Ultraman Senki

Chapter 306 AGUL

PS: I have not coded a single word so far, and I am lazy and late. . Sure enough, you can't save the manuscript? Let's celebrate and add one more today.

"I think it's because of the difference in the environment of the planets," Xingye came over and said, "There are certain differences between different planets, and the environments of some planets are even more different. That's why the Destroyer sent the Goff Factory to Earth's orbit for use in To create a brother who is most suitable for combat in the earth environment, this can be seen from the fact that the body structure of the brother that appeared this time is completely in line with the earth's gravity and other factors."

"Is this true?" Staff Officer Qianye hurriedly asked.

"There is indeed a slight gap between the tissue density and body structure of the two brothers." George adjusted the body structure diagrams of the two brothers.

"The enemy has already started a large-scale invasion, but we don't even know who the opponent is." Staff Officer Qianye said with some frustration: "Let alone launch a counterattack."

"It's hard for us to even defend now. Alas!" Commander Shishi couldn't help sighing.

Xingye is silent and speechless. It is not that it is difficult for human beings to defend, but they have no defense at all. Even if the alchemy star was born on the earth, which has greatly improved human technology, it is still not enough. If there is no Ultraman, it is estimated that the shattering will cause the body to suffer. Humans can be wiped out with little effort.

"What on earth does Fujimiya think?" I Meng sat on the returning passenger plane, puzzled. I used to accuse them of not fighting for human beings, but just now I came to help them defeat the creatures that destroyed the body. Weapon brother.

Depressed all the way, I dreamed that I came to the command room, looked around and asked a little strangely: "Where is Starry Night?"

"He has gone back to the ground base." George turned around and said.

"Going back?" I Meng was a little surprised.

"Do you have anything to ask him?" George asked curiously.

"Uh, nothing!" I Meng smiled, put my arms on the table and sat down, lost in thought: "What is the reason why Fujimiya, who has the power of the earth, thinks that human beings need to disappear?"

Xingye is also thinking about this question, why does the earth give light to a person who is trying to destroy human beings? You must know that if the earth wants to destroy human beings, there is no need to use Ultraman's power at all. Not to mention giving the light of the earth to Memeng, who wants to protect mankind, so there must be some reason why Fujinomiya became like that.

"Daniel, can you transmit Fujimiya's information to me?" Xingye contacted Daniel, the speaker of Alchemy Star.

"What do you want Fujimiya's information for?" Daniel asked strangely.

"I want to get to know him. After all, he is the one who designed the optical quantum computer. I think that if I find him, I may be able to install a more efficient electronic circuit system on the new assembled fighter." Xingye said.

"If you want to find him, go to Plankalamos. He will leave there three years ago, but Fujimiya hasn't contacted us for a long time, and I don't know where he is now." Daniel said in a tone It's full of regrets.

"really? Thank you!"

"Come on, the earth's current weapons are still not enough for us to fight against the body of destruction!" Daniel finally encouraged.

"I will work hard!" Xingye smiled and hung up the communication with Daniel, and began to check Fujimiya's information.

The template of a genius. Even among the geniuses of Alchemy Star, Fujimiya belongs to that kind of top genius. Just like my dream, at the age of seventeen, I read through quantum mechanics, a profound knowledge that ordinary people may not be able to understand in a lifetime, and what is even more powerful is that when VLSI computers are widely used in the world, I presided over the development of human beings. The first optical quantum computer.

Using photons to replace electrons in the chip is hundreds of times more than electronic computers in parallel high-speed calculations, and the energy consumption is extremely small. What is more powerful is that this photonic computer uses the superposition and coherence of quantum states to carry out The reversible calculation that ordinary computers cannot do is completely a real optical quantum computer. This is no longer a product that has crossed the ages, it is completely a real black technology that has crossed several layers of technology.

As far as this optical quantum computer is completely equal to the computing power of all the supercomputers of TPC combined, in terms of computing efficiency and error rate, these supercomputers are regarded as treasures and occupy an area of ​​one or two floors. Even with a telescope, you can't see the taillights of the optical quantum computer built by Fujimiya Hiroya.

No wonder Daniel gave Plankalamos, a base built with huge manpower, financial resources and resources, to Fujimiya at the request of the other party, let alone one starry night. An optical quantum computer is willing to starry night.

This kind of thing does not mean that you can build it with the blueprint. Why is each component in it built in this way and why the photons are arranged in this way? You can’t understand these things even by looking at the blueprint.

Because the technology layer that the optical quantum computer spans is really too big, even the black technology such as the anti-gravity system of my dream seems a bit inferior in front of it. Although it was actually produced by gathering the power of the Alchemy Star, the wisdom of Fujimiya is still not to be underestimated, which can be seen from the fact that it is in charge of the development.

"Plan Kalamos?" Xingye looked at the base in the deep mountains and old forests, stepped on a motorcycle and rushed into the forest. There is no wheel at all, and it uses the anti-gravity system and vector jet engine to move like a fighter jet. It is completely laboratory-made and expensive.

However, because the speed is too fast, the nervous system of ordinary people has no time to react, so they just built an experimental machine and then stopped, but Xingye is completely different. code speed.

It didn't take long for Xingye to feel a strange fluctuation in the sky. He raised his head and saw four silver-white metal spears that were very familiar thousands of meters away were flying to the earth.

"Is it this kind of thing again?" Xingye stopped the motorcycle abruptly, unzipped the zipper and was about to take out the evolution trustee, but immediately stopped because a dazzling blue beam of light rushed towards the sky obliquely. The trajectory is obviously to intercept those metal spears.

"Fujimiya? Why is he here?"

The four metal spears were immediately shot down from the air by the blue beam of light and fell to the ground, and the blue beam of light also fell down, condensing the blue figure of Aguru.

"AGUL!" Xingye looked at this huge blue Ultraman, the light on his body was the light given to him by the vast sea.

The four metal spears on the opposite side suddenly stood up from the ground and quickly merged into one, condensing into a silver body. But the difference is that his chest turned out to be the same color timer as Aguru, and the patterns on his body are somewhat similar to Aguru.

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