Ultraman Senki

Chapter 31 The Resurgent Zombie Monster

When Hori and Xincheng came here, TPC had already sealed off the area around the monster together with the local police. Under the hot weather, the monster emitted a strong rancid smell. Even so, there are still a lot of people around to watch, the monsters that usually appear are alive, and everyone dares to look there before they run, but this time it is different, this monster is dead, so it attracts many people to come here, stretching out against the pungent smell Straighten your neck to see the monster and take a photo to show off.

"Oh my god, why are there so many people?" Hori was shocked when he saw the sea of ​​people surrounded by three circles inside and three circles outside.

Many people have come up with many ways to eliminate the smell. Those who wear masks are the worst and the most. Some people wear gas masks. The most powerful ones are those who carry an oxygen cylinder and wear a breathing mask. People stand there and stare at the corpse of the monster intently.

I don't know which TV station's reporter has already stood up and broadcast live. The host held a handkerchief and said that he had to cover his nose with the handkerchief to take a breath of air. Even so, he was choked and coughed from time to time.

Seeing the arrival of Xincheng and Horei, I immediately ran over to interview them, but was stopped by the police and could only take pictures of their backs, while the host explained.

"I really can't stand the smell, this mask doesn't seem to work at all!" Horii fiddled with the helmet and looked at the helmet with the filtering function turned on, but the stench still came out of his nostrils.

"Let's collect the cell samples as soon as possible, so that we can leave earlier." Xincheng patted the box on his shoulders, as if to see how I was fine. But from his Adam's apple wriggling from time to time, it can be seen that he actually wanted to vomit a long time ago.

"Is there something wrong with your nose? Can't you smell such a smell?"

"What do you think is wrong with me?" Xincheng stood still and looked at Hori with dangerous eyes.

"Ah! The ears are really good!" Hori said and walked forward quickly.

The TV station, which filmed the scene of the dead monster, also conducted a feature on street interviews about monsters.

"What do you think about the monster's appearance?"

"Of course I'd be angry if my house was destroyed by monsters!" says the office worker.

"Isn't there someone named GUTS fighting monsters? They have to work hard to destroy the monsters!"

"With Ultraman destroying monsters, you don't have to worry too much!"


Director Sawai came to the command room to convey the resolution of the meeting just now: "It was decided at the staff headquarters meeting that the corpse of the floating monster should be burned as soon as possible by GUTS."

"Is it right now? It's too soon!" Ju Jianhui was a little surprised: "It still takes time to investigate."

"I understand your feelings." Director Sawai nodded and said, "This is a strong request from the local residents. The corpse is really smelly. Dozens of people have been sent to the hospital and most of them are old people and children. .Maybe it will pollute the ocean, so it’s better to dispose of it as soon as possible.”

"But the Institute of Biology has just started analyzing the monster's cells, are you waiting for the results?" Xingye looked at Director Sawai.

"The current public opinion is very unfavorable to our TPC, and we need to do something to reverse this situation." Director Sawai sighed and felt helpless.

Everyone has also seen that because monsters appear frequently recently, but they are all defeated by Ultraman, so there are many unfavorable remarks against TPC: TPC spends so much money every year but cannot destroy monsters. Why is TPC, they can't protect the earth anyway... Wait, although this is just some tabloids writing to attract attention, but if TPC is still like this, I'm afraid this kind of talk will increase.

"I understand." Jun Jianhui nodded, "We will transport the corpse to the sea and burn it."

"But the capacity of the helicopter is not enough, how about using the Feiyan-2?" Zong Fang suggested.

"The horsepower of Feiyan 2 may not be enough for towing, but boosters can be added. It happens that the weapons and equipment of Feiyan 2 have been unloaded, and the boosters and lifting facilities can be installed soon." Xingye thought for a while and said.

"Is the towing training of Lina's team members over?" Ju Jianhui turned to look at Lina.

"Well, it can be done!" Lina replied with a nod.

"Drive the No. 2 machine to attack, and Dagu drives Feiyan EX to support!"

"Understood!" Dagu and Lina stood up and replied.

In the elevator going to the hangar, Lina stood there stiff and didn't say a word, which was not in line with her usual personality. Even Dagu could see Lina's nervousness.

Dagu glanced at Lina and said, "Actually, I'm also good at hanging things."

"Oh," Lina looked at Dagu in surprise, "Has Dagu also been trained?"

"It's like the entrance of a store," Dagu said, and started to demonstrate: "It's like a fleece doll."

"That's different!" Lina slapped Dagu reproachfully, and all the nervous emotions just disappeared. Lina smiled and didn't look at Dagu: "Thank you!"

Seeing that Lina was no longer nervous and returned to her previous appearance, Dagu also smiled easily.

When the two came to the hangar, Xingye was instructing the assembler to press the booster next to the injector of Feiyan No. 2. Compared with the Feiyan EX next to it, Feiyan No. 2 was still too small.

"You guys are here," Xingye greeted Dagu and Lina who were walking side by side, "It will be fine in a while."

The TV station at the monster site is still sticking to its post. The host has vomited several times and turned pale, but he is still talking about the situation at the scene. At this moment, there is a loud engine sound in the air. The host who was already dying Immediately regained his energy, pointed to the sky and shouted: "Ah! It's the victory team's plane. It seems that they have a new countermeasure..."

"Switch to the autopilot system!" Lina hovered the Feiyan No. 2 directly above the monster, switched to the autopilot system, sat on the towing position, put on the holographic eyes, and carefully operated the towing hoist The system comes.

Feiyan No. 2 descended slowly and approached the monster bit by bit, while a reporter outside the cordon was entangled with the police officers.

"I'm a reporter. It is necessary for the commander of GUTS to issue a statement." Onoda looked angrily at the recalcitrant police officer.

"I won't make any statement!" The police officer said no matter what he said, he was determined not to let him in for an interview.

This was the first time that Onoda encountered this kind of situation in an interview. In the past, whether it was a high-ranking government official or a celebrity, he would always look pleasant to reporters, but he hit a wall here at TPC.

Feiyan No. 2 finally reached the optimal height, and Lina pressed the button decisively after confirming that she was aiming at the monster. The four iron hooks of the towing device below were launched with a "clang" sound, and accurately shot into the four calculated points in the monster's body, so that it would not be tilted due to uneven force when it was hoisted.

After the hook entered the monster's body, several barbs popped out to hook the monster. Lina saw it and slowly pulled the handle. The booster and jet engine under Feiyan No. 2 became extremely bright and strong. The airflow made Feiyan Number two rose slowly.

The strong cable sliced ​​apart the rotten flesh of the monster like cutting tofu, and the huge body of the monster shook and was slowly lifted off the ground.

"Success!" Dagu, who was walking in Feiyan EX, was always watching Lina and said happily when he saw the monster being hoisted up.

"Oh, it's strange! Why is the monster so light!" Lina said doubtfully, the feeling from the sensor indicated that the monster was not as heavy as it was calculated before.

At this moment, the place where the monster was hooked by the iron hook suddenly softened, and the skin on the monster's surface was torn apart, and piles of material that had rotted for an unknown amount of time fell down. The iron hook, which had nowhere to rely on, jumped out of the monster with a whoosh. Feiyan No. 2 suddenly went up because of the loss of the weight, but the body was quickly balanced by the autopilot system.

The monster hit the ground and splashed a burst of dust, causing the onlookers to exclaim, but the TV station was excited and finally waited for the news. The host shouted at the camera: "Failed, the winning team's towing operation failed."

"Wait a minute," the host looked at the camera on the left in horror and followed suit: "The monster didn't die, but he actually stood up."

"Feiyan No. 2 returns to the base and Feiyan EX takes over." After finishing speaking, Xincheng manipulated Feiyan EX to fly towards the monster.

The monster didn't care about the fleeing crowd, but turned around and walked into the deep mountains. Zong Fang followed the monster's route and stretched on the map to see an extremely important natural gas storage plant: "Is the monster's purpose here?"

Zongfang immediately turned on the radio: "Xincheng and Dagu attack the monster immediately and change his course."

"Understood!" After Xincheng finished speaking, he said to Dagu through the radio: "Dagu is going to fly away."

"Understood!" Feiyan EX hovered in the air, and a pair of wings popped out slowly from the middle part, and then divided into two fighter planes.

"Come on!" Xincheng pushed the joystick and drove the Flying Wing and Loading to fly side by side.

Pressing the launch button, the machine head sent out a hot beam to hit the monster's chest, and the loader also sent out two frozen beams to hit the monster's body.

"What?" Zong Fang saw through the binoculars three beams of light hitting the monster's chest, but it had no effect. A whirlpool suddenly appeared on the monster's chest, sucking all the three beams of light into its stomach.

The monster opened its mouth and spewed out a stench that has accumulated for an unknown number of years. The Flying Wing and the Loading pulled the joysticks and climbed to escape the biochemical attack at this time.

"Damn it, Dagu will do it again!" Xincheng turned the Flying Wing and aimed it at the monster again, sending out a hot beam to hit the monster's back. Sparks splashed from the monster's back and some rotten pieces of meat flew up. And the freezing beam fired by Dagu hit the monster's shoulder and spread rapidly, freezing the monster.

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