Chapter 355: The Unknown Difference

"Boom! Boom!" The flames of the continuous explosions spread for hundreds of thousands of meters. The half of the sky facing the earth here was illuminated by the flames that suddenly lit up. The area that was about to enter the night suddenly became During the day, billions of people saw the clouds and sky against the fiery red of the sky, and the sun was obscured by the blinding light.

Gaia rolled on the spot and dodged Aguru's slash again. Before he had time to attack again, endless flames flashed in the sky, causing the two Ultramans to raise their heads to look at the sky at the same time.

Gaia instantly realized that such a huge explosion was the only monster that was wiped out by Nexus. She couldn't help but be overjoyed and immediately took two steps back to block the monster that had already started to burrow into the ground. She looked at Aguru vigilantly and accumulated energy at the same time. Ready to strike back at any time.

"Damn it!" Aguru looked at the sky unwillingly and lowered his head, but saw Gaia looking at him with great vigilance, and the monster behind Gaia had penetrated into the ground and disappeared.

Aguru gave Gaia a bitter look, turned around and flew into the sky and disappeared. Gaia let out a sigh of relief and put down his arms. When he raised his head, he saw a blue figure flying over.

Nexus turned his legs and landed firmly on the ground. The colored timer on his chest had already flashed a red light. Seeing that Gaia was safe and sound, Nexus nodded at Gaia with relief.

"The asteroid has disappeared," Dunzi turned his head and suppressed his excitement, and reported, "It didn't have any impact on the earth."

"Great." Staff Officer Qianye shook hands with Commander Shishi very excitedly: "We have finally overcome this crisis."

"Yes!" Commander Shishi stared at the two huge figures, one blue and one red, on the screen.

"I really can't believe that Fujimiya would have such a cruel idea." I dreamed of standing on a high place and looking at a small town not far away, where people returned home after the monster disappeared, and the town recovered After the peace of the past, people began to enjoy a peaceful and warm life again.

I looked back at Xingye in my dream and said seriously: "You know what? In fact, I have always believed that Fujimiya will understand one day, and then protect human beings together with us. But what he did during this period of time made me really I really don’t understand, why does the earth want to destroy human beings? If the earth wants to destroy human beings, why does it let me get the power of Ultraman?”

"I don't know about that either," Xingye shook his head, "I also want to know what the so-called sound of the earth Fujimiya heard?"

I Meng lowered my head and walked towards the EX machine in a little confusion, took a look at Xingye who was still standing on the hill, started the EX machine and flew towards the sky base.

Standing there, Xingye let the breeze blow his clothes and the few strands of hair hanging from his forehead. The sun had already started to set on the distant horizon. Xingye sighed slightly and muttered to himself: "Does the earth really want to eliminate human beings?" ? Why do you want to give part of the power of the earth to me, an outsider? And why do you want to give power to two human beings whose views are obviously contradictory?"

Xingye's mind is full of various questions. Every mature planet has a history of billions of years, and it naturally leaves countless mysteries. The truth of these mysteries has long been covered by the long river of time. And Xingye wants to solve these mysteries, which is destined to be a difficult job.

Night fell soon, the streets were full of crowded people, and the traffic on the road was constantly shuttling, forming a river of cars.

On the big screen outside the shopping mall facing the street, KCB news is being broadcast, and the host is Reiko Yoshii, who is famous for her continuous coverage of Ultraman. This time, because the huge celestial body collision and the flames in the sky were seen by half of the earth, KCB urgently added a special report on this event.

"If that celestial creature is also a root cause of destruction to destroy the earth, then what kind of crisis will the earth encounter in the future? Also, why don't the three Ultraman combine their powers together? Get up and fight each other? We still don't know the reason for their fighting, but I believe in Ultraman, they will definitely save us humans." Reiko Yoshii told with emotion.

Fujimiya stopped and raised his head to read Reiko's news report on the big screen, then lowered his head and strode towards the KCB TV station building.

Reiko Yoshii finished broadcasting the news, walked down the corridor with a worried face, pressed the elevator button in front of her and waited for the elevator to arrive. At this moment, a familiar man's voice sounded from the corner of the corridor ahead.

Fujimiya hid there leaning against the wall and said to Reiko Yoshii: "Ultraman is indeed to save the earth from the shattered monsters."

"Then why are Ultraman fighting?" Yoshii Reiko walked towards the corner where Fujimiya was hiding.

"Because the difference between them is, do they know what they should do?"

"What should be done?" Reiko Yoshii was puzzled.

"Because saving the earth and saving mankind are fundamentally two different things. Remember to say this when you are on TV next time." Fujimiya turned and left after speaking.

"Wait a minute!" Yoshii Reiko stepped on her high heels and chased after her.

Reiko followed the man in black until he reached a jumping bridge outside the street, only then did the man stop and look at the traffic below.

Reiko Yoshii walked over slowly: "You told me last time that Ultraman can communicate with human voice. So Ultraman is actually human, right?"

"I didn't say that?" Fujimiya's tone was very indifferent.

"Actually, you really want to tell me, right?" Reiko approached Fujimiya and said seriously, "You really want to say that you are the blue Ultraman."

Fujimiya straightened up a little lonely: "Maybe I really want to talk to someone, but what can I do if I say it?"

After Fujimiya finished speaking, he turned around and left, ignoring Reiko's shouts behind him.

Walking among the crowd, Fujimiya's eyes gradually became firm: "What I do is what I want on Earth, and I will never give up."

And I dreamed of sitting in the EX machine and looking at the dark sky outside, but I kept thinking about what happened today: "Why does Fujimiya have such cruel thoughts? Does the earth really want to destroy human beings?" Otherwise, why did Fujimiya get the power of Aguru? But if he is correct, why did the earth give me the power of Gaia? Human beings are very important to the earth, what is it? Right? I must find out the real answer."

Although it was already night, the command room of the sky base was still full of excitement. This time, the failed attack on this huge monster made human beings see clearly their own weakness against attacks from outside the universe. At the same time, compared to missiles, Starry Night's N-series satellites can not only be deployed quickly, but are also more affordable than missiles, a one-time consumable.

"The outer space satellite defense network is composed of 354 armed satellites. Once completed, it can intercept most attacks from space." Xingye introduced this defense system.

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