Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2425 Uninvited Guest

The sea breeze is gentle and the waves are hitting the shore. Mayumi, Asakura Riku, Peka, Toba Raiha, and Aizaki Moya, five people stand on the side of the bamboo pavilion near the sea, looking at a group of people slowly approaching here in the sky on the north side. A helicopter painted in sea blue is flying towards here at full speed.

It took only three or four minutes to see the helicopter. The helicopter came to the edge of the island and stopped descending only one meter away from the beach. Under the pilot's superb skills, it was suspended in mid-air steadily.

The airflow stirred by the propellers blows the waves on the shore to the deep sea in the opposite direction. Three people in dark blue suits jumped off the helicopter, not caring about the wet sand below and the seawater hitting the shore soaking them shoes and trousers.

The skin colors and hair colors of the three people are all different, and they are obviously from three different countries and regions. They all carry suitcases and headsets, and look like business elites. After the three diplomats jumped off, the helicopter He raised the altitude again and returned to the frigate when he came.

Outside the warning area drawn by Xiao Zuo, ships are cruising nearby, and the radar is turned on as a relay station for the communication facilities carried by the three people on the island. I am afraid that there will be delays or signal interruptions, which will affect the first time. An important moment to contact and discuss with Ultraman.

The three diplomats walked straight to the bamboo pavilion, but their eyes were fixed on the two very conspicuous spaceships parked not far away, which were as large as two villas. Once appeared briefly, and revealed its powerful attack posture.

And the other silver-white spaceship, which is slightly smaller by one-third, has never appeared before. In any case, these are two intact spaceships, and the dilapidated Fushii Deji they are currently guarding. The spaceship is not the same.

That spaceship is useless except for some scientific research value, but these two can fly into space, without the need for expensive rockets, without the need to choose a launch window, and can take off anytime, anywhere.

The pictures of the two spaceships parked on the grass captured by the miniature cameras carried by the three of them were transmitted to the high-level officials of various countries and the convened staff through the relay radar.

Last time, they received a report of a UFO flying into space at an extremely fast speed. Obviously, these are two spacecraft that can travel into space that humans are currently unable to touch. Even if there is such a spacecraft, the process of human exploration of outer space will be greatly accelerated. Not to mention other things, one space station a year is not a problem at all. It's a pity that no matter how greedy you are, these two spaceships are not human, and you can only think about it if you reach the sky in one step. At present, these two spaceships have no way to make their minds.

The three diplomats walked up to Mayumi and the other five. The man in the middle stretched out his hand first. Asakura Lu was stunned, and quickly reached out to hold it. look like.

That made Mayumi on the side smile, shook her head slightly, and then greeted the three of them and said, "Sit down, what do you want to say?"

Before the three set off, they made up for Ultraman's affairs. Although they were surprised that the tough boy didn't appear here during the last meeting, they didn't ask too much. After sitting down, he immediately opened the box, took out a tablet, and started playing the video of Fukui Desilicon controlling and taking away sixteen super soldiers.

After the video was played, a white-skinned and curly-haired person said with indignation: "Fushii Idesi took away our elite soldiers and controlled them by unknown means. We are worried that Fushii Idesi will use the same tricks." Repeat, once you control those key departments: such as nuclear weapon silos, mobile launch vehicles, nuclear submarines, etc., it will cause irreparable losses, if the central department randomly issues some orders..."

Mayumi picked up a cup of milk tea and said casually, "Isn't Fushii Izushi your partner? Why are you guys breaking up?"

The three diplomats were silent, and a yellow-skinned diplomat said: "Both you and Fushii Izushi are powerful cosmic life forms that span the universe. In comparison, we humans are really too weak. So we will do everything we can, no matter what, we must work hard, even if it is to seek skin from a tiger."

"The reason is this. Every civilization wants to improve its technology as quickly as possible, and even reach the sky in one step. But is this really good? Just like now, you want to get high technology from Fushii Desi, but You don’t even know the basic theories, and looking at those scientific and technological materials is like reading a bible, and you can’t see what Fukui Ideshi is doing.”

Mayumi waved her hand as she spoke, and a virtual projection screen appeared in the center of the bamboo pavilion, which played the scenes captured when the monsters appeared last night. Mayumi pointed to the pictures of monsters and said, "Did you see it? The destruction of human cities one by one The monsters are the so-called super soldiers that Fushii Desuke took away from you. You want to get some benefits from Fushii Desuke. Fushii Desuke also thinks that under the condition of unequal strength, you will always be weak One side is at a disadvantage. If there is no countermeasure, if you pass rashly, you will not get any benefits other than being hurt by it."

The third white-skinned and black-haired diplomat said in a helpless and indignant tone: "Ultraman and monsters are fighting on the earth. The city that we humans have spent more than ten years building is completely in front of you." Vulnerable, if we don’t try our best to improve ourselves, how can we protect ourselves? Without strength, others will start a war on your territory without asking for your opinion.”

'Puchi! '

Mayumi laughed out loud, looked at the three diplomats with a smile in her eyes, shook her head, waved her hands and said, "Is it interesting for you to pretend to be white and red? Tell me, you are not here to chat or complain, right?" .”

The three diplomats turned serious, pointed to the screen on the tablet in their hands and said, "We are worried that Fushii Ideji will control important departments, so we want your help to prevent such a thing from happening."

Mayumi frowned slightly when she heard the words. The worry they raised was justified. Cosmic beings like Izushi Fukui with super powers have too great an advantage in the face of weak human beings, and they can make great things casually. Come to think of it, if Fushii Deshi really controls those high-level people, it will definitely cause great chaos in the human world.

After thinking about it for a while, Mayumi said: "In fact, controlling a person is not as simple as you think. Just fine. The biological brain is a very fragile thing, and it can cause damage to the brain if you are not careful, not to mention that there are too many distracting thoughts and thoughts in the human mind. It’s the same as usual, but it’s really difficult.”

Saying that, Mayumi swung her right hand upwards obliquely, projected the images on the tablet in their hands onto the virtual projection screen, pointed to the sixteen soldiers and said, "Not to mention the genes of Fushii Desi, these soldiers have been Fushii Idesi adjusted the brain waves, allowing Fushii Idesi to easily connect to their brain waves, thereby controlling their behavior. Although Fushii Idesi controlled so many people at once, these soldiers can't do what they used to do, right? It's definitely going to be very different, so..."

Mayumi turned off the image, converted the virtual projection screen into the image of monsters appearing one after another last night, pouted and said: "Look at this, Fushii Izushi simply inspired the animal nature of these monsters, irrational It can be said that those soldiers taken away by him are just the carriers of the power of the monster capsule, and they cannot control the monster at all."

Mayumi's words surprised everyone listening behind. When Scargomora was tested, it was clearly controllable and obedient. But when I thought that Fushii Desi controlled sixteen soldiers, was it the same during the experiment?

After a lot of explaining, Mayumi concluded: "So, you don't need to worry too much about this. Controlling humans is not that simple, and Fushii Deshi is not so boring. If he wants to occupy a planet If you want to be the king, you won’t be here to fight us all the time.”

Toba Laiha added on the side: "This is not just a war between Ultraman and Fushii Izuki, but also human beings. Fushii Izuki doesn't care about human life and death at all. You should have understood it as early as the Hengbing incident, really. I don’t know why I still choose to cooperate with him, obviously Ultraman has been fighting against monsters and protecting humans.”

Toba Laiha's words made the three outstanding diplomats speechless. The fact is that the cooperation between humans and Fushii Idesi has always been kept strictly confidential, and they dare not reveal a single bit of it to the public. Otherwise, someone must be held responsible This matter, and then bowed and stepped down to take the blame.

Mayumi spread her hands and said, "What's the use of discussing these now? Fushii Izuki has already used those sixteen monsters to fuse into two super powerful monsters. Even Geed is no match for those two monsters. Now, you Human beings can wish for good luck, and pray that the two monsters will not appear in these two days."

The expressions of the three diplomats changed slightly immediately, and they hurriedly asked: "Why do you say that? Did Ultraman give up on humans? We have already regretted it, and we are willing to pay the price in exchange for your protection. No matter what the conditions are, as long as We can do it."

"Ultraman Zero and Ultraman Nexus went to the universe to stop Beria's legion. I don't know when they will be able to come back. The battle last night has exhausted Ged, even if they barely deal with it, it's not that bad The two monster opponents need a good rest for a few days." Mayumi explained half-truthfully: "So we are helpless, and we have always done our best to protect you humans. Last night, in order to fight Fushii Deshi The two monsters and even the two spaceships have ventured out. Now there is nothing we can do. We will not move on this island for a short time. You can leave a communicator for us to communicate. If there is nothing else , you can leave now."

Seeing that these three diplomats were just talking about how to avoid giving Fushii Izuki control over the topic, now that she finished speaking, Mayumi immediately issued an order to expel the guests. She used to be a member of human beings, and worked in TPC for a period of time, and then she was in Hikari. Having lived in China for so long, I still know a lot about human beings.

These three diplomats are here to test, the kind who will definitely push their noses and face, use the smallest cost to achieve the greatest benefit, so it is impossible to give human beings a little promise now, otherwise it will become an obligation in the future, and now protect Human beings are only responsible, and only look at Ultraman's heart, but once there is a protection agreement negotiation, then it really has to be done in the future. Now that Starry Night is not here, Mayumi will never reach such an agreement.

The three diplomats looked at each other, and then one of them put the box he was carrying on the table, and the three got up to say goodbye, and began to contact the helicopter that had not yet returned to the frigate, preparing to return.

At this moment, a joking voice sounded from the side: "Oh, you guys are done talking. I thought you guys would talk for a long time, but I didn't expect it to end so soon. Our negotiations at that time were discussed for a long time."

Everyone immediately turned their heads to look at the place where the sound came from, and saw Fushii Izuki standing on the ground, leaning on the bamboo pavilion and looking at them with a smile.

"Fukui Idesi?!" The first reaction of the eight people seeing Fushii Idesi was to widen their eyes suddenly. Toba Raiha had the fastest reaction, immediately raised his right arm, and immediately stretched out a fist from the wristband. Here comes the energy sword.

Mayumi's reaction was also quite quick. She raised her arms and stretched her palms out. The light from her palms quickly condensed into a spherical shield, protecting them all inside.

Fushii Deshi straightened up, and waved his hands at everyone with a smile: "Why such a big reaction, I just came to say hello to you, that's all, you look like this, it's really embarrassing I'm sad. Isn't Ultraman kind and enthusiastic to make friends from different planets? Why is he acting like he rejects people thousands of miles away now?"

Asakura Lu shouted at Fushii Deji: "I will never be friends with you, only enemies."

"Oh, is that so?" Fukui Izuki twisted his neck forcefully, and said 'Ka! Click! ’, he raised his right palm upwards and said to the crowd, “In that case, then I will do what the enemy should do.”

Fushii Deji's words made everyone tense up, and Aizaki Moya asked involuntarily, "What are you going to do?"

"What do you think?" Fushii Izuki said, and there was already a monster capsule in his palm.

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