Ultraman Senki

Chapter 351 Shadow of the Sky (Fifth)

"Ha! Ha!" Nexus stepped forward with both legs, turning his hands into knives, chopping left and right, intercepting all beams of light in front of him. The beam of light collided with the hand knife, releasing dazzling sparks.

Nexus stretched out his arms and drew a dazzling golden light blade, cutting towards the monster quickly, hitting the monster's body in an instant and cutting the waving tentacles in half.

Nexus raised his right arm, and the energy core on his chest glowed brightly. A huge bow of light was condensed on the Nexus bow and arrow arm. He raised his right arm and pointed it at the monster in front of him. The sharp light The arrow flew towards the monster and instantly penetrated the monster's body.

The monster groaned and hit the ground with a bang, then exploded, the body ignited raging flames, and within a few breaths it was burned to ashes.

Nexus lowered his arms, the energy core on his chest burst into dazzling light, the Meta Domain began to dissipate, revealing the situation inside, and Nexus had disappeared.

A few days later, Hengmei was still standing at the window of the ship, looking enviously at the Kulong team and the Falcon team who were training outside. Dunzi came over and raised his head to look at Hengmei: "Senior Hengmei, thank you very much."

Hengmei didn't look back but looked out the window: "It was Ultraman Nexus who saved you, you should thank him."

Dunzi lowered his head in frustration when he heard this.

"I'm a fighter pilot, always looking for faster speed and higher altitude," Hengmei suddenly turned around and looked at Dunzi: "But because I'm too fast and too high, I ignore the important things around me , I have to say sorry for what happened last time."

"I was also wrong about what happened last time." Dunzi raised his head in surprise.

"I will teach you more in the future." Heng Mei zipped up and bowed slightly to the pier.

"Me too!"

The wave monster was wiped out again, and human society once again restored its former peace. But in the orbit of Saturn, which is very far away for human beings, an inconspicuous rock on the huge ring of Saturn suddenly left the orbit and flew towards the solar system.

Then the meteorite moved, its long tail and small head slowly turned up, and the ball-like body lit up two groups of light spots along the spine from head to tail.

The monster that shuttled through space at high speed passed the edge of the huge gas planet Jupiter. Its body immediately wrapped up some Jupiter gas to wrap itself inside, and rushed to the interior of the solar system.

In a dark room on the earth, the sapphire bracelet on Fujimiya's wrist flickered a few times, and Fujimiya's arm that kept typing on the keyboard suddenly stopped: "Is it coming?"

Then he started to get busy again, quickly entering line by line of data, trying to crack this complicated password. And it has to be hidden to avoid being discovered by the security system, so the progress of the cracking work is very slow, but now Fujimiya can't control so much, and directly started to brute force the firewall.

"Buzz! Buzz!" The information security monitoring room of the Gio base on the ground immediately sounded a piercing alarm, and a dozen technicians hurriedly sat back to their seats, and the sound of clacking and typing on the keyboard immediately sounded in the room.

Tong Hou, the person in charge of network security, hurried in and asked, "What happened?"

"There are intruders on the network!" A technician said anxiously: "And the speed is very fast, it has already broken through two firewalls."

"Last time, the defense of the satellite communication was broken through without anyone noticing. This time, he came directly to our headquarters, which is really too bullying!" Tong Hou was very angry. It happened again.

And Xingye is in contact with the Yale Xinbo Observation Center. Yesterday they discovered that an asteroid suspected of being outside the solar system is heading towards the inner solar system.

"When we observed it, it had crossed the orbit of Jupiter and was heading towards the orbit of Mars," the person in charge of the observation center said of their discovery: "Its central mass is the size of an asteroid, surrounded by a large amount of gas. However, we have already calculated that according to the current orbit of this asteroid, it will not have any impact on the earth, and its speed has reached the second cosmic speed, and there is no possibility of a sudden change of orbit. About thirty It will pass Earth's orbit in an hour."

"Well," Xingye nodded: "But I think we still need to pay attention, so as not to be caught off guard when something goes wrong."

"Yes, the Defense Force also thinks so, so they want to use your N-series experimental satellites combined with their missiles to carry out all-weather defense before the asteroid crosses the earth's orbit." The other party nodded and said.

"I see, I will unify the data link with the Defense Force." Xingye nodded and hung up the communication, and then started to connect the data link of the N series satellites orbiting the earth with the Defense Force's missile defense system. together.

The information security offensive and defensive battle at Jiou Base soon came to an end. The opponent retreated voluntarily but still broke through the defense system of a department and stole some information from it.

Tong Hou hurriedly reported the situation to the sky base: "I am Tong Hou from Ji'ou Base. Unknown people have just hacked into the ground base's system and stole some information."

"Is it the same person as the communication satellite last time?" Staff Officer Chiba was more concerned about this.

"No, and this intrusion stole a very confidential department," Tong Hou said with a serious face: "Since the appearance of Brother Fu, monsters on the earth have also appeared one after another, and it is said that these monsters survived from ancient times on the earth." There is more and more evidence to support the claim that the living things in the earth have been sleeping in the interior of the earth all the time."

"Is it the theory proposed by Xingye?" Mengmeng couldn't help thinking of what Xingye said back then.

"Yes," Tong Hou nodded; "So the ground base has collected many anomalies that have appeared on the earth since the appearance of Goff, and some of them have confirmed that there are indeed monsters in these anomalous areas."

Tong Hou said and transmitted the data, hundreds of dots of light flashed on the global map, and each dot of light represented a sleeping monster.

"So many!" I dreamed in astonishment.

"These are only confirmed, and there are still many unconfirmed." Xingye leaned over and said, "However, most of these monsters are sleeping in deserted mountains and swampy areas, and there are only a few monsters under the city. Very rare."

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