Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2436 Supreme Emperor

Zhao Canglu raised his left hand involuntarily, and the golden streamer fell on the palm of his hand, quickly condensing into an Ultra Capsule exuding colorful light, and the light slowly converged, revealing that the eyes inside were emitting red light, The Ultraman with the king's cloak on his back obviously has never seen this Ultraman before, but Asakura Riku subconsciously called out the name: "The King of Ultraman!"

"The power of protection?" Asakura Lu murmured in a low voice, and immediately raised his head to look at Beria in front of him. He immediately raised his right arm and clenched his five fingers, making the center of Geed's claw open again. Once again, the groove for inserting the Otto capsule is revealed.

Lu Chaokura pressed down with his right thumb to open the current limiter of the Ultra Capsule, and then without hesitation stuffed the Ultra King Capsule in his hand into Ged's claw, the radiance was radiant, and Jie The Claw of Virtue was instantly enveloped in colorful light.

In this light, Geed's claws spread out quickly, forming a long sword exuding a faint colorful light in an instant. The main body of the sword is silver, with a red pattern in the center. The hilts are connected. The hilt is composed of two golden Vs of different sizes, with a diamond-shaped gemstone exuding blue light sandwiched in the middle. Two thin blue long wings extend from both sides of the gemstone, connecting the two Vs. The gaps are filled.

There is a handle on the back of the hilt, let Zhao Canglu's right hand four fingers pass through the handle, hold the long sword and hold it in front of him, and his left hand brushes past the diamond-shaped gemstone in front of the king's holy sword. The gemstone that originally exuded azure light immediately flickered, changing seven different colors.

"In the name of my king—change it, fate!"

The colorful rays of light bloomed from the King's Holy Sword, enveloping Ged in an instant, beams of light of different colors covered Ged's body, causing Ged's figure to change rapidly. From the chest to the shoulders, forearms, waist, hands, calves and feet are all covered with golden armor, the body is dyed black, white and purple, and the head seems to be wearing a golden crown. There is a small diamond-shaped ruby ​​on the forehead, and behind it is a cloak of gold on the outside and red on the inside.

The whole body exudes colorful brilliance, reflecting the dark sea water into colorful brilliance. This ray makes Belia tremble all over, and the waving ultimate fighting instrument can't help but stop, letting the water dragons hit his body, smashing his body to pieces . The powerful impact made Beria tremble uncontrollably, but Beria didn't realize it, and slowly turned around and looked behind him.

A figure stood on the reef of the seabed, the whole body exuded colorful brilliance, piercing Beria's eyes hurt, the light gradually converged, showing the emperor's form of Ged, this appearance made Beria let out a beast-like low Roar, the extreme anger made him unable to control the energy in his body, causing black and red energy flames to burst out from the surface of his body, evaporating the surrounding sea water.

"The King of Ultra..." Beria gritted his teeth and growled, his whole body trembling with anger. If there is a ranking list for those whom Beria hates, then the King of Ultra is definitely in the top three.

His son has become one of his enemies, the King of Ultra, and the bright appearance he least wants to remember. It is simply a great irony for him. Just looking at it makes Beria's anger go 'crack! rub! ’ to go up.

Ged was already moving, his speed was two or three times faster than before, and he came to Beria in an instant, and the king's holy sword in his hand slashed up, making Beria hurriedly raised the ultimate fighting instrument to resist .

'Ping! ’ With a crisp sound, Beria retreated in response, and the powerful force was transmitted to his arm, almost causing the ultimate fighting instrument in his hand to fly. However, Beria reacted immediately, turned his right wrist, and immediately swung the horizontal ultimate fighting instrument forward, and slapped Gedd's abdomen with the force of the rotation, and slapped Gedd to the side.

At this moment, Uub had already rushed over, swung the Uub Holy Sword forward, slashed out one after another light blades, and attacked Beria, forcing Beria to turn around and use the ultimate fighting instrument to scatter them all. Light blade. After such three or four breaths of effort, Ged has stabilized his body and rushed towards Beria again, bending his right arm, gathering a lot of energy, and then radiating forward.

The golden light lingering on the sword converged into a crescent-like golden light blade, which quickly slashed towards Belia, causing Belia to turn around immediately, and with a wave of the ultimate fighting instrument in his hand, a sickle-shaped blade was fired. Giant Death Light Knife.

The king's flash and the giant death light knife collided in an instant, 'Boom! ' exploded with a bang, and the raging flames spread across the bottom of the sea, and the strong impact squeezed the surrounding seawater to the side, forming a ball of flames on the bottom of the sea, and the high temperature evaporated a huge amount of seawater, forming a large amount of water. The gas holds up more sea water.

Beria turned his head and fired a series of destructive light bullets at Uub, temporarily blocking Uub, and then rushed towards Gedd with the ultimate fighting device, directly breaking through the three-dimensional space formed by the flames, sea water and gas in the middle. layer sphere.

Raising the ultimate fighting instrument with both hands, he slapped Gedde hard in front of him, and Gedde was not to be outdone. He swung the king's holy sword and rushed back, knocked against the ultimate fighting instrument, and issued a "ping!" ’ There was a loud noise, and the strong impact spread, causing the surrounding sea water to vibrate, and the rocks below instantly cracked.

Ged's feet, which were smashed like wedges, sank into the rocks, and his straight right arm suddenly bent, even with both hands, it was difficult to resist the tremendous force of Beria's pressure.

Beria lowered his head and yelled at Ged, who was close at hand: "Do you think you can defeat me with such a little power of the King of Ultra? Don't think about it; think that becoming like this can shake me Don’t think about it; just wait, King of Ultra, I will definitely destroy the Kingdom of Light.”

"Then I will definitely stop you." Ged yelled, his arms suddenly exerted strength, and he pushed the ultimate fighting instrument upwards, and the raised King's Holy Sword swung downward vigorously, and fired again. A flash of the king slashed on Beria's chest in an instant, bursting out bright sparks, and the powerful impact made Beria retreat unstoppably.

Ged immediately raised the King's Holy Sword, and quickly brushed his left hand over the hilt of the King's Holy Sword. The gemstone in the middle of the King's Holy Sword and the small wings on both sides immediately glowed with dazzling golden light, and a V-shaped Golden rays of light emanated from it, rushing straight towards Beria in front of him.

Beria flipped his wrist, causing the ultimate fighting instrument to spin as fast as a windmill. The royal end light hit the ultimate fighting instrument and was immediately smashed to pieces, but he was under the impact of the royal end light, and couldn't help Live back.

Uub on the left has already dealt with those destructive light bullets, and charged at full speed towards Beria, who was pushed back by a golden light, while the Zero and Ultimate Zero guards on the right also rushed over. Going up to Geed, surrounded Beria from three directions.

Out of the corner of Beria's eyes, he saw Uub and Sai Luo, and immediately turned to the left without hesitation. At the same time, he turned the ultimate fighting instrument in his hand to the side, and a large amount of energy gathered, making the ultimate fighting instrument Like a mirror, it deflected the royal end light to the side, and hit Sai Luo and the others on the right, making Sai Luo and the others dodge in a hurry, and the speed of rushing over suddenly slowed down.

Beria, who broke through the encirclement in an instant, immediately flew towards Uub, raised the ultimate fighting instrument and slapped Uub vigorously, causing Uub to rush up to meet Uub with his holy sword. Clinker, Beria made a feint. When Uub raised Uub's holy sword, he turned his left and right hands upside down for half a circle, so that the top of the ultimate fighting instrument that was originally located on the lower side was lifted obliquely upwards, and it hit Uub all at once. Waist, let Uub let out a muffled snort.

Then Beria grabbed Uub's shoulder with his left hand, and said viciously: "I have borrowed my power for so long, it's time to pay the interest." As he spoke, a strong beam of dark lightning flashed from Beria's palm, striking It hit Uub's body, sparks burst out one after another. Attracted by this dark aura, a streamer wrapped in a dark aura floated from Uub's body, flew into the ultimate fighting instrument in Beria's hand, and condensed a black-red card.

Beria turned around and kicked Uub's chest, kicked Uub away, and then rushed towards the sea without looking back, without any hesitation, let alone the consciousness of fighting to the death. It seems that he ran away immediately when he saw the situation was not good, and there was nothing wrong with it. The guy who wants to face and suffer will not live long at all.

The most important thing is that his goal has been achieved. He witnessed the scene where Leonix's Gedd merged with the power of the King of Ultra, and transformed into that shining golden look. His strength far surpassed Gedd's. whatever form it has taken in the past.

"Wait, the next time we meet, it will be the day of your destruction." Beria turned his head and gave Zero, Orb, Geed and the Ultimate Zero Guard a fierce look, and then rushed out of the sea , the whole person turned into a purple streamer and flew towards the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

By the time Geed, Uub and the others rushed out of the sea, they had already lost sight of Beria. They flew up three or four kilometers in all directions but did not find Beria's figure. They didn't even know where to go after chasing them. If you want to chase, you have to give up.

Xingyun Zhuang also flew out of the sea, merged with the Helios, and was suspended at an altitude of a thousand meters. The seven huge figures of Ged, Orb, and the Ultimate Zero Guard flew towards the Helios, hovering in the sky. Relatively speaking, Jugula was almost just a black spot, extremely inconspicuous.

A group of people and two spaceships flew towards the north side. This island with a beautiful environment and suitable temperature has been destroyed in just six minutes of fighting. Only five or six reefs are still standing firm out of the sea. They all sank to the bottom of the sea and disappeared.

After flying for half a minute, I saw human fighter jets, frigates, cruisers and other naval ships. They all stared dumbfounded at this line of seven huge giants and two equally huge spaceships. , Flying towards the north, countless communication waves were sent out from these fighter planes and ships, filling this sea area, flying towards different directions and different receiving points.

Sai Luo and the others didn't fly very far. They found an uninhabited island and landed from the sky. Geed, Uub, and Sai Luo immediately changed back to human form, and Jambert and Jannay also turned into human form. The form of the spaceship landed on the ground together with the Helios and Xingyunzhuang, and the red lotus flame and the mirror knight also began to compress energy, shrinking themselves from fifty meters to two meters high.

Zhu Xing really lightly punched Hong Kai, and said with a smile: "How did you come to this universe?"

Hong Kai smiled, held up the holy sword of Ubu and said: "It is the mission issued by the holy sword of Uub to find the virtual planet Kucia wandering in the interlayer of space. For this reason, Jugula and I searched for It’s been a long, long time, and a lot of clues have been discovered.”

Holding the Snake Heart Sword in both arms, Jugula said coolly: "Don't get me wrong, when I figure it out, I will definitely take the power from you."

Regarding this, Hong Kai just smiled, didn't take it seriously, and then said seriously: "I have discovered the problem of missing planets in many galaxies. The gravity of the entire galaxy is completely messed up, and a new gravitational balance is being re-formed." .But no fragments of the broken planet were found, as if the entire planet disappeared out of thin air."

Zhu Xingzhen frowned and thought about it, and said speculatively: "Is it the same as the steel planet Bitstar? But Bitstar directly smashes into the living planet, and no matter what happens, it will leave fragments."

Hong Kai asked curiously: "What is Bitstar?"

Zhu Xingzhen explained: "A planet made of steel is very large. Inside the thick steel shell is an intelligently adjusted place suitable for living creatures. It has been wandering in various universes. Living planets smashed to pieces."

Zhao Canglu who was on the side asked curiously: "Then how did you come to Earth? Could it be that some virtual planet came to Earth?"

"I was planning to go from the star gate of this universe to another universe, but just after passing through the star gate, Belia's card suddenly moved, and then followed the card all the way to this planet." Hong Kai said He opened the Ultra Fusion card box, but was surprised to find that Beria's card was missing.

Jugula said coldly at the side: "Have you forgotten Beria's words so quickly? The interest he said is his card, and it does not belong to his own power. Naturally, he will return it sooner or later."

As soon as Jugula's words came out, Hong Kai and Asakura Lu seemed a little embarrassed. Even Zhu Xingzhen felt a little uncomfortable. His form on the other side was also a collection of Yinhe, Victory, Uub, and X. Plus the power of the four element gems.

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