Ultraman Senki

Chapter 379: Collapsed Faith

"It can be used," a voice cut in at this moment: "I have unlocked the warehouse in the K12 area of ​​​​the European branch, and you can go in."

Dunzi turned his head to report: "The communication line has been forcibly invaded."

"Starry Night," Staff Officer Qianye took a deep breath, "Now we need to unite all our forces to defeat this unprecedentedly powerful enemy."

"The three warehouses in Asia and Australia have been unlocked. I still say that these bombs can only be used to deal with foreign invaders, not the life inside the earth." After Xingye said this, he ignored these things people.

The wormhole quickly lowered its height, and endless dark clouds rushed out from the wormhole and spread towards the surroundings. After a while, the land with a radius of hundreds of miles was plunged into darkness. Commander Shishi left me a communicator and left. There are still many things to do, and I was shocked to find that I couldn't log in to the Chrysis network.

Xingye walked in and looked at my dream of becoming a one-armed man, but he was still using the computer in this room, logging in to Chrysis over and over again and saying, "Don't worry about it, Chrysis has been sealed. "

I Meng looked at Xingye who walked in in amazement: "What did you say?"

"Go out and have a look." Xingye motioned Mengmeng to go out, and the huge wormhole could be clearly seen in the sky. Endless dark clouds covered the entire sky, and dazzling lightning bolts emerged from the wormhole, piercing the sky like a long sword, and at the very center of the wormhole, a huge head slowly poked out.

I Meng looked at this huge head in astonishment: "What is this?"

Fujimiya stumbled over, stood up straight, looked directly at Mengmeng, and said, "Mymeng, our battle is not over yet?"

"Didn't you see that thing above?" Xingye gave Fujimiya a sympathetic look.

Hearing this, Fujimiya pointed at Xingye angrily: "If it wasn't for you to stop him, he wouldn't have come at all."

Xingye sighed slightly: "Fujimiya, you have been saying that you have been told by the will of the earth that you need to eliminate human beings to save the earth, but haven't you ever thought that the will of the earth is fake?"

Fujimiya sneered: "How is it possible, this is what AGUL told me personally." Fujimiya couldn't help recalling the blue giant that entered the claws of his consciousness after Chrysis made the prophecy for the first time, walking on the road surrounded by infinite On the earth shrouded in darkness, a burst of lightning flashed across and illuminated the night sky. Fujimiya saw the ruined city at the feet of the blue giant.

At that time, an inexplicable voice told Fujinomiya that only by eliminating human beings can the earth be saved, and Chrysis later confirmed this.

"Impossible, that's the will of the earth." Fujimiya roared sternly: "It was the earth that told me, I have seen what human beings have done to the earth for so long, only by eliminating human beings can the earth be saved. "

"Do you still remember the fluctuating lifeforms that keep appearing? That guy has the ability to control the human brain, and Chrysis's program has also been infected by the shattering creature. The sound you heard is probably the voice of that fluctuating lifeform." Xingye looked directly at Fujimiya: "Their purpose is to make Ultraman fight and use Ultraman's power to complete this huge wormhole."

Fujimiya kept shaking his head, stepped back, and shouted loudly with horror on his face: "Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Fujimiya suddenly raised his head and pointed at Xingye: "You must have done this, right?"

In my dreams, I strode forward and grabbed Fujimiya, pushed him into the room, and pressed Fujimiya in front of the computer: "Look for yourself, Daniel has already happened to Chrysis. The accident was sent over."

With trembling hands, Fujimiya began to look at Chrysis. It was very slow at first, but the speed of typing on the keyboard became faster and faster. At the same time, the panic on his face became more and more obvious. The Chrysis he designed was naturally very familiar, but Now he's found something that wasn't there before. Or the program that has always existed but has not been discovered, and then the runaway of Chrysis, the battle between Nexus and the monster...

"Ah!" Fujimiya roared, pushed me away and ran outside, raised his head and looked at the monster in the sky in astonishment.

Xingye looked at the distraught Fujimiya, and said lightly: "Crixis attacked the missile defense system of the Defense Force before I cut off the network connection. Now that the earth has lost the most powerful defense system, there is no way to deal with this What effective attack does the monster make?"

"Haha!" Fujimiya laughed miserably: "Then the prophecy made by Chrysis and what I have been doing..."

"Yeah!" I Meng nodded: "It may be the will of the body rewritten by the shattered body. He wants us to kill each other and weaken the defense of the earth. Another point is..."

Gritting my teeth, I dreamed to remove the bandage hanging from my left arm: "This wormhole is really too big, so energy needs to be transmitted from both sides, and the energy emitted by the battle between Ultraman is a good choice." , so the battle between us is helping the monster."

"Ah!" Fujimiya knelt down weakly, grabbed his head and shouted, his voice was full of despair and sadness: "Why? Why is it like this?"

Xingye couldn't help sighing. Indeed, Fujimiya spent several years convincing himself to destroy human beings according to the will of the earth, and has been fighting for it. Even though everyone doesn't understand him or even is hostile to him, Fujimiya still does it stubbornly, just because he wants to save this earth, which has nurtured countless lives.

But now he knew that his belief was wrong, false, and belonged to the enemy. This sudden blow caused the belief in Fujimiya's heart to collapse instantly, and he began to doubt and disbelieve everything.

Commander Shishi, who returned to the sky base, summoned all the fighter teams and began to assign combat missions.

Outside the ship window of the command room was darkness, and lightning bolts pierced the dark night sky from time to time, creating a scene of the end of the world.

"Now we don't know who the enemy is? So we can't formulate any effective tactics." Commander Shishi glanced at the team members sitting around: "However, judging from the scale of the enemy this time, it is absolutely impossible to deal with conventional weapons. Therefore, missiles equipped with high-energy explosive bombs will be used to attack, and now the ground crew has mounted such missiles on fighter jets."

Team Leader Yoneda raised his head and looked at Commander Ishishiro: "If this is the case, why don't our Falcons act as the vanguard to investigate the enemy's situation."

PS: I recommend a friend's book "The Flower of Miracle on the Other Side", a colleague of Lovelive.

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