Ultraman Senki

Chapter 282 The Blue Light from the Sea

This monster is covered with wrinkled brown scale-like skin, with several huge fin-like protrusions on its back, a head that looks like a fish head, and two crab-like horns at the end of its arms. The big pliers looked extremely ugly, and white steam was constantly coming out of his body since he landed.

"Team Lightning strikes!" Following Captain Dike's order, the three Garner bays of the Safe Delivery were simultaneously activated, and Team Lightning formed a three-machine formation and flew over the heads of My Dream and Xingye.

Several missiles and lasers accurately hit the monster, but the flames of the explosion disappeared quickly after only a flash on the monster. It didn't cause any damage to the monster at all, and after the attack, there was more white steam around the monster's body, completely covering the monster more than 50 meters high.

"Why did the fire disappear immediately?" Hengmei looked at the monster that was still advancing in surprise.

"Mr. Beitian, please go and collect the smoke from that monster for analysis, okay?" I dreamed, turning on the communication device and calling.

"Beitian, send the data as soon as the sample is taken!" Hengmei ordered immediately after hearing this.

"Understood!" Beitian flew the SG fighter plane through the smoke and sent the collected samples to the sky base.

"My dream, the smoke is mainly composed of moisture containing salt, which is harmless." Dunzi told my dream the result of the analysis.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Commander Shishi asked.

"According to the results of the analysis, it can be deduced that the monster's body is almost made of seawater, and its body temperature is very low, so it is impossible to find him in the seawater. The power of the explosion with the current power of missiles and lasers will be offset by the seawater." I dreamed and said.

"Is there any way to deal with it?" asked the dike captain.

"Either use missiles and lasers to consume him continuously, and slowly evaporate the seawater made up of his body, or use ultra-high temperature heat to quickly evaporate him." Xingye said after thinking for a while.

"How many missiles do you need?" Captain Hengmei asked.

"Not much, I guess it's enough to move out all the sky bases."

"Stop joking." Captain Hengmei said angrily.

"I didn't take a joke, or use nuclear weapons, the super high temperature of that thing can vaporize even ten monsters." Xingye said seriously.

"The temperature around the monster's body began to drop rapidly." Tunzi exclaimed, the monster's body temperature was already very low, but now the data from the detector showed that the temperature around the monster's body was dropping rapidly.


Everyone hurriedly looked over, and saw that the rising water vapor around the monster had condensed into hoarfrost, and a layer of frost had formed on the ground centered on the monster in the hot summer.

"The temperature has dropped very quickly, and it has reached minus ten degrees within a hundred meters of the monster's body." George looked at the thermometer displayed on the screen in astonishment.

In fact, George didn’t need to talk about it. I Meng, who was wearing short sleeves, was already shivering from the cold standing a kilometer away from the monster, and looked at the calm and composed Starry Night with a surprised face.

"What exactly does the monster want to do?" Commander Shishi looked at the monster on the screen with a stern expression.

The criss-crossing river centered on the monster was quickly frozen, and the ice spread rapidly along the river. Soon the whole town was shrouded in frost. The river was quickly frozen, and many fish kept swimming. His posture was frozen in a thick layer of ice.

"Wait a minute, does he want that machine to start?" Xingye suddenly thought of Yanshan. If the temperature drops like this, it is very likely that Yanshan will judge that it is an ice age and start it according to the internal program.

"Commander Shishi, let the Falcon team carry liquid nitrogen ejectors to launch immediately." Xingye immediately contacted the sky base.

"Liquefied nitrogen bomb? Why? Now the monster is lowering the temperature. What is the purpose of using the liquefied nitrogen bomb?" Commander Shishi asked puzzled.

"The liquefied nitrogen bomb is not for this monster, but for another one."

"Another one?!" Everyone was taken aback.

"Where is the other monster?" I dreamed looking around tremblingly with my arms folded.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise like landslides and ground cracks in everyone's ears. They turned their heads to see a hill on the left side of the village shaking violently. Large boulders broke trees and rolled out with an indomitable momentum. The foot of the mountain is far away before stopping.

The outside of the hill quickly crumbled, revealing a huge metal block. The metal block moved with a click, and the limbs quickly protruded from the body and then poked out the head.

"Falcon team, launch with liquefied nitrogen bombs!" Commander Shishi immediately issued an order.

"Falcons, set off immediately! Repeat, Falcons set off immediately!" Dunzi's voice echoed in the space base, and the trio of Falcons headed by Captain Yoneda walked quickly in the corridor with their heads held high. The imposing manner made the people walking around couldn't help but look sideways.

"Falcons, let's go!" Following Dunzi's words, the three fighters of the Falcons quickly rushed out of the space base and flew towards Chiba.

The monster that walked out of the sea is now covered with a layer of white frost. Every time it takes a step, the ground under its feet is cracked, and the lush trees and grass around it are all frozen. turned into powder.

"What should I do?" I Meng clenched my fists tightly, but I could only watch helplessly as the monster walked towards the village step by step. Although Team Lightning kept attacking, the missiles and lasers just exploded and disappeared. Can't hurt the monster at all.

Womeng turned his head suddenly, and a young man appeared on a rock only ten meters away from him, standing there and watching him quietly.

"How could it be?" I Meng was incomparably astonished, there was obviously no one there just now.

The man glanced at Xingye and my dream, his right hand hung down, and the wings on a sapphire bracelet on his right wrist suddenly opened, and the blue light on the sapphire bracelet began to flicker, and the man looked at Xingye and me. Meng Yi smiled and raised her right arm, and the opened wings suddenly radiated dazzling light straight into the sky, forming a blue light cluster like an ocean in the sky.



A sharp blue light shot out from it and hit the ground, and with a loud noise, the ground cracked open, and a half-squatting blue giant condensed in the smoke and dust. The blue Ultraman turned his head to look at Xingye and I Meng, stood up and walked towards the sea monster.

"The light of the sea—AGUL!" Xingye stared at the blue Ultraman who stood up slowly and said, which made me turn my head and stare at Xingye in surprise.

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