Ultraman Senki

Chapter 322 Earth Guard Geishink

When I woke up from the dream, I found that I was firmly tied to the fitness machine in the middle, and all my limbs were tightly bound with strong tape.

"Fujimiya, what are you going to do?" I looked at Fujimiya in confusion.

"You're going to stay here for a while," Fujimiya said, taking out the sapphire cone from my dream arms: "The resurrection of Gesink and the appearance of the shattered summoned body are all caused by human beings. They reproduced too much, so they had to weed out those surplus humans. The current suffering is all caused by humans themselves and they can’t blame others.”

"I'm sorry, my dream," Fujimiya put the sapphire cone on the table far away and looked at my dream: "When the number of human beings is reduced to an appropriate number and no longer affects other creatures, there will be no conflicts between us Then we can save the planet together.”

"Fujimiya, no, I don't want to lose anyone," Womeng pleaded, "Don't you have anyone you don't want to lose?"

Fujimiya stopped suddenly, but two women appeared in his mind, one was his partner for many years and the other told himself yesterday that human beings should not give up hope.

"Fujimiya, you always say that you are protecting the earth. In fact, you want to use the simplest method. Can't you think more about it? You can definitely find a way to save the earth and mankind." I kept struggling in my dream He tried, but the tape that bound him didn't budge.

Fujimiya looked at my dream with some pity: "I don't have much time anymore." After speaking, he turned and walked out of the room regardless of my dream.

Xingye went to the research room and found Mirai Asano, who was still busy collecting the fossil data: "In the future, it is too late and we must dispose of this fossil as soon as possible."

"What's wrong?" Future looked at Xingye puzzled.

"Professor Xu Bei is a fake. He changed the gene sequence of the fossil. This creature will wake up at any time, and it must be disposed of as soon as possible." Xingye walked to the side of the incubator: "Tell me how to destroy it."

The future has not yet answered, the detector on one side has already issued an alarm, and the staff is terrified: "Oops, the activity of the parasite cells inside has suddenly increased, and he will wake up soon if this continues."

"Send an alarm immediately, evacuate here!" Xingye said, hastily turned on the communicator and started contacting the sky base: "The commander of the stone room is not good, the parasites of the fossils are about to wake up, immediately wake up the residents around the research institute."

"I understand!" Commander Shishi didn't ask too much and immediately looked at Dunzi: "George immediately contacted the ground base and evacuated the residents five kilometers away. Dunzi issued the death order No. 3 to the entire ship, Lightning Team, Bison Team Attack immediately."

"Understood!" George and Dunzi immediately got busy, contacting the fighter team and coordinating the preparation of the fighter planes.

"Commander, do you know what's going to happen?" Staff Officer Qianye asked with a puzzled expression.

"have no idea."

"Then why..."

Commander Shishi turned around and looked at Staff Officer Chiba: "But I know something bad is going to happen."

The piercing siren sounded in the neighborhood, and people heard the monster siren and ran out of their homes in a hurry, following the guidance of ground base personnel and police officers to seek refuge in a safe area.

He took out the shock wave launcher and pointed it at the fossils in the incubator: "I don't know how to destroy you, so just disappear completely."

Starry Night tapped the shock wave emitter that gathered a lot of energy and suddenly rushed out a dazzling golden light that enveloped the fossils, but the light that hit it was absorbed by it, leaving nothing behind.

"What?" Xingye was very surprised, but saw the fossil suddenly crack open and a large amount of brown chocolate-like liquid flowed out: "Has it hatched yet?"

Xingye turned into a stream of light and rushed out of the research institute and appeared on a road in the distance. Looking at the research institute in the distance, he wondered what the creature would look like.

"Gaisink will absorb all the energy when it hatches, no matter what kind of energy it can absorb." The figure of Fujinomiya suddenly appeared beside him and said lightly.

"Why do you know the specific information about this creature?" Xingye turned around and looked at Fujimiya who was dressed in black.

"The earth told me that this creature is the most perfect creature bred by the earth." Fujimiya looked at the test tube in his hand with a little fascination: "and he is the earth's guard. They will be dispatched to control the number of that creature to a reasonable number. The dinosaurs back then are the same as the humans now, their crazy reproduction severely damaged the ecological balance of the earth, that’s why Gesink appeared.”

"Earth's guard force?" Xingye sneered: "They were destroyed by the earth because they were too perfect. What you said to know from the earth is a joke."

"Boom!" The research institute in the distance exploded suddenly, setting off building debris all over the sky.

A dinosaur-like monster with brown skin, three horns on its head, and a very thin body full of strong muscles stood up from the smoke and dust. The ten sharp claws on both hands gleamed coldly in the sun, and the wide open mouth was full of sharp teeth.

There is a transparent crystal-like thing in the middle of the sharp horn at the end of the mouth. Its light flickers and a brown light bullet flies out, which is only half a meter in size, and flies into a building tens of meters high. Then the whole building was blown to pieces, not even a larger fragment could be found.

"Did you see it? This is the power of Gesink. He is the most perfect creature and will be the strongest weapon used to defeat the monsters of destruction." Fujimiya looked at the man standing in the tall building with a smile on his face. Gesink.

Three fighter planes drilled out of the clouds, and Team Lightning had already arrived at the scene, beating Gesink violently, with lasers hitting Gesink's body, but what was surprising was that they failed to cause any damage to him. s damage.

"What a powerful defense!" Hengmei was a little surprised: "Ready to use high-energy beams."

"Henmi, Team Hercules will cover you on the ground." Captain Dike said as he put down the two chariots of Team Hercules.

Each chariot is made of super thick special alloy, which cannot be pierced by missiles, and the tires are as tall as a person, and the weapons on one car can wipe out the army of a small country.

"Look at the strength of our Hercules team." The three burly men in the two cars stared at the monster, as if they were watching a dish.

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