Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2417 Chao Canglu's Original Power

Fushii Izuki raised his right hand, and the index finger and middle finger directly clamped the lightsaber that Toba Raiha had slashed at. The energy in the palm and the collision of the lightsaber burst out bright sparks, no matter how hard Toba Raiha tried He couldn't move the lightsaber in his hand even the slightest bit.

"It's just a little bit of power," Fushii Izuki said, and the palm of his left hand pointed at Toba Raiha and fired a crimson lightning beam, which bombarded Toba Raiha's chest, directly hitting Toba Raiha. Ye Jian flew out, hit the hot soil heavily, rolled on the ground several times before stopping, and happened to land not far from Chao Canglu.

Enduring the pain, Toba Raiha raised his hand and grabbed Fukui Idesuke's shoulder beside him, while pressing the button on his belt with his left hand, and disappeared in place with Asakura Riku in an instant, leaving only the slowly falling dust.

Looking at the two human-shaped potholes on the ground, Fushii Deshi shrugged and said casually: "Run away, forget it, I've had enough fun today, when you rest, let's continue, I'd like to see How long can you resist Leonix's instincts."

As Fushii Ideji said, he turned around and spread out his right palm. Crimson lightning flashed across the bodies of the strong Gomoralant and Baltangetton, and their huge bodies shrunk rapidly. Formed into two small and exquisite capsules, they floated towards Fushii Deshi, and landed precisely on the palm of Fukui Deshi's palm.

Fushii Izuki turned around, and a crimson magic circle immediately spread out under his feet, making Fushii Izuki disappear in an instant, leaving only the devastated city and the raging flames.

Toba Raiha grabbed Asakura Riku and suddenly appeared in the main control room of the Helios. His legs softened and he fell to his knees on the ground. Trembling uncontrollably, the severe pain in her abdomen traveled along her nerves and invaded her brain wave after wave, causing Toba Raiha's eyes to turn black in bursts.

"Raiha..." Mayumi ran over quickly, raised her arms, and pointed her palms at Toba Laiha who was kneeling on the ground. Mayumi's whole body glowed with silver light, and a lot of energy flowed down her arms To Mayumi's palms.

The silver light emanating from the palm mixed with green light spots full of vitality fell on Toba Raiha's body, repairing the wounds struck by Fukui Idesi's lightning, and Toba Raiha only felt the pain all over his body Dissipated quickly.

After the pain eased a little, Toba Raiha hurriedly said: "I'm fine, hurry up and help Xiao Lu."

"En!" Mayumi nodded, and transferred the energy released from her palm to Asakura Lu, a large amount of energy fell on Asakura Lu, and suddenly a strong dark red lightning burst out from Chao Canglu's body, sending Mayumi's palm All the light energy of the light was scattered, and the burst of shock wave sent Mayumi and Toba Raiha flying away.

Toba Raiha rolled several times in the air before stabilizing his body. He kicked his feet on the wall, bent his legs, and relieved the force of the impact. It landed firmly on the ground.

Looking up, I saw Mayumi's whole body glowing and floating in mid-air, her body looked very illusory, comparable to that of the virtual projection Xiaozai on the side, and the crimson lightning on Asakura Lu who was lying on the floor also Has disappeared.

Mayumi slowly fell back to the ground, and the light on her body also converged into her body, and she turned back into a real body. Looking at Asakura Lu, she frowned and looked down at her palms: "There is a dark force in him. , No, it’s not like a dark force, just now my light stimulated that force, what is that?”

One screen after another appeared around Xiao Zuo's body, filled with data and charts. Xiao Zuo looked at Asakura Lu who fell on the ground and said: "The energy fluctuation just now, compared with the database, did not find the same waveform. Ya's energy waves are 80% similar, but different from Belial's dark energy."

Mayumi couldn't help asking: "Is that Riku's own power?"

Xiaozai also frowned, the main control computer calculated quickly, and after a while Xiaozai said: "The light of each Ultraman is different, and Ged needs two Ultraman capsules to fuse and sublimate. As an Ultraman, his energy waveform is made by combining two Ultramans. Changing the form will also change his energy waveform. The energy wave just now is brand new, and other possibilities are ruled out. , there is only one possibility left, and that is Chao Canglu's own power."

"His own strength?" Toba Raiha looked blank, not understanding what Xiaozao meant.

Mayumi explained on the side: "The different forms of Geed that Xiaolu transformed into borrowed the light of other Ultraman, that power does not belong to him, and the energy that resisted my light just now is his own power. only......"

Mayumi didn't say the rest of the words, she was wondering why the energy was dark just now? Obviously, except for the original form, Jiede's other forms are the power of light. Could it be because Asakura Lu possesses Beria's gene, and the power derived from the gene makes Asakura Lu's original power also dark? ?

"No!" Mayumi quickly denied this guess. Belial was not Ultraman Dark, but became Ultraman Dark because of being polluted by the soul of the Rayblad star. If this power is derived from the Beria gene, it should be the power of light, so what Chao Canglu activated should be the genetic power of the fusion of the Rayblad star and Beria, which explains why The power he activates is dark.

After thinking about this, Mayumi became even more worried. Xingye and Sai Luo had always wanted to train Geed to be a warrior of light, but now Asakura Riku's own power is dark.

Beria's lessons learned are still there. Mayumi is very worried that Asakura Riku will also become those evil guys. After all, the dark forces are really easy to get out of control. Didn't Hong Kai say that? When he fused the cards of Sophie and Beria together, he went berserk and couldn't control his behavior at all.

Chao Canglu was normal and sunny before, but it is really unknown what kind of dark energy will make him.

"Oh," Mayumi couldn't help but sighed, looking at Asakura Riku who was lying motionless on the floor, turned to Xiaozao and said, "Continue to contact Zhanbert, we must notify Xingye as soon as possible."

"En!" Xiao Zuo nodded, and continued to send messages to the universe, while steering the Helios to fly towards the small island where it came from.

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