Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2438 Evil Beria

"Bright...bright..." Beria repeated the words he hated so much two times in succession. Gedd, who possessed his and Rayblad's genes, had obviously been inspired by him to go berserk and completely fell into In the darkness, he came out of the darkness again, turning the uncontrollable dark power into controllable light.

He could see clearly that the power of the King of Ultra appeared only after Geed came out of the darkness, which means that the King of Ultra may have been paying attention all the time, confirming that Geed yearns for the light , and then gave the power to Geed.

This caused Beria to feel a sense of frustration in his heart. He worked so hard that he broke himself to pieces, forcing the King of Ultra to restore the universe, so that he disappeared.

But even if he disappears, he can still affect the other universe, handing over his power to Bright Ged, who is exactly the same as Beria before, and then confronting Beria, he calculated the King of Ultra, in exchange for The irony of the King of Ultra using his son against him.

Belia looked up at the starry sky and murmured in a low voice: "King of Ultra, what exactly do you want to do? You keep saying that you want the Kingdom of Light to protect the peace of the universe, but you don't care about the life and death of the Kingdom of Light. Looking at a person with cold eyes Jumping around, stretching out a finger to hold him down casually when you get tired of watching it, it’s very interesting. It’s you who made me understand the principle that power comes first, as long as I have enough power, I can do whatever I want.”

When he invaded the Kingdom of Light for the first time, he had already succeeded. No one could resist his attack. Seeing that the Kingdom of Light was about to be captured, at his happiest moment, the King of Ultra descended from the sky like a god. He defeated the triumphant Beria with one move, and then locked him in the cosmic prison. Keeping his consciousness awake all the time, he endured the high temperature of the cosmic prison for tens of thousands of years.

Beria paused with his right hand, and the lower end of the ultimate fighting instrument in his hand hit the rock, making a 'boom! ’ With a crisp sound, Beria stood up with his right arm leaning on the ultimate fighting instrument, and the bones all over his body let out a burst of ‘cracking! ’ sound.

"The truth common to all universes is power. If you are stronger than a person, you will have confidence. If you are stronger than a planet, they will crawl at your feet in fear. If you are stronger than a universe, you can become the emperor of the universe. This is the eternal and unchanging truth, all justice and peace are false." The ultimate fighting instrument in Beria's hand stretched forward, held it horizontally in front of him, and said viciously: "King of Ultra, You want my son to be the so-called guardian of the universe, but I don't like you. Jedd, my good son, let me see how strong you are to step into the light. Only the strong can decide their own. Destiny, the weak don't deserve it at all!" At the end, Beria's tone was gnashing his teeth, with hatred and anger palpable in his words.

"Ha!" Beria roared, and the ultimate fighting instrument held forward with both hands emitted a strong dark red lightning beam, which spread out and filled the airspace hundreds of meters in front of Beria. Hitting on the rock, the solid rock was smashed to pieces, not even a speck of powder was left, it was completely reduced to powder.

The small grids on the ultimate fighting instrument quickly lit up, and clusters of energy light balls of the world tree gushed out from them, floating around Belia, making a place appear on the top of this dark mountain. Dazzling land of light.

Then Beria threw his left hand upwards, and four groups of black and purple mist slowly condensed into shape, condensing four monster capsules with different shapes, Dark Zaki, Dark Emperor Ambella Starman, Dark Demon God Lukiel, Angel of Destruction Zog.

"Don't think you can control everything, I want to let you know how powerful I am, and let you see what I really look like." Beria said as he raised the ultimate fighting instrument in his hand, and the four monster capsules seemed to be attracted All of them flew into the two ends of the ultimate fighting instrument, causing the ultimate fighting instrument to glow with strong black and white light.

In this light, Beria seemed to be shedding his skin. The patterns on the surface of his body quickly turned into black and full of wrinkles, like old bark. Afterwards, a large amount of energy condensed on Beria's body surface. Silver muscle-like armor-like protrusions. The originally huge ten claws have now returned to their normal size. There are silver blades on the wrists and calves, and the energy lamp on the chest has also changed from the dark red before to the current lavender. His eyes were shining like gold, especially his mouth was grinning open, making him look even more vicious than before.

"This powerful power," Belia clenched his left hand, feeling the surging terrifying power in his body, waved his hand forward casually, and launched a huge purple crescent-shaped slashing wave - the extremely evil light cut, instantly Hit the 15-kilometer-high sub-peak in front of him, only to hear 'Boom! ’ With a loud bang, the mountain peak was blown to pieces, leaving only a huge depression, and trillions of tons of earth and rock were instantly wiped out by his casual blow.

"Hahaha!" Belia laughed out loud, his voice echoed around this dark, cold and silent mountain, and it didn't disperse for a long time. He looked up to the sky and laughed for a long time, but Beria stopped the laughter. His golden eyes scanned the surrounding balls of World Tree energy light, and he threw his right hand down vigorously, The ultimate fighting instrument poked into the rock, a small grid on the top shone with dazzling light, and a stream of light flew out from it, condensing the Belia card he got back from Uub in front of Belia.

"I finally got the key to integrate the energy of the World Tree. Let me see how you use the energy of the World Tree for yourself, and how powerful the energy of the World Tree is. Flock to them." As he spoke, Strum's inversion organ behind the extremely evil Beria immediately lit up with emerald green light, which was more dazzling than the light emitted by the surrounding World Tree energy balls.

The Belia card immediately flew into Stroom's inversion organ, and was melted into the original energy by the Stroom inversion organ, extracting a trace of Uub energy containing the World Tree breath inside the Belia card, and being Stroom inverts the organ resolved.

I don't know how long this analysis process has passed, and Beria has been standing there, waiting for the brightness of Stroom's inversion organ to drop, and the nearest World Tree energy ball flies into Stroom's inversion organ. In the transfer organ, it was slowly converted into the energy of the extremely evil Beria himself.

What happened on Mars is not known to the people who are still on the earth. Zhao Canglu, Zhu Xingzhen, and Hongkai are lying in a row on the grass basking in the sun after eating their fill. Emilana, Mayumi and the others gathered together to discuss the clothes, especially the court costumes on Emilana, which received unanimous praise from Aizaki Moeya and the others. As for Jugula, he was coolly standing aside The Snake Heart Sword hones its swordsmanship. The mirror knight and the red lotus flame were chatting with Jambert and Jannay, waiting for the energy to be fully restored before they went to trouble Beria.

It’s just that this kind of calm didn’t last long. Not long after lunch, the communicator left by humans rang, and a voice full of anxiety came out from it: “Hello, Ultraman, I’m the United Nations. Secretary-General Guterres, NASA's Mars exploration satellite HIRISE has taken a picture of a large area of ​​light on Olympus Mons, the highest mountain on Mars. It is suspected that a big explosion or a volcanic eruption has occurred. The picture has been combined with the HIRISE satellite. The contact code has been passed on. Human beings cannot reach the outside world, so I would like to ask you to help us investigate."

This situation made everyone wake up from their leisurely mood immediately, and gathered in the main control room of the Helios. Xiaozao had already analyzed and rendered the captured pictures, and began to receive the signal from the Mars exploration satellite HIRISE.

Xiao Zuo's powerful computing power allowed her to quickly find out the unusual place in this picture. Even a large amount of dust filled it could not cover up a light in the corner. After zooming in and rendering the picture, it was barely possible to Seeing the bright appearance clearly, the sinuous eyes on that vague figure's face made everyone extremely familiar.

"Belia!" Zhu Xingzhen and Asakura Lu yelled almost in unison, and then more pictures were processed by Xiaozai, one of which was taken before the explosion, which clearly reflected the Leah's figure, but the tone of the eyes is different from before.

"This is definitely Beria, is he on Mars now? He didn't escape this universe, but stayed on Mars instead, hmph, are you provoking?" Zhu Xingzhen had a smile on his face, he was very grateful for Bailey Ya did not escape, but stayed on Mars instead, which saved him from searching everywhere in various universes, and solved it all at once.

Mayumi looked at the pictures on the screen, and said hesitantly: "Sai Luo, do you want to wait for Xingye to come back? Your energy has not recovered to full yet, isn't it too risky to go now? The lion fights the rabbit , and with all my strength, not to mention Beria is not a harmless little white rabbit."

"Xingye doesn't know where to go, and I don't know when I will come back. I'll go test it out first, see what the hell Beria is up to, and then decide on the next move. Xiaozao, borrow your plasma power furnace to use it. Use it, recharge my Palaji bracelet with some energy, it will be enough." Zhu Xing really wanted to fight Beria in the past impatiently.

Chao Canglu also stood up hastily, and said, "Then I'll go too. I didn't consume much energy in the first place, but now I've almost recovered."

"In this case, let me go there together, one more person can always give more power," Hong Kai had already pulled out the holy sword of Orb, and said softly: "The four elemental gems can make me replenish energy all the time. Or Mars all the same."

"Then the three of us will go there, and you stay on the earth first, lest this is Beria's plan to turn the tiger away from the mountain." Zhu Xingzhen made a decision immediately, and then ran straight to the power room of the Helios, taking Helios The plasma spark energy stored in the Lios was added to the Palaji bracelet. Although it was only filled with 20% of the energy, the stars were really satisfied, making the Palaji bracelet almost half full. The energy is enough for the stars to really fight.

Zhu Xingzhen, Asakura Lu, and Hong Kai came to the beach. Aizaki Moya and Emerana stood not far away and watched the three of them. The behavior of taking him to play is very dissatisfied. Unfortunately, his energy recovery is not much, so he can only stay on the earth with Mirror Knight and the others to prevent accidents from happening.

"Let's go, let Beria show the strength of the three of us." Zhu Xingzhen said and raised his left arm, and the Palagi bracelet on his wrist glowed with four colors of light, converging into Ottersero glasses , was held by Zhu Xingzhen in his hand, and he looped his right hand, and buckled the Ottersero glasses on his eyes.

The four-color rays of light bloomed from Otesello's glasses, forming four-color halos, which revolved around Zhu Xingzhen quickly, covering Zhu Xingzhen's body, dyed with red and blue patterns.

Hong Kai raised the Holy Sword of Ubu high in his hand, and the four elemental gems on the sword board shone brightly, making the Holy Sword of Uub emit bright four-color light, and a beam of four-color light was emitted from the tip of the sword. Flying into the sky, Hongkai was completely enveloped inside, and in the blink of an eye, he became a fifty-meter-tall giant.

Zhao Canglu turned his right wrist upwards, making the Gedde's claw in his hand stand up, and pressed the button on the handle with five fingers, which opened a groove in the middle of the Gedde's claw, and swung it down towards Canglu's left hand , opened the capsule holder, took out Gedd’s initial capsule, and inserted it into Gedd’s claw.

Endless golden rays of light bloomed from Ged's claws, enveloping Chao Canglu, and the endless rays of light converged into a golden beam of light, heading straight into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, he became a red and silver Ged .

The three Ultramans stood beside the beach, their heavy bodies sinking their feet into the sea sand. The three Ultramans looked down at the people on the island, then raised their hands at the same time and flew towards the sky , In the blink of an eye, it turned into three black dots, but within three or four breaths, it disappeared from everyone's sight.

After flying out of the Earth's atmosphere, Zero, Orb, and Ged converted themselves into light, and shuttled through the void of space at the speed of light. It only took six minutes, and the three Ultraman had already entered the Mars circle. in the orbit of the sun. The three Ultramen have also transformed from the form of light into a solid form, and flew into the atmosphere of Mars at a speed of Mach 6.

Beria, who had already absorbed a quarter of the World Tree energy ball, suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky. Three dazzling golden streamers appeared in the dark sky, flying towards him at an extremely fast speed. come over.

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