Ultraman Senki

Chapter 265 New Journey

"Although it's presumptuous, we did investigate you for a month to confirm your identity. You joined us and finally filled the last shortcoming of our L-CONMIX-STARS, the ultra-modern weapon part." Daniel said a little excitedly.

"Then Alan will take you on a tour here to learn about the secrets of Alchemy Star and Earth's defense. I hope you can start your work as soon as possible, because we are running out of time." Daniel said with a serious face and shouted His assistant came to show him around here.

"Our Alchemy Star was established five years ago. It was originally used for mutual collaborative research, but later our partner Fujimiya Hiroshi also presided over the construction of the light quantum computer and made an amazing prediction based on a large number of facts, that is The earth is about to be destroyed by a thing called annihilator." Allen said while taking Xingye to visit here: "Then, at the invitation of the governments of various countries, our alchemy star joined the earth defense plan and invented a large number of practical supernatural powers. Modern technology is used to defend the earth, but although our partners around the world have invented a lot of technology, they have not been able to invent ultra-modern weapons. Now the earth uses weapons based on the science of Alchemy Star. Forget it, it is far from being able to cross the technological layer like other inventions of Alchemy Star."

Allen turned his head and looked at Xingye seriously: "Chairman Daniel is anxious to invite you to join because the time for the arrival of the shattered summoning body is approaching, but the weapon has become the shortcoming of the earth."

"Don't worry, the weapons I designed will only make you afraid to use them and not make you feel useless." Xingye smiled confidently. Any laboratory here is full of TPC research. Department, the research they do is completely across the ages, the outside world is still in the theory of dark matter and antimatter, and here has begun to study how to use dark matter and antimatter.

In less than half a month, Xingye had designed the design drawings of several weapons. Speaker Daniel and the staff of the Earth Defense Force G.U.A.R.D had arrived, ready to listen to Xingye's report. meeting room.

"Now let's start the introduction," Xingye said, turning on the projector, and a 3D design appeared on the screen, which was very fine and detailed.

"This is a laser cannon I designed. The laser cannon you use now is just a laser gun in front of it. The energy conversion rate has increased tenfold. A weapon involves all aspects: energy supply, suitable high-strength erosion resistance Metals, etc., just like TPC, who obviously succeeded in miniaturizing the design of the Max power system, but was unable to use it due to material and energy issues. Now with the support of Alchemy Star, Xingye can finally put the power system in his mind All the weapons designed in the wild have been tested.

"The power has been increased by five times, but the explosion radius remains the same, and because of the use of photoion, there is no overheating of ordinary laser weapons, which means that it can be fired without restrictions." Xingye introduced his proud work, because Considering that the politicians who come here are all politicians who only know how to get promoted but don't know what quantum mechanics is, so we focus on introducing the powerful power of weapons and the number of promotions.

Xingye's introduction successfully caused the senior officials below to nod in satisfaction. The bald staff officer stood up with a smile and patted Xingye's shoulder: "Well, very good! The Defense Force will fully support your research, please install these weapons as soon as possible. On XIG fighters."

"Okay!" Xingye nodded with a smile and moved away from the bald head without any trace.

Time flies, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle, and a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

This day is an unforgettable day for the earth. A huge monster that fell from the sky caused hundreds of thousands of people at 335K1 to see a huge monster at the same time, raging in the city, but the defense planes did not do anything to it s damage.

"Xingye, Daniel is looking for you!" Xingye was directing the staff in the laboratory to assemble the instruments but was called out by Alan. Xingye asked as he walked, "Did something happen?"

"Hmm!" Allen said with a serious face: "That thing is here."

"Really? This day has finally come!" Xingye sighed.

"We have done our best to make too many preparations, I hope it will be effective!" Allen sighed.

Walking into the speaker's room, Daniel was having a conversation with the opposite party. Seeing Xingye walk in, he turned his head and said, "Let Xingye explain to you about fighter jets and weapons."

"What's the matter?" Xingye walked over and looked at the serious two people on the big screen and asked.

"Our weapons have no effect on that monster at all," a serious middle-aged man said, "Didn't you say that there are the latest weapons? Why haven't they been delivered yet? The enemy has come to the door."

"Commander Shishi, please be calm!" Xingye said in a flat tone: "I said before that the SG fighter can't install the N2 laser cannon at all. This is a limitation of its own design. Installing it barely won't Improving combat effectiveness will reduce the endurance and flexibility of fighter jets.”

"Then is there any solution that can be solved?" The Chiba staff officer on the side came over: "We urgently need to solve this problem now!"

"Unit 2 was hit, and it has already parachuted." The anxious voice of the operator on one side was transmitted to everyone's ears through the network.

Xingye turned his head and looked at the live broadcast of the Lightning team fighting with the monsters. Of the three fighters, only the leader's plane was left to support the other two fighters, all of which were destroyed by the monsters.

The lasers and missiles fired one after another hit the monster's body with only a series of sparks, and occasionally one or two scales burst out, which couldn't cause any fatal damage to the monster at all.

"Yes," Xingye raised his head and narrowed his eyes: "Abandon the city with a radius of one kilometer and attack it with space-based satellites."

"Are you talking about the N-series satellites that are still in the stage of experimental exploration?" Staff Officer Chiba quickly thought of something and said in surprise.

"Well," Xingye nodded: "Although the final stage has not been completed, the Hypa particle cannon equipped on it can be used completely. If we mobilize ten satellites and bombard it regardless of the consequences and losses, we can definitely destroy that monster."

The two rooms on both sides of the screen became extremely silent for a moment, and everyone was stunned by this proposal. No one on the other side of the screen dared to agree. Once they agree, it means that they will bear all the responsibilities and consequences.

"What's that?" Someone on both sides exclaimed almost at the same time, Xingye turned his head to see a red beam of light rising from the opposite side of the monster, and then a red and silver giant appeared on the opposite side of the monster.

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