Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2488 new legend

The whole earth boiled all of a sudden, countless people hugged and cried with their "lost and recovered" relatives, the numbness and pain left in an instant, hoping to return again, the social order that has not been restored for two weeks, only half a day The kung fu is back to normal.

The chimneys of the power plant smoked, the water plant began to supply tap water, the shops opened to sell things, and a large number of cars and trucks ran on the road again; the farmland was full of farmers who were busy weeding and watering, and the factory There are workers, there are policemen on the streets, there are soldiers on the frontier...

Five days later, the earth returned to its appearance before the attack of the artificial brain Gilbaris, but many things changed quietly during this accident, and the vicious competition in armaments and technology among countries stopped. Many areas that were still at war before ceased fire and retreated. Countries began to discuss open technology and knowledge sharing to reduce the huge waste of resources caused by repeated research.

On the second day after the lost people and things came back, the countries began secret negotiations to formally discuss making the AIB a truly multinational organization, gathering manpower and material resources from all countries to study the spaceship that crashed on the earth, and putting many technologies into use as soon as possible. to enhance human power.

This crisis of near extinction has made all countries see the insignificance of human beings and the vastness of the universe, and there are many malicious civilizations and forces in the universe. There is no way to speak of it.

Therefore, in the meeting, countries gave up their disputes, and discussed how to develop and survive. Only by rushing out of the earth and going to space as soon as possible can they obtain more resources and develop faster and better. This is not what one country can do. , need to gather the power of the whole world.

Therefore, in the third week after the world restored order, under the leadership of the five major powers, all member states collectively and solemnly announced at the United Nations building that they would disband the armies of various countries, withdraw the AIB, and establish the United Earth Defense Force to deal with possible future crises.

This announcement can be said to have shocked the world, and is also considered by scholars from various countries to be a new era for the earth, marking the complete completion of global integration and the beginning of the cosmic era. Historians in the distant future also generally believe that the establishment of the United Earth Defense Force marks the entry of the earth into a new era. The twenty-five years between the appearance of Ultraman Zero and Beria and the appearance of the United Earth Defense Force are called the alternation period between the new era and the old era of the earth.

This period has become a subject of keen research by historians from all over the world. The portraits and autobiographies of the ruling leaders, as well as the issued government orders and documents have all become cultural relics in the collection of the New Century Museum. Scholars from various countries have their own opinions on this period, but regardless of their attitudes and views, the emergence of Ultraman is considered to be the most important driving force for the unity of the earth. It is the emergence of these powerful life forms that broaden the horizons of mankind The field of vision is no longer limited to the small earth, which allows the weak human beings to move closer to each other and finally unite.

Many scholars have their own understandings of Ultraman's protection of the earth at that time: conspiracy theory, friendship theory, hunting theory, etc., but they all admit that it is because of the existence of Ultraman that ancient humans survived the weak period.

In the long history of development, movies, TV, comics, and novels based on Ultraman have accompanied generations of humans from the earth to colonizing the solar system and even to the Milky Way. They are well-known heroes and the most popular human beings in various periods IP. A child may not know who the governor of the planet is, but he can definitely distinguish most of the Ultraman series derived from the basic images of Nexus, Zero, and Geed.

But these are things for later, let’s not mention it for the time being, Aizaki Moya and Toba Kuiha also appeared on the earth with the return of everyone. Their memories are still in the time when Gedde fought Galatron. , Geed, Magic Circle, and Galatron all disappeared.

Even Peggy didn't know where she went. Aizaki Moeya wanted to use the space transfer device to go to the Helios or Xingyun Zhuang to ask what happened, but it said that the transfer was beyond the distance. , This surprised the two of them, but soon government personnel without data appeared on the street and began to guide these people who lacked two weeks of memory, so that Aizaki Moya and Toba Laiha learned that the distance between the great war Almost half a month has passed.

This made Aizaki Moeya and Toba Raiha a little at a loss. They did return to the truth like the global speech delivered by Nexus Ultraman, but they couldn't contact Xiaolu at all. Toba Laiha had a bad feeling in his heart. The loss of contact was often accompanied by bad news, especially before disappearing, the Galatron robots appeared one after another, which made the two of them very worried about Gedd .

Time passed bit by bit while waiting anxiously. A week later, under the eyes of everyone, countries all over the world announced the resolution to dissolve the armies of various countries and establish the United Earth Defense Force almost at the same time. This announcement can be said to have shocked the world, even the "well-informed" Aisaki Moya and Toba Kuriha were shocked for a long time before they came back to their senses.

They also heard Xingye and Mayumi say something about TPC. Countries around the world give up disputes and there will be no more wars, and work together to move towards a new era. This kind of world without wars and global peace is really yearning for. It's just that they didn't expect that their planet would be able to restore peace in this way one day. Even though it has just begun, one day it will enter the era of a new field and rush to the vast sea of ​​stars like TPC.

On the bustling city streets that have returned to the eighth of the past, people come and go, and the traffic flow is endless. People have also returned to normal life and work. The impact of the "end of the world" three weeks ago has almost disappeared. .

People are always forgetful, and only a week has passed, and the topic of discussion has shifted to the joint announcement of the countries on Earth that shocked the world a week ago, imagining whether countries will eliminate borders and differences, and complete integration. Life becomes better, work becomes easier, and labor remuneration increases.

On a street in Okinawa, Toba Raiha and Aizaki Moya sat listlessly on a chair in a small park. They couldn't contact Xingyunzhuang. .

A week has passed, and there is still no news from Xiaori, which makes Toba Laiha and Aizaki Moya's inner anxiety more and more intense, but they are unwilling to admit that bad guess, so they can only live in anxiety day by day waiting.

The two have been sitting here for an entire afternoon, but neither of them spoke to each other. The LED screen on the outer wall of a street building a hundred meters away is playing a few bricks discussing the impact and opportunities of the integration of the earth. Recently, There have been a lot of discussions like this this week. From TV to newspapers to online media, all kinds of experts, call beasts, and big Vs who gossip are all desperately expressing their opinions.

Aizaki Moya reluctantly brought up a little energy, and said without words: "The earth will also be peaceful, and there will be no more monsters in the future."

"Probably!" Toba Raiha gently stroked the high-tech armguard hidden under the coat on her right arm. Since that accident, she has been practicing her swordsmanship and martial arts, but now it has been a week No more practice. Not to mention Fu Jing's birth of silicon, even Beria has been wiped out, revenge has been avenged, and wishes have been fulfilled, so there is no reason to persist.

"If the monsters still appear, what should I do?" As a member of AIB, Aizaki Moeya is thinking about this. Several Ultramans can't be contacted until now. What should I do if monsters appear at this time? Woolen cloth.

"Then use human hands to protect the homeland of human beings, and join hands to fight against the invaders. Ultraman will only appear when human beings try their best and fail to defeat the invaders." A familiar voice came from the bird. Hakuiha and Aizaki Moya came from behind, making the two girls startled, they jumped up on the chair as if on a spring, turned their heads and looked at Asakura Riku standing behind them with surprise.

He was still wearing blue denim underwear, with an innocent smile on his face, standing there looking at Aisaki Moya and Toba Raiha, their eyes couldn't help but get wet.

"Little Lu!" X2!

"Hi, I'm back!"

According to the theory of relativity, happy times always pass quickly, and the three of them feel that night has fallen in a short time, and the whole city is illuminated by the first lights. Iga Kuriri's house was extremely lively. The four of them, Koriku and Aizaki Moya, together with Iga Kuriri's family, sat around the dining table to celebrate Asakura Riku's safe return.

While drinking and drinking, Iga Li asked Asakura Riku about the details of this battle with curiosity. Although he said that he had separated from Sai Luo because of his family, he still cared about this battle very much. After all, the doomsday scene three weeks ago can be said to have frightened all human beings. The Iga Li family was lucky enough to escape the data conversion, but witnessed the scene where many people, cars and buildings were transformed into data and disappeared. , This is more terrifying than Sadako crawling out of the TV in the middle of the night.

Zhao Canglu began to tell the story of this thrilling and unusual battle from the beginning, especially at the last moment, how Noah and the four of them converted the sky-filled data sea into its original appearance, with bricks and rubble all over the sky, and only half of the vehicles Trees, people and animals, etc., are all suspended motionless in the dark void of the universe, which looks extraordinarily weird.

After these still things were sent back to their respective universes by Noah with the power of time and space, the eyes of the six Ultramans focused on Gilbaris, the artificial brain tightly bound by four light cables.

Ged and Uub, whose energy can only maintain Ultraman form, flew forward and stopped behind Noah. Uub looked up at the artificial brain Gilbaris above, and said, "Do you want to destroy him?" ?”

"No, it would be too wasteful to eliminate him like this." Reggado shook his head and said, "There is a huge amount of data stored in his body, and these data can become nutrients for the virtual planet Kesia, making the virtual planet Kesia grow up quickly."

"That's right," Noah took over the conversation, and said, "These data come from the virtual planet Kesia, and now it's time to return them to the virtual planet Kesia. Re-edit the artificial brain Gilbaris's program to make it a virtual planet that manages the virtual planet Kesia. The center of Western Asia, he was originally born on the virtual planet of Western Asia, so it couldn't be more suitable."

Ged said hurriedly: "But in this case, what if the artificial brain Gilbaris continues to do such things to destroy the planet? Isn't what we have done in vain?"

"Don't worry," King Ultra explained: "After the data of the artificial brain Gilbaris is completely released, it is equivalent to being formatted. Let him become a qualified administrator, not an exploiter who only knew how to strengthen himself and completely ignored the development of the virtual planet Kesia."

Noah followed up and said: "I will set up safety procedures to maintain the stability of the virtual planet Xia, and prevent deviations in the management process of the artificial brain Gilbaris, resulting in an internal imbalance in the virtual planet Xia. Whenever there is a sign of imbalance, the safety program It will be activated to maintain the stability of the virtual planet Xia.”

Saijia waved his hand, looked up at the artificial brain Gilbaris and said: "Now that everything has been considered, let's start, and completely solve this artificial brain Gilbaris that is causing trouble to the universe."

An agreement was reached, and the four Ultramans took action immediately. Although the continuous fierce battles consumed a lot of energy, the four of them still sent out the energy in their bodies without hesitation, turning it into more capillary rays Infiltrated into the body of the artificial brain Gilbaris, connected to every circuit and every computing chip of the artificial brain Gilbaris, and completely and completely controlled the artificial brain Gilbaris.

After being invaded, the artificial brain Gilbaris, who had no strength to struggle, immediately began to struggle desperately, but his little strength, in front of these four light cables, was like a mayfly shaking a big tree. If the four light cables can vibrate violently before the data that absorbs the material universe is released, then the four colorful light cables will not even be able to see the tremors now.

After all the circuits inside the artificial brain Gilbaris were replaced by the light emitted by Noah and the four of them, the artificial brain Gilbaris, who had been struggling all the time, stopped moving immediately, suspended there without a sound, letting The energy of Noah and the four of them poured into the body of the artificial brain Gilbaris continuously.

A large number of light particles are covered in the artificial brain Gilbaris computing chip and photon storage chip. According to Noah’s will, the original program is cleaned and the program is edited according to the new formula. At the same time, a large amount of data is lost with the influx of light particles It was squeezed out and diffused around the artificial brain Gilbaris.

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