Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2478 The location of the artificial brain's ontology

Noah, King of Ultra, and Reggado flew into the inner data layer one after another. Noah immediately withdrew the power of time and space, lost the support of the power of time and space, and the channel connecting the outer space and the inner data layer also disappeared.

In the next second, all the light paths around stopped flowing, and the light inside flickered, and the golden pattern and spherical diamonds on Ged's body also flickered, with the same frequency and brightness as the surrounding light paths.

"This... this..." Ged looked down at his body a little at a loss, not understanding why this happened suddenly. It was clear that everything was normal just now, but after the space channel disappeared, his body It started to flicker.

Noah, Reggado, and King of Ultra looked at Ged, looked at each other carefully, nodded, and then Noah came forward and explained: "Don't panic, Ged, this is you The energy resonates with the inner data layer. A few days ago, you were attacked by the virtual planet Xia with data energy, but you were converted into your own energy by your converted energy. After entering here, you absorbed a large amount of data energy , so in the identification system of the virtual planet Xia, there is actually no difference between you and the light paths that transmit data around you."

"Because of this, you can separate the sea of ​​data and reveal the core, so that we can destroy the artificial brain Gilbaris." Reggado said and pointed to the left, and Zed and the others followed the direction pointed by Reggado Looking at it, I can only see a vast expanse of whiteness, except for the illusory light path, I can't see anything else, the sea of ​​data, the core or something, there is not even a shadow at all.

Before they could see clearly, the King of Ultra said to Saiga: "Saiga, come on, use the ultimate cross barrier to block the inner and outer data layers of the virtual planet Xia together, Uub, use your elemental power , mess up the structure of the virtual planet Xia, and then Ged, you come to separate the data sea and find out where the artificial brain Gilbaris is."


Reggado, Noah, Saiga, and the King of Ultra immediately started to move, spread out, and were separated by ten kilometers from each other. They occupied the four corners of a square on the same plane, and stood facing a forty-five-degree angle. The people raised their arms at the same time, and each person's arms glowed with different lights.

When Noah and the others were accumulating energy, the light path in the vast white void moved. Countless 0s and 1s appeared and flew out from the light path. The outflow of data made the light path disappear quickly. A large amount of data was like a river. The same spread all around, and all flew in the same direction, and finally disappeared into the white void.

"Is something going to happen?" Ged looked nervously at the disappearing light path and data river, holding the ultimate sublimator in both hands, scanning the surroundings with golden eyes, alert to possible enemies, after all now Noah and the four of them were arranging the thing called the 'Ultimate Cross Barrier', while Uub flew above the four of them, leaving him alone to move freely.

Uub flew to a position ten kilometers away from Noah and the four of them. He looked down and saw the arms of Noah, Saiga, Reggado, and King Otto stretched at 90 degrees to the left and right. Then, each of them sent a dazzling beam of light towards the people beside them.

The eight beams collide together at the center to form four sides, connecting Noah, King Otto, Saiga, and Reggado to form four rays of light with different colors at the center point. With the passage of time, the four rays of light gradually merged together. Under Noah's adjustment, the four rays of light tended to be consistent in both frequency and energy amplitude, and finally completely merged together, and could no longer be separated from each other.

After the fusion was completely completed, Noah's four originally outstretched arms closed toward the middle at the same time, and they were lifted upwards. Four beams of blue, red, gold, and blue beams were emitted from Noah's four hands respectively. Point to Uub above.

Seeing this, Uub immediately raised the Uub Holy Sword in his hand, four beams simulating the power of the four elements precisely hit the Uub Holy Sword, causing layers of patterns on the sword to light up immediately, the brilliance flowed, and finally converged When it reaches the tip of the sword, a thin beam of light is emitted straight into the sky.

After flying to a height of more than 120 kilometers, the beam of light exploded like fireworks, turning into countless light particles and falling down, and these light particles fell towards the surroundings in a divergent arc trajectory, and finally combined into a sphere. It seems that this situation is very similar to the meta-field displayed by Nexus, except that the meta-field is hemispherical, and the light particles emitted by the light beam that gathers the power of five Ultraman are spherical.

The sphere of light with a radius of 130 kilometers surrounded Noah and the six of them. As the energy continued to diverge, the density and brightness of the sphere gradually increased. After the energy of the sphere was completely stabilized, Saiga and the others immediately left their original positions, and in the next second, the square pyramid started to rotate.

From Ged's point of view, there is a slowly rotating regular pyramid floating in the center of the sphere whose surface is constantly changing colors, like a fish in a stone, full of beauty, making it impossible to move your eyes away.

Just after leaving the original position, when the square pyramid started to rotate, Noah immediately shouted at Ged: "Ged, go to the center and drive your ultimate sublimator with all your strength!"

"I see!" Ged did not hesitate at all, and immediately flew to the regular pyramid that was accelerating the rotation speed, and came to the center of the rotating regular pyramid.

After calming down, he raised the ultimate sublimator in his hand, activated the energy stored in it, and turned it into five golden rays that hit the five apexes of the regular pyramid, making the four-color light of blue, blue, gold, and red shine continuously. The regular quadrangular pyramid adds another three colors and becomes a rainbow of colors.

Seeing this, Noah, Saiga, Uub, Reggado, and King Otto, who had already left the five vertices of the regular pyramid, once again emitted their own light rays and hit the rapidly rotating regular pyramid, causing The golden sphere on the outside immediately spread towards the surroundings, and in the blink of an eye, it spread out of everyone's field of vision and disappeared into the white void.

The ultimate cross barrier is a move that fuses and magnifies Ultraman's light to seal powerful enemies. Now this move is improved and used by Noah and the other four. It is dedicated to amplifying the power of the four elements of Uub. Ged's data energy is used as a 'drill', shuttling inside the virtual planet Xia, disintegrating the virtual planet Xia.

The red lotus and flames who were waiting in the mezzanine of the outer space suddenly discovered that the pitch-black virtual planet Kesia had changed. It was originally held by three colorful light cables and could not move, but now a golden light slowly glowed from the inside. The layer of jet-black matter slowly disintegrates and decreases, making the brightness of this golden light gradually increase.

"Well, anyway, this should be good news!" Mirror Knight said optimistically with his arms folded in front of him.

"But I'm really not reconciled to not being able to help like this." Honglian Huoyan's tone was full of displeasure, and he kept stroking his hair, igniting a burst of flames, vividly interpreting Honglian's Anxiety within the flames.

"This is a battle we can't participate in, so we can only wait here!" Jambert's eyes were fixed on the virtual planet Kesia, which had turned from pitch black to golden, and the original dark matter had been melted away by the golden light. , forming a golden mask to envelop the virtual planet Xia inside.

This is the external situation, and in the outer imaginary space of the virtual planet Kesia, the originally pitch-black space now has dots of golden light, and these golden lights are eroding the dark imaginary space.

The countless light beams that run through the imaginary space will be 'corroded' when touched by the golden light. The situation makes people feel that the virtual planet Kesia is placed in concentrated sulfuric acid, and the basic components are disappearing. It can only be said that after absorbing so many substances and elements, the virtual planet Xia accelerated towards the complete universe, but it also tended to the material universe. After zooming in, it is easy to change the composition of these elements, make them garbled, and start attacking other intact parts.

In the inner data space where Noah and the others lived, in the vast expanse of white space, pillars of flame rose out of thin air. It was as if there was a problem with the circuit and sparks were everywhere. As the flame pillars rose one after another, the white mist disappeared rapidly as if evaporated by high temperature, making Noah and the others expand their field of vision rapidly.

However, the six Ultramans didn't seem to have seen this scene, they were still outputting energy constantly, making the seven-color regular square pyramid rotate faster and faster, and the eight edges were completely connected together, and they couldn't see the inside. Gedd appeared.

The faster the speed of the square pyramid, the faster the disappearance of the surrounding white mist. Ged seems to be unable to feel the loss of energy inside the ultimate sublimator, driving the energy inside the ultimate sublimator to flow out, and the original cold ultimate sublimation The temperature of the device has risen to forty or fifty degrees, and the temperature is still rising.

The range of the white mist has receded to tens of millions of kilometers away, and a tiny sphere appeared at a position of 60 degrees upward on the left front. From Noah and the others, it was only the size of a sesame seed, but considering the number of The distance of tens of millions of kilometers is probably not much smaller than Mars, and it is the only object in the data space so far.

The King of Ultra was the first to see this 'sesame grain', and said happily: "The sea of ​​data has been separated, and that is where the body of the artificial brain Gilbaris is located."

"Finally found him!" Noah said and stopped the energy output, and Saiga, Reggado, and Uub also stopped the energy output, so that the rotation acceleration of the colorful square pyramid stopped, maintaining the current rotation speed, And Geed also turned into a golden light and flew out from inside. No one cared about the still rotating square prism, and all their eyes were focused on the small planet.

"Let's go, defeat the artificial brain Gilbaris." With that said, the six Ultramans flew towards the distant planet the size of a sesame seed. Under the ultra-fast flight speed, the planet rapidly expanded. , table tennis, washbasin, and millstone, until they completely occupied the field of vision of Noah and the others.

As they got closer, more details appeared in the eyes of Noah and the others. In terms of actual size, it was not much smaller than the virtual planet Kesia seen in the interlayer of space, but the surface layer was similar to the virtual planet Kesia. West Asia is very different.

The silvery-white appearance looks like the steel planet Bitstar that I encountered before, but there are many, many more characters, symbols, patterns, and metal plating on the circuit board than the Bitstar, all over this silver-white planet Although the surface is numerous, it is not messy, on the contrary, it appears to be orderly, as if deliberately done.

Before Noah and the others flew close, the surface of the planet changed, and the characters, symbols, and patterns all lit up, and then the words, symbols, and patterns that were close to Noah’s side all emitted waves of broken electromagnetic light and Groups of shattered electromagnetic light bombs densely filled the airspace in front of them, smashing towards Noah and the others overwhelmingly.

"You're still so energetic, let's try it!" Saiga said as he brushed his right hand over the Saiga bracelet on his left wrist, and the gathered energy turned into a Saiga light wheel and rushed forward, and The incoming shattering electromagnetic light and the shattering electromagnetic light bomb collided together, bursting into flames all over the sky.

Uub kept waving Uub's holy sword in his hand, launching a series of attacks, resisting the incoming shattered electromagnetic light and shattered electromagnetic light bomb...

The six Ultramans showed their own special abilities. Even though there were many shattered electromagnetic rays and shattered electromagnetic light bombs, none of them could hit Noah and the others, and they were all intercepted. For a time, the soaring sea of ​​flames spread into a vast sea of ​​flames, filling an extremely wide area, and even the six of Noah, who had been flying forward, were swallowed by the sea of ​​flames.

But none of them slowed down, maintaining the original speed and continuing to fly towards the planet in front, ignoring the scorching flames around and the fierce attack ahead, and only flying forward.

"There are a lot of attacks, but the attack power is not very strong. What does Gilbaris want to do?" Noah resisted the attack, and his brain was spinning rapidly, guessing Gilbaris' thoughts. The shattering electromagnetic light and shattering electromagnetic light bombs that are attacking now are actually very powerful. It is not a problem to concentrate firepower to blow up the earth, but it is not enough to deal with legendary powerhouses like Noah and Saiga. read.

But Gilbaris still let the steel war star attack crazily. Obviously, the purpose is not to hinder or cause harm to Noah and the others. It is likely to collect data for targeted transformation or evolution, just like for air combat And the Galatron MK1 that appeared and the Galatron MK2 needed for the landing battle, and the Galatron MK3 that uses the energy of the world tree.

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