Ultraman Senki

Chapter 308 AGUL's Holy Land

"Is it about the arrival of the Enemy of Annihilation?" Xingye asked. This prophecy is not a secret. Many high-level officials in various countries know about it. That's why G.U.A.R.D was established to deal with the attack of the Entities of Annihilation.

"It's not just this. At that time, the Crisis actually gave the answer to avoid the destruction of the earth caused by the disintegration, that is, to let the human beings on the earth disappear." Dr. Daoxin's words surprised Xingye: "We checked twelve in a row. The circuits and programs of the sub-photonic quantum computer have been busy all day and all night, but the prophecy of the Chrysis has not changed in the slightest, and it still shows that only by eliminating human beings can the crisis of the earth be avoided."

"Is this why Fujinomiya wants to wipe out human beings? It's just because of the prediction of a photon quantum computer!" Xingye found it hard to accept that billions of human beings would disappear from the earth because of a computer's prediction.

"Xingye, Dr. Daoxin, why are you here?" I dreamed of a startled voice from behind.

"My dream? Why did you come here?" Xingye was a little surprised, this place belonged to the secret base of Alchemy Star.

"I found this place on the map, so I rushed here." Womeng said honestly.

Dr. Daoxin looked at the surrounding equipment with some nostalgia: "Fujimiya moved here after quitting Alchemy Star, and made a lot of changes here. The upward passage was completely closed, and the underground passage was developed. The sensors are all aimed at the ground."

"Underground?" Xingye couldn't help being very puzzled. You must know that this is not a low-altitude area or deep in the trench. Studying the underground here is simply the opposite, and the effort is not thankful.

"That's right, he did say at that time that he wanted to know the will of the earth, he wanted to know the true will of the earth. The two of us have been observing for half a year, but we found nothing. We found nothing and found nothing." Dr. Daoxin shook his head: "At that time, I doubted whether the earth would really tell us something? Even if it told us, could we really understand the heart of the earth?"

"The heart of the earth, does Fujimiya also want to understand Gaia's consciousness?" Xingye was startled, and then seemed to understand something. Gaimeng and Fujimiya were able to obtain the light of the earth because they wanted to understand the will of the earth, and because of this, the earth responded by giving them its own light.

I also opened my mouth in Mengmeng. I didn't expect that Fujimiya had studied the consciousness of the earth like him, and the time was much earlier than myself.

"But one day, Fujimiya wanted to give up the research very strangely. He pulled out the record strip like crazy, his face was full of frustration and sadness." Dr. Daoxin recalled: "He said that he found that he could What is the use of the self-healing power of the earth when the host of destruction comes? It is not the power that can save human beings. If the attack of the host of destruction is to be eliminated, isn’t it easier to remove the obstacles? Humans have always done it to the earth. What, you only want to get the protection of the earth until now, isn't that too selfish?"

"Is this the will of the earth that Fujimiya said he discovered? The self-healing power of the earth is not for saving human beings, but is it used to eliminate the target human beings who are attacked by destruction?" Xingye understands why Fujimiya said Ultraman Your power should not be used to save humanity.

Dr. Daoxin touched the instruments and was completely lost in memory: "At that time, there was a sound from the sensor that had never moved, and a very brilliant blue light appeared in the downward observation room. , Fujimiya was very happy and excited at that time. He ran directly to the observation room, the reaction of the light became more and more intense, and finally rushed out of the observation room and shone on Fujimiya, and soon the light disappeared. It also disappeared. Since then, I have never seen Fujimiya again, no matter how hard I search, I can’t find any trace of Fujimiya.”

At the same time, Fujimiya stumbled into the observation room covered in sweat, and lay weakly on the guardrail, looking at the glints of light shining in the deepest part of the bottomless clear pool below.

Fujimiya jumped into the pool without hesitation, closed his eyes and kept descending towards the depth of the pool.

"AGUL If the fate of the earth and human beings is doomed to be unavoidable, then the only way for human beings is to follow the will of the earth, and only the power of AGUL can lead human beings." The more determined, until the shaken heart became completely firm again, Fujimiya opened his eyes and shouted loudly in his heart: "There is only one way to save the earth, AGUL once again entrusts me with your power Bar!"

The dotted eyes in front of him became extremely shining again, filling the whole pool of water with bright light. Fujimiya stretched out his right hand firmly to touch this extremely bright blue light.

"This is Fujimiya!" Dr. Daoxin looked at the familiar figure falling on the monitor screen in astonishment: "How are you, Fujimiya?" Fujimiya, Dr. Daoxin hurried out to meet this longing man there.

"Is this where Fujimiya got the light of Aguru?" I Meng watched in amazement on the screen where the light inside Fujimiya's body and the blue light on his appearance complemented each other.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" Suddenly, two silver spears sprang out from the forest outside Plankalamos, and then quickly fused together to become the previous metal life form, and merged with the four spears. There is no slight difference in the shape of the metal life forms together.

Fujimiya in the pool suddenly turned around and quickly rose upwards, the bright blue light behind him completely enveloped Fujimiya inside.

"Fujimiya!" Dr. Daoxin ran to the front of the observation room out of breath, and leaned on the railing to see through the dazzling blue light that Fujimiya could be vaguely seen.

"Shua!" A blue light flashed, and Fujimiya's body completely turned into a blue light and flew out of the pool in an instant, rushing out of Plankalamos without any hindrance, and came outside to condense Agur's spirit. figure.

"Fujimiya..." Dr. Daoxin's eyes were dull. Although he had already had a premonition, seeing Fujimiya with his own eyes would really merge with the blue light, but he was still extremely shocked.

Xingye stood in front of the railing and looked down at the pool below. At this time, the extremely dazzling light cluster had changed back to the very dim light spot as before. Standing here, one could clearly feel the vastness of the light of the sea.

Xingye closed his eyes and extended his consciousness to the erratic light in the deepest part, but Xingye did not get the slightest response from the light, which was completely different from the space of consciousness that entered the earth. This group of light is very quiet, and there is no dead silence like his own consciousness.

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