Ultraman Senki

Chapter 301 Crisis strikes

Commander Shishi nodded in understanding and turned his head: "Captain Dike!"

"I think we should maintain a team that can attack at any time," Captain Di thought carefully and said, "Let the most comprehensive Lightning team temporarily use the old fighters, and the Falcons and Dragons train for new models, and wait until they are formed. Let the lightning team change to a new model after combat effectiveness."

"En!" Commander Shishi nodded in agreement, turned his head and looked aside: "Dunzi, call Team Lightning, Team Falcon, and Team Kulong to the command room."

"Understood!" Dunzi tapped the keyboard to find the communication channels of the three teams and pulled the headset: "This is the command room, call the Lightning Team, Falcon Team and Cool Dragon Team, and immediately gather in the command room, repeat immediately to the command room. "

"Received by the Cool Dragon Team!" The Cool Dragon Team, who had just walked out of the command room, stopped.

"Captain, is there any task to gather three teams at once?" Tadanohui asked excitedly.

"Could it be related to that child?" Mishima Shuli guessed, after all, if something happened, they would not be allowed to leave just now, and if they were allowed to go back after leaving for a short time, then it must be during the period just now What happened in time, and the biggest possibility is the starry night that passed them by.

"Go, go back!" Inari Miho turned and took the lead in striding toward the command room that just came out.

Just after the returning Kulong team came in, Captain Di motioned them to sit down, and the three unceremoniously found their seats and sat down to look at Captain Di.

Looking at the stars in the starry night, that one is almost exactly the same as Mayumi, except for the older Tadano Kei. After a closer look this time, it is indeed very similar, and it can even be said to be carved out of the same mold.

But Xingye can still see the difference, this girl's gestures show that she has a bold personality, which is different from the quiet girl like Mayumi. And after reading the information on this girl, it is even more confirmed that she graduated from a military school, and it is not a problem for a black belt in taekwondo to overthrow several big guys.

"Sure enough, I still like cute girls." Xingye couldn't help but sigh with emotion, a soft girl like Mayumi is the most suitable for him.

"Huh?" Tadano Hui felt that someone was watching her, and turned her head to see that it was still the boy.

Xingye smiled at him and lowered his head to continue looking at the computer in his hand, and soon the Falcons and Lightning also arrived.

"The new SE and GT fighter jets have been sent from the GEO base on the ground, but for the sake of the overall situation, the Lightning team will continue to use the old fighters for the time being. The Falcons and Dragons will change their outfits first. After they form combat power, the Lightning team will change their outfits. " Captain Di didn't mean to greet them at all, and explained the purpose of summoning them this time.

"Hey, why do we continue to use the old-style fighters?" Captain Hengmei didn't understand. His team's technology was clearly the most comprehensive, but he wanted to continue to use the old-style fighters. On the contrary, the Falcons and Kulongs were ahead of him. Dress up.

"Because you are the most familiar with fighting monsters, and the team is the strongest, so I let you change costumes last." Captain Di said, Hengmei didn't say anything after hearing the words, and the other two teams were very unconvinced and secretly made up their minds We must form combat strength as soon as possible to prove that we are no worse than Team Lightning.

Xingye couldn't help but admire Captain Di, because the leader had mastered the art of speaking completely. His words boasted that the Lightning team eliminated the resentment of its final costume change, and also aroused the competitive mentality of the other two teams.

"The specific information of the new fighter has been transmitted to the central computer. If you have any questions about the new fighter, you can ask Xingye. He is an expert in this field. If there is no problem, you can go back now." Captain Di finally said.

"Understood!" The three teams stood at attention and saluted and left the command room, each going back to prepare.

Xingye led the two teams to the hangar where the new-style team was located. Seeing the brand-new and glowing new-style team, everyone was deeply moved: "This is the new-style fighter!"

"The SS-EVO leader plane is also the most difficult fighter jet to control. Its top speed can reach Mach 12. After I took over, I changed its design significantly. The Muse high-energy laser cannon was installed on the nose of Jiaer on both wings. Different It is the three guns that can be combined into a powerful beam that can only be fired after energy storage, and can generate a high temperature of 100,000 degrees when fired at the highest power." Xingye introduced the new fighter to everyone: "But it should be noted that the energy storage laser cannon must not Use it when turning and pulling up at high speed, otherwise the scorching air that has not dissipated will soften the metal of the fighter and disintegrate in the air.”

"The GT fighter has undergone a large-scale redesign and modification on the basis of the SG fighter. Its maneuverability, speed, and firepower have been enhanced several times. The maximum speed is Mach 8. The weapons that occupy space and have limited capacity have been canceled The missile systems are all changed to laser systems, and powerful laser cannons are installed on the wings and nose, which can be dispersed or combined to launch energy storage just like SE fighters.”

Xingye suddenly turned around and looked at the six people behind: "It's up to you now."

"The exercise is now underway, the Kulong team and the Falcon team are launching!" Following the broadcast from the sky base, six fighter planes from the two teams popped out of the sky base and started real-air training. The Lightning team can only stay in the sky base depressed and envious, praying that they will form combat power as soon as possible so that they can quickly switch to new fighter jets.

"It's so fast!" My dream stood on the edge of the window and said with emotion, but in just one week, the Kulong team and the Falcon team resumed their previous training, and they have already started flying in formation and simulated attacks in new fighter jets. Even practiced against it.

"They are trump cards!" Xingye smiled slightly: "Three days ago, the Lightning team was arranged to start flying new fighter jets. Yesterday, the Lightning team had already started simulated actual combat training. Let's fight in real combat!"

"Yeah!" I Meng nodded. Almost everyone in the sky base knew about the competition of flying skills between the three teams. After all, they are all elites.

"Buzz! Buzz!" At this moment, there was a burst of noise in the headset.

"Lightning, Falcons, and Dragons." George kept calling, but there was no response, and there were only bursts of noise.

"The communication with the ground has been interrupted." Dunzi tapped the keyboard in a panic to check the communication line: "The satellite communication has also been interrupted."

There were harsh and slightly noisy sirens in the sky base, causing the resting people to run to their jobs immediately.

"Lightning team and they have come back." Xingye watched the three captain planes flying towards this side at a high speed of Mach 12 among the white clouds in the distance outside the window, while behind them were six fighter planes slowing down.

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