proliferate crazily.

The large screen in the command room of the sky base suddenly went black, and then piercing sirens sounded from all around, and the protective panels of the command room's window rose up automatically.

"All external communication lines have been cut off," George reported in a flustered report: "The automatic defense system has been activated."

"The central computer has been invaded," Dunzi hurriedly reported, "A1 and A2 areas have been infected by viruses."

"Switch to the backup system." Commander Shishi couldn't help frowning.

"The switch has already started." Dunzi and George quickly tapped on several controllers with four hands, and soon stopped all the main systems and switched to the backup system.

"No, it's also infected here." George was shocked.

"How is it possible?" Meng Meng was surprised: "The backup system should be completely independent."

"The areas A2 and A6 have been invaded, and the 'Wazhen' has already attacked." Dunzi tapped the keyboard quickly to make the anti-virus program start to operate.

"Now it is the A1, A8, and A10 areas. It is cracking the 'Tile Needle' program. The speed is very fast, 10%, 50%, 80%." George's tone became more and more startled: "The Tile Needle has been cracked."

Staff Officer Qianye's eyes widened in surprise: "What did you say?" You must know that the tile needle is the most advanced anti-virus program, and it was cracked so quickly.

In just one minute, the defense system and weapon control system of the sky base were all occupied, and they lost the ability to counterattack in an instant.

Xingye just solved the abnormal program in the European branch, and then found that the external communication of the sky base was all cut off. Moreover, it was discovered through the satellite that the sky base was moving slowly, and it was obvious that there was a problem with the gravitational repellent.

Daniel looked at the sky base that was constantly lowering in height on the screen and said in horror: "Could it be that the sky base has also been invaded?"

"According to this trend, the sky base will crash in ten minutes." Xingye tapped his hands quickly, and began to forcibly break through the blocked communication system of the sky base.

After a while, Xingye took control of the communication system of the sky base: "I dream, did you hear it? Please answer if you hear it!"

"Starry Night," my dreamy tone was full of surprises: "I've heard it."

Daniel couldn't wait to ask: "What happened?"

I Meng said anxiously: "The sky base has been invaded, most likely it is something parasitic in Chrysis. Now most of the functions of the sky base have been controlled, and the tile needle program doesn't work at all."

Xingye tapped the keyboard quickly: "The other party is an intelligent life form, and it is useless to use rigid procedures."

"There is an abnormality in the hangar, and the fighter jet started by itself." At this moment, I heard an anxious voice from inside, and hung up before finishing speaking.

"Reduce the voltage, close the track!" Commander Shishi ordered, but the communication had already been cut off.

"I'm fighting with the opponent for control," Xingye said quickly, "Don't be idle, give up on other places first, and hurry up to seize control of the gravitational repulsor. The sky base must not be allowed to fall."

"I see." George, Dunzi, and I Meng also started to get busy, fighting for control with all their strength, and members of Alchemy Star from all over the world also exerted their full strength to compete with the enemy for control.

Although the opponent is an intelligent life form, in the face of so many "inhumans" of alchemy stars, he still retreats steadily, vomiting out the invaded systems one by one. Xingye firmly controls the communication line and the gravitational repeller to avoid accidents.

Just as he squeezed the opponent into a small corner, a gloomy voice sounded from the communicator: "Nexus Ultraman, come and fight me."

Staff Officer Chiba listened to the voice from the command room's communication system: "Does the other party want to fight Ultraman Nexus again?"

Commander Shishi said with a gloomy face: "It seems that he was very unconvinced when he lost last time, and now he wants to challenge Ultraman Nexus again."

"Challenge me?" Xingye couldn't help frowning when he heard the voice: "Is he running around trying to find a suitable battlefield in the Internet to fight with me? Does he have any certainty of victory?"

However, the most invaded system has been restored, and this data lifeform has not taken any action, and has just been wiped out.

The sky base finally returned to normal, and Alchemy Star also retreated to return control to the command room.

Before the Chiba staff breathed a sigh of relief, they received an emergency call from the ground base: "Commander, this is Geo Base, and an emergency has occurred. A computer virus has invaded here, and all equipment and systems in the F4 laboratory It's all been taken over."

The piercing sirens in Geo base echoed in this huge base with a depth of one kilometer: "Attention all, an emergency has occurred, please evacuate the base immediately."

And the door of the F4 laboratory was tightly closed. This several-meter-thick steel door, the unlocking program completely lost its function. No matter how the password was entered, the door could not be opened.

"Is there anything there?" Commander Shishi asked, frowning.

Tong Hou said anxiously: "It preserves the fragments of metal life forms that once attacked the earth."


I stood up dreamily: "This is its real purpose. Everything before it is to disturb our sight. It wants a body that can move in the material world to challenge Ultraman Nexus."

Staff Officer Qianye couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, and then said puzzledly: "Those are just some fragments."

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