Ultraman Senki

Chapter 387: A Future That Can Be Changed

Coming out of the command room and walking here, I dreamed that Xingye was standing by the railing on the top floor. I dreamed that I walked over and looked at the blue sky outside and said, "Xingye, do you feel lonely when you travel in time and space?"

"Lonely?" Xingye repeated.

I Meng nodded and said: "If you are alone, don't you feel lonely? No one can tell, isn't it too lonely to travel alone in endless time and space?"

"Yeah, it's really unbearable. Every time I go to a world, I meet a lot of friends, but I still have to separate in the end and I probably won't be able to see each other again in the future." Xingye said slowly looking at the sky.

"Why do you want to leave? Can't you stay?" My dream said earnestly: "Isn't it good to give up time travel and stay in a world?"

Xingye glanced at my dream: "My dream, you really want to have a partner who can fight side by side."

I dreamed that I was silent for a long time before I nodded: "In fact, sometimes I also think, why does the earth give power to me? I am not a strong person, and I don't really want to join XIG to fight in my heart. Yes, I prefer to solve those unknown puzzles in the laboratory. I have been fighting alone for so long, and I must do my best in every battle, because I cannot lose to the enemy, otherwise human beings will definitely will be hurt."

Xingye stood there quietly listening to my dream, fighting alone, no matter how many injuries he suffered, he could only silently wipe the wound in a deserted corner, unable to tell others about his heart secret.

Xingye raised his head and stretched out to the distant sky: "I dream, do you think the clouds in the sky can be touched by reaching out?"

"Huh?" I looked at Xingye puzzled and shook my head.

"Even if we can't touch with our hands, we can see with our eyes. Traveling in time and space is indeed lonely, but I have met many partners in this process, and I have learned a lot from them. Even in the future I can't see each other again, but the good memories of fighting with them will remain in my heart forever." Xingye couldn't help but put his hand on his chest, where there was a warm golden light from ancient times: "The meaning of fighting Not just to defeat the enemy, but to protect those things that are worth cherishing."


"That's right," Xingye nodded vigorously: "Every time I fall down, I will recall that someone is still waiting for me to go back. This belief supports me no matter how powerful the enemy I encounter, no matter how heavy I suffer I can stand up again without any injuries."

"Faith!" I Meng lowered his head and looked thoughtful.

"I will go on in a person's time travel until I complete my mission. This is my promise and my responsibility."

"Responsibility, mission!"

"Actually, I don't know why this light chose me, but since he chose me, then I have to take this responsibility." Xingye looked at the three fighter planes flying outside: "And I dream that you are never alone In the battle, they are also fighting desperately, resisting powerful invaders with weak weapons, and working hard to protect their own planet."

In my dream, watching the Falcons training outside, I couldn't help thinking about the battles again and again. XIG's fighter jets are too fragile for monsters. Every attack may be the last flight, but they still haven't given up. Or retreat, trying to stop the monster's advance every time. In his spare time, he is training desperately, just to hit the enemy better in the next attack. How many times he had brushed shoulders with the god of death, but the next time he received the order to attack, he still did not hesitate to attack the huge enemy again.

I Meng took out the sapphire cone and looked at the red and blue light inside: "I don't know why the power was given to me, but I will take this responsibility, because I am also a human being, and I will do what a human being should do. Defeat those invaders and protect the human homeland."

There was no trace of hesitation on my Meng's face, and it was full of determination. At this moment, the Falcons finished their training and came out of the hangar.

I Meng ran over and stopped the three Falcons: "Why did you attack rashly at that time?"

Captain Yone Tian smiled: "Go check out the situation there."

"No," I Meng shouted loudly; "Why do you fight in the same way as you want to die every time?"

Captain Yone Tian raised his head to look at the blue sky, and sighed with incomparable emotion: "Because this is fate."


Captain Yoneda smiled and said: "I know when my death will come, so the way of fighting that seems to you to seek death is actually just a tactic."

Xingye came out from the corner of the corridor: "Have you seen your future?"

The four turned their heads to look at Xingye. Captain Yoneda turned around and looked Xingye up and down: "It's no different from human beings."

Xingye smiled frankly: "So what you see is the surface, including the future you see."

The three members of the Falcon team couldn't help being stunned, and Captain Yone Tian couldn't help frowning: "What do you mean?"

Xingye smiled slightly, turned around and leaned on the guardrail to look at the scenery outside through the huge panoramic ship window: "If you jump off now, will the death scene you see in the future still happen?"

"Huh?!" The three members of the Falcon team couldn't help being taken aback.

"The future is like this. No one can really know what will happen in the future. If he does, then when he knows, the future has actually changed quietly."

Kobayashi, a member of the Falcons, said excitedly, "You mean what we see is not the real future?"

Xingye said firmly: "When you see the future, that future is actually outdated. The real future is in our hands and can be changed with both hands."

Captain Yone Tian looked at the sky with confusion and excitement: "Can the future really be changed? Really?"

At this time, a swirling cumulonimbus cloud suddenly appeared in the sky, which surprised everyone, and then a black spot rushed out from there, expanding rapidly in front of everyone's eyes, and could be seen with the naked eye in just a few seconds Its appearance is exactly the monster that appeared in the space-time tunnel before.

"The future really cannot be changed." Captain Yoneda said through gritted teeth.

The monster rushed towards the sky base at high speed. On the way, it opened its mouth and spit out a light bullet. It took only two seconds from the moment it appeared to the time it spit out the light bullet.

Xingye's whole body turned into a golden stream of light that directly penetrated the ship window to the outside of the sky base, and then condensed into a silver giant.

Nexus waved his right hand and sent out a light blade that directly detonated the light bullet in advance, and the flame of the explosion could be seen even on the ground.

"Uh, this guy is Ultraman?!" The eyes of the three Falcons almost popped out.

Captain Yoneda was the first to react: "Kobayashi, Tsukamori, let's go!"

The juvenile form of Nexus is now a little different from the past. There are thin golden patterns drawn at the junction of silver and black, and these golden patterns finally converge to the energy core on the chest.

"Ha!" Nexus raised his arms and put his hands together, his body suddenly accelerated and slammed into the oncoming monster.

Seeing that Nexus blocked the light bullet he spit out, the monster flew into a rage, let out an ugly roar, and slammed straight into Nexus without slowing down in the slightest.

The sirens in the command room had already been turned upside down, and monsters appeared near the sky base. If this silver giant hadn't appeared just now, the entire sky base would have been destroyed.

"The Falcons have set off," Dunzi looked in surprise at the three fighter planes that had already entered the take-off procedure: "The EX plane has also entered the descent orbit."

"What?" Staff Officer Qianye was taken aback for a moment, then he let out a sigh of relief: "Great, the sky base is finally guaranteed now."

"I absolutely can't let you die, we are partners fighting together." I Meng said firmly, and quickly chased after the Falcons. If they were, they would definitely fight in that way that almost sent them to death.

"Start the attack program of the sky base and prepare to attack the monster!" Commander Shishi began to order: "All fighter teams take off, and we must destroy this monster."

For the fact that this monster is elusive, it is worth the defense army to do everything possible to destroy it, because this monster is too dangerous, the radar cannot detect its existence, and it can travel through time and space, plus the words of my dream and Xingye before , Let the commander of the stone room make up his mind to destroy it.

Nexus slammed into the monster head-on like a silver blade of light, and the two sides staggered in an instant. Nexus was suspended in mid-air, shaking his extremely soft arms, while the monster flew straight like a kite with a broken string. Planted toward the ground.

At the moment of staggering, the stratospheric blades of Nexus' arms popped out, and swiped past the monster's wings.

Nexus clenched his fists to feel the power in his body. He just tested his speed. Generally speaking, it was average. The speed was not as fast as the blue Xing Tian, ​​and the strength was not as high as the red form, but it was stronger than the two forms. And Nexus can feel that this form has much stronger power than the red and blue forms-the power of time and space.

"Perhaps this form is the closest to Noah's form." Nexus guessed, but there was no time to think about it, because the monster below suddenly disappeared.

"Here!" Nexus fired a light blade towards the left side of his body without any hesitation. The monster just appeared and was hit by the light blade. Dazzling sparks splashed from his chest, and the monster screamed. Disappeared again.

Nexus suddenly raised his head and hastily swung a light blade again. Suddenly, a monster appeared near the swirling cloud. He was hit by the light blade and fell into the cloud with a scream.

"Don't even think about running!" Nexus flew towards the cloud, bound to kill this space-time monster, and without hesitation rushed into the vortex and disappeared.

"Come on, let me change this future with both hands." Captain Yone Tian roared, leading the Falcons into the clouds. Womeng also drove the EX machine to catch the last train, but the lightning team and cool dragon team were rejected because the cloud disappeared directly.

"Falcons, I dream, please answer!" Dunzi called eagerly, but there was no response at all.

"Ah!" Staff Officer Qianye sighed deeply, looking at the blue sky with a sad face, and now hoped that the weird cloud would appear again, and let the Falcon team and I dream out of it.

Commander Shishi patted Staff Officer Chiba on the shoulder: "They will definitely come back."

Nexus rushed into the vortex, and flew forward quickly while carefully feeling this time-space channel, which was completely different from the time-space channel opened by Nexus. This time-space channel was full of tyrannical breath, and never The appearance of lightning can be seen.

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