Ultraman Senki

Chapter 33 Fierce Flame Hell

"But if this is the case..." Lina looked at Xingye in surprise.

"Well! That mountain is completely destroyed, but it's worth it. We can't risk the lives of our team members just because of a mountain. We can replant the forest without it." Xingye calmly faced everyone's surprised gazes.

Director Sawai was silent for a moment, then looked up at Xingye: "Is this plan feasible?"

"No problem, the temperature of the flame bomb plus the combustion of the natural gas tank can heat the valley to more than 2,000 degrees, and after the explosion, you can throw the flame bomb again to keep the flames and definitely wipe out that monster." Xing Ye affirmed. Said.

"Then let's execute it," Director Sawai made up his mind: "Notify the fire department to send all the firefighting troops and planes there to stand by and arrange fire bombs and isolation belts around to prevent the flame from expanding."

After Director Sawai made up his mind, he signed the director's order. Because it involves the coordination of multiple departments, Director Sawai stayed in the command room to coordinate the cooperation between various departments.

The TPC base became extremely busy after the order was issued. All the departments involved were mobilized, and the more than ten firefighting planes of the fire department at the base were all dragged out of the parked warehouse. The trolley loaded with fire bombs stuffed the fire bombs one by one into the belly of the machine.

Several large transport planes parked in the open space of the hangar, allowing the ground crews to install flame bombs and ground launchers on them, while the medical department dispatched personnel to board the medical plane with medicines for treating burns and treating wounds. Arrive at the scheduled location first to build a temporary hospital...

The flight tracks of each take-off pod of the base are crowded with various types of aircraft ready to take off. The take-off hatches are opened, and one after another the planes fly away from the base and head towards the airport not far from the valley. All of a sudden, the sound of aircraft engines echoed everywhere on the sea.

On the other hand, Zongfang led a group of TPC personnel to Beichuan City No. 3 Company to dismantle the gas tank before Feiyan 2 arrived so that the hoisting could begin quickly. The company that was notified in advance has already extracted the natural gas from the connecting pipeline of the natural gas tank that needs to be dismantled, and provided the various data of the natural gas tank to TPC so that they can calculate the lifting position.

"Here, and here are all to be disassembled." Hori looked at the disassembly diagram on the tablet and said to the dismantlers around him. After receiving the instructions, they immediately separated and cut each bracket, and the cutting machine roared for a while. It can be said to be a rare scene in this place where fireworks are strictly prohibited.

"This time there will definitely be a lot of compensation problems!" Hori shook his head and sighed as he looked at the huge gas tank, but quickly put it behind him. These are not what he considered. The headache should be the TPC diplomatic spokesperson. .

Onoda drove his second-hand car and tried to catch up with Zongfang and the others, but... Zongfang had already arrived at Sanlian Company in Beichuan City and started working, but he was still bumping on the road, and the wireless TV in the car was playing a special program. The so-called Brickman is drooling about the cause of the monster incident plus his analysis. That nonsense made Onoda just want to punch him in the face and let him know why the flowers were so red.

"Now is not the time to talk nonsense..." Onoda patted the steering wheel bitterly. At this time, the host who had been passing by on the TV took over the newsletter and was very surprised: "Oh, GUTS has a new action. They even hoisted the natural gas tank. What are they going to do? Please Continue to pay attention to the follow-up reports of this station.”

I have to say that this TV station is still very well informed. TPC has just removed the natural gas tank, and Dagu is driving Feiyan No. 2 and Lina is concentrating on operating the towing device. The four high-strength electromagnets precisely stuck to the calculated four points of the natural gas tank, and the Feiyan-2 vertical jet engine blew hot air to drive the plane up slowly.

On the other side of the valley, a large group of TPC staff members are working nervously on the mountain tops on both sides and the mountainside in the middle, drilling holes in the ground to firmly fix the fire bomb launching device with screws, and then carefully put the flames into place. Bullets go in.

In the middle of the valley, an open area has been cleared to prepare for the arrival of the gas tanks. With this valley as the center, more TPC personnel have dug out firebreaks in the forest and placed temperature difference fire bombs several kilometers away. Once the temperature rises to a certain point, it will automatically detonate.

And an airport not far from here has been requisitioned by TPC to park the special firefighting planes that flew from the base and were transferred from other places. The ground crew was busy doing the final checks, and the pilot did not get off the plane but was sitting in the cockpit ready to take off at any time.

"Fire in place!"

"The flame bomb launcher in the valley has been installed!"

"The isolation zone has been set up!"

"Feiyan-2 arrived at the designated position and began to descend!"

"The monster has arrived three kilometers outside the valley!"


All the information was collected in the command room. As the monster approached the valley step by step, the atmosphere in the command room became more and more tense. Everyone watched as the red dot representing the monster on the screen approached the preset valley step by step.

After several hours of trekking, it is now time for the sun to set, and the sun will shine its last rays on the earth. Facing the sun, the monster smelled a smell of 'food', and walked a few steps forward. A natural gas tank stood not far in front of it.

The monster with no intelligence at all walked towards the gas tank by virtue of its biological instinct, and the cameras installed around it transmitted all his movements to the temporary headquarters and base in the distance.

"Closer, come closer!" Zong Fang watched the monster moving step by step, clenched his fists and began to breathe heavily. The atmosphere in the temporary command tent was extremely tense, and everyone stared at the screen without blinking.

Finally the monster came to the gas tank and bent down to hug the gas tank to his chest.

"Detonate!" Zong Fang waved his hand vigorously and shouted out all the tension and depression.

"En!" The launch button was pressed hard, and dozens of flame bomb launchers buried in the valley raised their heads at the same time and aimed at the natural gas tank on the monster's chest. Dozens of flame bombs roared. He rushed to the gas tank and exploded under the ignorant eyes of the monster.

At the moment of the explosion, the monster was blown to pieces, and the flame launcher on the mountain wall was instantly melted into molten iron.

The earth-shattering explosion resounded for tens of miles, and the soaring flames rushed hundreds of meters high like a mushroom cloud. The valley was suddenly engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, and the trees were instantly dried up and turned into fly ash. Dozens of fighter planes that had been circling a thousand meters away quickly rushed over regardless of the blowing of the thermal air. Contains four flame bombs.

With three fighters in a row, all the fighters lined up in a neat formation from two directions, one after another, swooped down to the position where the monster was before, and fired all the flame bombs, and then quickly pulled up the fighters behind to do the same. Drop the flame bombs in sequence.

The flames in the valley became more vigorous, and the flames had turned into pure white. The stones in the valley began to melt, and the walls on both sides slowly melted into magma, which flowed into the valley.

The splashing flames fell into the surrounding forest and ignited there as well. Dozens of fire engines each took charge of an area to extinguish the open flames. The isolation zone prepared in advance also played a big role in reducing the wildfire to the area around the valley.

It didn't take long for the flames that lost the combustibles to slowly shrink, but the huge monster that was there had disappeared, and the fire engines rushed to throw fire bombs one after another into the valley. Under the action of the fire bombs, the crimson valley cooled down rapidly. Finally, thousands of fire bombs were thrown and dozens of planes went back and forth several times before the temperature of the valley finally dropped to the lowest point.

"Oh my god! It's really amazing!" Hori was amazed at the completely changed valley around him. There used to be a lot of trees growing on the mountain walls on both sides of the valley, and there were many strange rocks on it, but now there is a mountain top with a height of 100 meters. Only half of the height is left, but the altitude of the valley has increased by more than 40 meters. The original cliff has now become a gentle slope. What is even more astonishing is that because of the thermal expansion and cold contraction, the mountains on both sides have huge cracks in many places. The widest part is more than ten meters wide and the narrowest part is several meters.

As for saying that the monster is there, I'm sorry that there are too many ashes here. I really don't know that he is in the pile of ashes. If you want to see it, you can only find it yourself.

"It's just hell!" Thinking of the scene of raging flames burning like the legendary hell just now, Horei was terrified.

Zongfang stood on a taller rock and looked around. He could see stratified rocks formed after the magma cooled everywhere. There is no soil to be seen. I am afraid that it will take a long time and a lot of energy to restore the lush scenery of the valley.

"I am Zongfang, the monster has been completely wiped out!" Although he knew that the headquarters already knew about it, Zongfang still reported it according to the procedure.

"Received by the headquarters, please return to the base as soon as possible. The remaining matters have been handled by the police department." The voice of Ju Jianhui came from the headset.

"Understood!" Zong Fang looked at the unrecognizable valley again and silently turned back, got in the car and went to the airport to take the Feiyan that landed there to return to the base. Zong Fang sat in the passenger seat and looked at the rearview mirror of the car, which still showed the valley side scene.

"In order to destroy a monster, we must destroy a valley on the earth. If there is no Ultraman, we humans must pay such a price?" Zongfang fell into deep thought. It was already late and Hori turned on the car lights to illuminate There is a way forward, but the future of mankind is still shrouded in a dark mist, and light is needed to guide mankind on the right path.

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