Ultraman Senki

Chapter 251: A World Without Ultraman

"I've never seen this Ultraman!" Xiao Mian looked at Nexus in amazement.

"You have been repelled by this time and space, don't waste energy, or you will be expelled by this time and space." Nexus said to the red and silver Altman behind him without looking back, and then He stepped towards the monster on the opposite side.

The Ultraman was obviously taken aback, and stretched out his hand to say something, but he looked down at the increasingly rapid color timer flashing on his chest, and obediently disappeared into a stream of light.

"Ah, why is Gaia missing?" The children on the bridge suddenly made a noise.

Nexus ran in front of the monster Satan Bizo, jumped up suddenly, turned his right hand into a knife, and slashed heavily on his head. The huge force hit the monster and he couldn't help but bend down.

Nexus raised his right leg and kicked it fiercely, but was blocked by his arms. Nexus raised his fists and slammed it on his back forcefully, and immediately smashed him to the ground.

"Ah, it's amazing! Did Xiao Mian see it? This new Ultraman is so powerful!" Xiao You shook Xiao Mian's body excitedly.

"Gaia is also very powerful!" Xiao Mian retorted unconvinced.

And a little girl standing behind them kept watching Nexus who was fighting the monster, with an indescribable meaning in her eyes.

Nexus kicked his legs on the ground and jumped to the back of the monster. Just after Nexus jumped up, a pair of huge sharp claws slashed from below, passing a boulder and was brushed by it. The brush was split in two.

As soon as Nexus stretched out his right arm, Nexus' armed force immediately condensed a sharp lightsaber.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The sharp claws and the lightsaber collided with each other and made a crisp impact sound. Nexus swung the lightsaber vigorously, and every slash of the lightsaber made the monster take a step back.

Swinging a sword vigorously, the monster blocked it with its sharp claws again. Nexus suddenly raised his right leg and kicked the monster's abdomen fiercely, kicking it staggeringly and walking a few steps to the side, while he himself The lightsaber on the right arm flew up and slashed down vigorously from top to bottom.

The monster was instantly split in half from head to tail. Nexus stood up straight and the lightsaber on his right arm dissipated slowly. When he turned around, the monster behind him fell to the ground with a bang and exploded. , Splashing firelight all over Nexus.

"Ah! Xiaohao, the monster you summoned has been wiped out!" Three boys stood on an iron bridge, and one of them exclaimed.

"That's because Satan Bizo still hasn't used many moves. Gaia won't be defeated by him? Just wait, I will definitely create a more powerful monster to defeat him." The tall little boy in the middle Unconvinced, he twisted his neck and said.

"That's Ultraman!"

"No way, how could the Ultraman on TV come to reality?"

"You're not dreaming, are you?"


Seeing the battle between Ultraman and monsters that only appeared on TV, countless people stopped their cars, opened the windows and looked at Nexus standing among the tall buildings in shock.

Even within a few minutes of the battle, the interview vehicles of several media drove to a distance of less than 100 meters from Nexus regardless of the danger, and several hosts broadcast urgent news at a fast speed.

"Just now there was a battle between giants and monsters here, and it was very similar to the TV series Ultraman, and now I am on the scene, and you can see this one behind me that has never appeared on TV. The former Ultraman is still here, oh my god, he just disappeared like that, his huge body really disappeared just like on TV, please continue to pay attention to the follow-up reports of this station."

On the playground of an elementary school today, there is a fighter jet suddenly parked, and the style is exactly the same as that in the latest special drama "Ultraman Gaia".

Countless elementary school students who had nothing to do moved tables and stacked chairs and climbed up. Through the glass of the cockpit, they looked curiously at the various instruments inside which they didn't know what they were. When they were still looking curiously, the cockpit There was a person appearing in the light flowing inside.

"The energy is gone so quickly, is the repulsion of space-time the correcting force of space-time assumed in quantum mechanics?" The young man sat there thinking to himself.

But when he raised his head, he was startled. A child's face was pressed against the glass, and the face was distorted.


"I open it in my dream, open it quickly!" A group of brats slapped the glass of the cockpit recklessly, scaring me to stop it in a hurry: "I'll open it now, don't take any more pictures, it's too dangerous."

I dreamed that I took off my helmet, unfastened my seat belt and stood up. I was shocked to find that FighterEX had been occupied by elementary school students.

"Ah, it's my dream!"

"It's really my dream!"

A group of children shouted in surprise.

"I dream of becoming Gaia again!"

"Yeah, show us the transformation!"

I dreamed that I was standing among a group of children like standing out from a group of chickens, and I was at a loss, listening to the brash children who made them transform. In desperation, he could only push the children away: "I'm sorry, please let me go!" Then he ran away.

Xingye came out from a remote alley, this city is just a small county town, it has just turned into Nexus standing among many buildings that are no more than ten or twenty meters high, let Xingye finally feel the kind The mountain feels small.

There weren't many people on the street. The asphalt road was only two lanes. It was very narrow, and some cracks had already appeared in some places. There were telephone poles standing everywhere along the street, and a mess of wires hanging on them. Coupled with the fact that there are no more than five or six floors of residents upstairs, Xingye feels as if he has returned to the Tiga World in the 1980s and 1990s.

Xingye has always lived in the high-tech TPC Far East base and EYES base, and rarely comes to such small cities. Walking around the streets of this small town with great interest.

The small shops on both sides of the street are all kinds of snacks, fruit shops, etc. It is not a time when there are many customers, so the shopkeeper sits outside and chats with his neighbors about family affairs.

"If I had known that Ultraman would really appear, I would have opened an Ultraman model store just like Tian Ye, and he would make a fortune now."

"He doesn't want to pay this money either. You said how did the monster on TV come into reality? I dare not sleep tonight. Who knows if a monster will suddenly appear and destroy my house. "

"Didn't Ultraman show up too? The monsters will be handed over to them. Let's not think about it so much. Let's live a good life."

"This boy's clothes look very similar to the team on TV."

"Is there a crew of a new special drama coming here to film?"

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