Ultraman Senki

Chapter 294 Eye Q was wiped out?

"Ugh!" The devil Onijuro cried out in pain, quickly retracted his arms, and looked at Xingye angrily.

And right above Eye Q, several construction machinery are busy. A huge launcher with a diameter of five meters and a height of more than 20 meters has been built. More than 20 thick cables have been connected from a distance to transport the launcher. energy.

"Underground drilling beam, launch!"

A huge amount of energy was transported and gathered on the launcher, and then turned into a sharp beam of light that instantly hit the ground.

A steady stream of light beams bombarded the ground, piercing through layers of soil and rocks, and hitting straight towards where the eye Q was.

"It has reached 800 meters, 1,000 meters, and it is close to the target!" Dunzi kept reporting the attack situation: "The target has been hit, and the attack result is being evaluated. The second underground drilling beam has been launched!"

"Can it be successful?" Staff Officer Qianye looked nervously at the light beam that flew towards the monster sitting on the big screen again.

"The target still exists." George turned his head and reported anxiously.

"The height of the eye Q is constantly rising, and it is about to drill out of the ground." Dunzi watched in surprise as the light spot representing the eye Q continued to rise on the screen.

"Team Lightning attack!" Commander Shishi immediately issued an order.

"Ah!" At the same time that the eye Q was hit, the devil Onijuro let out a scream, and almost fell from the air. He glanced at Xingye and my dream fiercely, and the devil Onijuro's body instantly scattered and disappeared. .

"I dreamed that the eye Q was about to drill out of the ground." I Meng breathed a sigh of relief just now, when Dunzi's emergency communication came over.

"I see." I Meng nodded and closed the watch communicator, turned to look at Xiusaku and Liumei: "It's too dangerous here, you guys leave now."

"En!" A young couple nodded upon hearing the words, and hurriedly left here hand in hand. Everything that happened today was incredible, especially the little girl Liumei felt that her brain was not enough.

"Boom!" After the launcher sent out the last underground drilling beam, the ground under the launcher suddenly cracked, and the launcher fell to the ground immediately.

A huge eye drilled out from the ground, and the rocks that made up the body shattered a lot, making the body a bit mutilated, making it even more ugly and terrifying.

"Ang!" Eye Q roared up to the sky extremely annoyed, and his huge and ugly eyes looked at the three fighter planes that emerged from the clouds.

"Attack!" Following Hengmei's order, three fighter planes lined up in three formations and launched an attack towards Eye Q. A series of lasers and missiles whizzed and hit the eye Q, and exploded violently. For a moment, the body of the eye Q was covered with flames and broken stones that splashed in all directions.

"Attack those silver metal parts on his body, those must be the joints that connect all parts of the body." I dreamed of this and immediately turned on the communicator and called Team Lightning.

"Beida, Ogawara, did you hear that? The metal strips aimed at his legs!"


The three fighters of the Lightning team turned around, aiming their sights at the silver metal strips on the legs of Eye Q, lasers rushed over and exploded on them, immediately breaking some of the metal strips .

Eye Q wailed, and his left leg instantly collapsed, large chunks of stones that made up his left leg fell down, and Eye Q's body immediately fell to the ground.

"Very good, keep attacking!" Seeing this, Heng Mei looked happy, but launched another attack without any hesitation.

Missiles roared out of the three fighter planes, and hit Eye Q's body roaring. Eye Q wailed incessantly amidst the sound of the explosion, gravels flew out continuously in the flames, Eye Q's body continuously shattered apart.

"It's the last blow, shoot out all the missiles." With Captain Hengmei's shout, the Lightning Team's last twenty missiles were all fired at once.

"Boom" an earth-shattering explosion sounded, and Xingye and I Meng could clearly see the mushroom cloud rising into the sky a thousand meters away, and the ground vibration caused by the huge explosion was transmitted here.

"Did it work?" Hengmei nervously looked at the smoky ground, where three fighter planes hovered in the air.

They couldn't help but not be nervous. If they succeeded, it would mean that they would truly defeat the monster with their own power for the first time.

Finally, the smoke and dust were blown away by the wind, and the ground was full of scattered gravel and some metal fragments that shone silver in the sun, and there was no trace of the huge monster.

"Did it succeed?" Hengmei looked happy and couldn't believe it, but she really wiped out that monster just like that.

"The missile signal on Eye Q has disappeared." George turned his head and reported with a happy face.

"Woo!" Commander Shishi and Staff Officer Chiba couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This kind of monster that can penetrate into the ground and is difficult to be detected by radar is too great a threat to the city. Fortunately, it has been eliminated now. .

"It's finally over!" I Meng said happily after closing the communicator.

"But I always feel something is wrong in my heart." Xingye shook his head: "And I am very concerned about the power sealed by the devil Onijuro on that child named Xiusaku."

"You mean the devil Onijuro is not dead yet?" I Meng looked at Xingye in surprise.

"I don't know, just stay by that kid named Xiusaku for the next two days. If the devil Onijuro is not dead, then he will definitely come back to find him." Xingye said.

"Didi!" I Meng fumbled for the phone on my body: "It's Ah Cheng!"

"Acheng, what's the matter?"

"I dream, come here quickly, I found the information about the devil Onijuro." Ah Cheng said a little excitedly.

"Understood." I Meng closed the phone and Xingye nodded, and ran towards the cold drink shop together.

"My dream, Xingye, come here quickly!" Ah Cheng stood up and waved to me, Meng and Xingye: "Look here, yes, that's it."

Xingye picked up the twenty-centimeter-thick book. It was a legend about characters in the Warring States Period, and it mentioned information about the devil Onijuro.

Legend has it that when the demon Onijuro died, he sealed his power to an unknown place. When he was resurrected and regained his power, he would become a demon with infinite power, covering the whole world under his terrifying rule. among.

"If this record is true," I Meng tilted her head to look at the above record, "then the eye Q that appeared today is not the devil in the record."

"Indeed, the eye Q that was wiped out by Team Lightning not only lacked the power to emit purple light bullets, but was also easily scattered by the missiles. It is really very different from when it appeared before." Xingye nodded involuntarily.

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