Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2376 Human Ambition

The soldier's every move was captured by cameras installed on the rock walls around the valley, and transmitted along the line to the underground base two kilometers away from the valley. In a room of 300 square meters, three walls were placed There are numerous monitor screens, as well as sensor readings. In the picture taken by the high-definition camera, every fiber of hair is clearly visible, without missing any details.

In the room, apart from the technicians sitting in front of the computer responsible for the control, there was a group of military and government leaders from various countries, all of whom came to observe the situation of the monster meeting experiment.

After all, the five major countries attach great importance to this experiment, but in order to share the huge funds for manufacturing monster capsules, fifteen more economically developed countries were introduced, making this great plan called 'Genesis', the participating countries reached As many as twenty, it can compete with the G20.

According to various information provided by Fushii Deshi, to make the shell of the monster capsule, there are three kinds of materials that are extremely rare even on the earth, and five kinds of materials do not exist on the earth.

Although there are still some reserve materials in Fushii Deshi's spaceship, it is only enough to make a hundred monster capsules, and the strange energy used to fill the inside of the monster capsules has not yet been analyzed. I don't know any energy, and it is said to have been copied.

And Fushii Desi also refused to provide help, only saying that humans should quickly build a factory to produce the materials needed to repair the spaceship, otherwise, he will not provide any help.

Human beings also understand that even if Fushii Idesuke fully revealed the technology related to monster capsules, and told them without reservation even with experience, it is impossible for human beings to say that they will be able to manufacture monster capsules immediately. The more high-end technology, the more difficult it is to manufacture, even if you are given a full set of drawings, material formulas and even products, it is useless. (Like the Spey engine, a full set of craftsmanship and drawings was introduced, but it took 20 to 30 years to successfully imitate it. This is still a product of the 1960s.)

Although the technical analysis of the monster capsule has not been completed, everyone knows that this is a hugely expensive project. It is definitely not something that can be completed by throwing tens of billions. Such a powerful monster shrinks into such a small capsule. This technology alone is enough for human beings to throw tens of trillions or even trillions and trillions to thoroughly study it.

Think about it, if this technology is applied to other aspects, not to mention other things, how much benefits can be brought by spaceflight alone, the space station is assembled on the ground, and then shrunk down to the size of a capsule, then thousands of satellites can be launched at one time. Tens of thousands are not a problem at all.

It is also possible to shrink the sealed base into a capsule, then launch it to other planets, and then expand it. As long as the research and development is successful, human beings can directly immigrate to other planets even if the aerospace technology is still the same.

It is not required to be able to achieve the technology of producing silicon from Fujing. In this way, shrinking a monster tens of thousands of tons and tens of meters high into a capsule of only tens of grams and ten centimeters long, even if it is reduced by several times, will also obtain extremely huge economic and military benefits.

Just like transportation, doubling the size of the goods is equivalent to doubling the amount of transportation out of thin air, and it will not increase the cost. This alone is enough to make the world crazy. You must know that this is just a monster capsule. It's just one of the technologies contained in it.

It is a pity that although the technology is very beautiful and the prospects after successful research are extremely broad, all countries also know that the more advanced the technology, the more difficult it is, and it is impossible for only one country to support it, so the five countries sit After discussing for a while, I found 15 big households... Well, the partners shared the research funds together, and promised to distribute the research results according to the amount of effort.

The experiment this time is to perform for these big...together partners, let them see that this is a real space folding or other high-tech, not just a dream.

Under the nervous gaze of everyone, the soldier had already pulled out two capsules from the magazine pouch, installed them on both sides of the fusion sublimator, and then suddenly raised the fusion sublimator in his hand.

I saw the hourglass in the middle of the fusion sublimator in the hands of the soldier on the big screen turn rapidly, bursting out a dazzling dark purple light, and rapidly inflated like a balloon. In the blink of an eye, it expanded from the size of a fist to a six-dimensional An elliptical ball of light ten meters high and thirty meters wide came, and then the ball of light quickly collapsed inwards, condensing into Scargomora with a height of fifty-seven meters in just one second.

The newly-arrived representatives of the fifteen countries couldn't help but widen their eyes and open their mouths slightly when they saw this astonishing scene. They were shocked to see the whole process of a person turning into a monster shown on the big screen. It's another thing to see it with your own eyes.

A person can turn into a monster weighing tens of thousands of tons in just two or three seconds. This will tear the conservation of mass and energy to shreds. Even twenty nails on Einstein's coffin can't cover it. If we don't give modern physicists a way to survive, we will completely overthrow the cornerstone of modern physics.

Seeing the astonishment of these people, the representatives of the five countries are extremely satisfied. How can they make them pay if they don’t show something shocking? Noben, the commander of the AIB who is the liaison of the Association, turned around and faced the visiting countries. The representative said: "Everyone has seen it, this is the monster capsule, which can turn human beings into such huge monsters. But monsters are just one of the 'Genesis' projects. It is recorded in the "Old Testament" that God created the world. Therefore, the first book of the Old Testament is also called "Genesis", and now the success of this project will also usher in a new era for mankind."

As he said that, Noben pointed to the huge monster standing in the valley on the big screen and said: "Although I am a soldier and not a scientist, I also know that an advanced fighter requires more than blueprints and skilled workers." , without relevant supporting industries and settings, even if the complete set of production lines, drawings and workers are moved to a backward country, it is impossible to produce qualified fifth-generation fighters. Similarly, the introduction of such an advanced fighter production line will bring What will come is not only an advanced fighter aircraft production plant, but will also lead the simultaneous upgrading of the surrounding supporting industries, and the subsequent economic benefits will definitely far exceed the cost of introducing advanced fighter aircraft production lines."

Representatives from various countries nodded frequently. They naturally knew this, especially the feeling of the rabbit family. Under the circumstances of comprehensive backwardness, after the introduction of advanced production lines, not only advanced technology was brought, for example, the introduction of The technology of the howitzer has brought about the electroslag remelting technology for the production of the gun barrel, which has improved the metal material a lot at once.

Noben did not stop, and continued according to the prepared speech: "The same is true for the monster capsule. What we want to see is not only such a monster, but also the technology that can be obtained in the process of developing and researching the monster capsule. For example Speaking of this technology temporarily named space folding, think about it, once human beings acquire this technology, there will definitely be earth-shaking changes. There is no need to worry about the lack of housing area. It is completely possible to build a building to a thousand floors, and then use the folding technology. , in the real world, it will only be 100 meters high or even lower. A 100,000-ton aircraft carrier uses folding technology, and a random helicopter can load ten or eight aircraft carriers, so I don’t need to say more about the rest.”

Needless to say Noben, countries have already imagined how powerful this technology is, and it can be used in wars. For example, thousands of tanks are shrunk down into a leather package, and then deployed in the enemy country, directly pushed to the The opponent's capital.

Or shrink nuclear weapons, and then... this is a technology that completely changes the way humans fight.

"Not only that, but the energy inside the monster capsule can also greatly improve the energy technology of our human beings. Once the research is successful, all the thermal weapons equipped in various countries can be retired, and humans will be able to skip electromagnetic weapons. Directly step into the era of energy weapons." As Noben said, Scargomora on the screen has also moved, opening his mouth full of sharp teeth, and a large amount of flame light appeared in his mouth, quickly gathering into a The flame ball spit out from Scargomora's mouth.

'Whoosh! '

The flame ball pierced through the void at an extremely fast speed, leaped thousands of meters in an instant, and bombarded the ground in front of it, 'Boom! 'A heaven-shattering explosion sounded, and a column of flames hundreds of meters high rose into the sky, and a strong shock wave swept all around, uprooting all the trees, grass, etc. on the ground where it passed, even the naked Several layers of dust were also thrown up from the ground, and swept towards the sky along with the shock wave.

In just a split second, the surrounding area of ​​three or four kilometers was covered by billowing smoke and dust. The helicopter filming from a distance faithfully recorded this scene, and then transmitted it to the secret base. Even though they were so far apart, everyone could feel that the base was shaking slightly in the explosion, and its explosive power was terrifying.

"This is not the result of Scargomora's full attack, and this is already the power that can only be achieved by cloud bombs," Noben continued to tell the power of the monster capsule: "And Scargomora La can continuously spit out such powerful flame balls, I think you all know how Hengbing is destroyed, as long as there is time, a monster can push the earth flat."

What Noben said made the representatives of various countries feel excited. Although it is said that the space folding technology cannot be developed in a short period of time, such a powerful monster capsule technology must definitely be involved, otherwise it will be absolutely disastrous if it is acquired by a hostile country.

Seeing the frequent nods of the representatives of the fifteen countries who came to observe, Noben smiled slightly. It seems that this time the performance has achieved the expected effect, and a large amount of money will be injected into this plan soon. It's time to really start the research work on the monster capsule.

Scargomora outside spewed out a flame ball according to the predetermined acting plan, then stopped moving, and then the whole body glowed with dark purple light again, shrinking rapidly like a deflated balloon, faster than when it grew bigger shrunk down to human form.

The storm caused by the explosion subsided quickly, and the helicopter flew back again, dropped a rope, and took off. The soldier was more sensitive than a monkey, and climbed up to the second and third floors after pulling the rope a few times. In the ten-meter-high cabin.

The helicopter didn't stop at all, and it didn't start to lower its altitude until it flew to a deserted Gobi Desert. The Gobi Desert below suddenly opened a gap with a diameter of 30 meters, exposing the apron made of steel below, allowing the helicopter to land. On the top, the apron quickly sank, and at the same time the roof closed again, returning to its original appearance, and there was no trace of opening from above.

The apron had just stopped sinking, and the super soldier walked off the apron, followed a few people in white coats waiting outside, walked down a passage to the depths of the base, and walked a hundred meters in a row before arriving in a room The door stopped.

The alloy door opened, and inside was an operating room with complete equipment. The super soldier handed over all the fusion sublimator and monster capsule on his body, and then lay down on the operating bed without saying a word, letting the doctors take care of him. A blood sample is drawn.

The two of them took the fusion sublimator and the monster capsule, walked out from the other door of the operating room, and arrived at the equipment area next to them. After taking pictures and registering, they put the fusion sublimator and monster capsule in the safe one by one. in the cabinet.

Standing by the glass in the upper room, Fushii Deji watched these soldiers put the two things that belonged to him in the thick safe as if they were treasures. Looking at the representative of the Five Kingdoms behind him, he said: "You really treat this thing as a treasure. Scargomora is just an experimental fusion monster, and its strength is not very strong. Destroying Xingshan City, the latest King Gurante destroyed Hengbing with one blow, and there are even more powerful monsters, give me more time, and I can develop even a monster that destroys the planet with one blow."

The human representatives behind him looked at each other, and silently recorded Fukui Idesi's words. They didn't ask any questions about Fushii Idesi's words, but asked another topic that all countries are more concerned about: "We I want to know when the production of monster capsules can be started, after all, there are only two monster capsules that we humans can use at present."

"Hehe," Fushii Ideji turned around, pointed to the wall on the left, and said, "The production line is at this base, not far from here. If you provide the materials I requested, I can immediately start the production line for you. Produce monster capsules, as I said before, I will give you more monster capsules only if you start to provide me with the materials needed to repair the spaceship."

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