Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2366 deal with the world

The sudden sound was extremely loud in this slightly quiet conference room, causing everyone in the room to turn their heads and look at the place where the sound came from, only to find a man in a white coat with an AIB badge on his chest The young man stood there, looking at the large group of dignitaries in the room with a smile on their faces.

Osborn immediately stood up, walked towards the young man and reprimanded loudly: "Who told you to come here? Didn't the guards, the guards, say that no one is allowed to come in? Do you want to go to a court-martial?"

"The human court-martial can't control me. Those guards, I see they are so tired, so let them sleep for a while." The young man walked directly to the conference table, and only then did he step forward, and the dark purple light on his body flowed away. As the light spread, the face changed immediately, and the face change was completed in the blink of an eye, but that face changed the faces of most people in the meeting room.

Osborn, who was walking over, stopped the moment he saw this face, and put his hand to his waist subconsciously, but found nothing, only then realized that he had put his weapon away before the meeting It's all outside.

No one entered the meeting room with weapons at all, so the weapons of these people in the room can be said to be unarmed. Facing this cosmic being who is powerful enough to easily destroy an entire army, the few small pistols they wear may not be enough The other party pinched it with one finger.

Thinking of this, Osborn also stopped looking for weapons, for fear of attracting attacks from the other party, and then directly sent them a wave of annihilation, took a deep breath, tried to make his tone as calm as possible, and said: "Fu Ide Silicon, what are you doing here? Didn’t you say that those Ultramen are watching you all the time? It’s not appropriate to contact us so carelessly.”

"It doesn't matter, you must follow my advice and remove all the surveillance cameras and other things connected to the network in this conference room. It's a wise choice, otherwise your current conversation would have been known to them, how could it take your turn?" I'm here to find you." Fushii Izuki said with a smile, walked to the conference table, pulled out a high-end leather chair from under the table, and sat on it directly.

Hands exactly like human beings were placed on the conference table, and this action caused everyone in the conference room to lean back slightly, which made Fushii Izuki laugh out loud, glanced at the nervous crowd, and said : "Why are you so nervous? Are you worried that I will kill you? Will killing you do me any good?"

The representative of the rabbit family was the first to react, coughed twice, and then said politely: "Mr. ? Is there anything we can do to help you?"

"No, I'm not here to ask you for help. On the contrary, I'm here to help you." Fukui Izuki leaned forward slightly, and said with a smile: "You think that super soldier is your luck or your hard work?" And was it successful? Without my help, you will not be able to integrate my genes with you humans in a hundred years. You are just a group of low-level creatures that have not yet started to evolve. The result of forcibly merging high-level life is It is equal to the fusion of human cells and single-celled organisms, do you think it is possible to succeed?"

No one spoke in the conference room, and many people focused their attention on the work card hanging on the white coat worn by Fushii Deji, which was one of the participants in the experiment an hour ago .

This made everyone's eyes tremble, and they exchanged a few simple glances with each other, and then turned their eyes to Fukui Izuki who was sitting there, and the representative of the lighthouse country said: "Mr. The Xenomorphs are..."

"Isn't it a heterogeneous person who fuses different biological genes together?" Fushii Izuji said lazily: "You humans are indeed too weak, so you can show your prestige on this planet. If you have the chance After stepping out of this planet, formally stepping into the universe, and starting to contact different cosmic civilizations, you will know that any civilization that can survive in the universe must not only have advanced technology, but also be strong itself."

Everyone in the conference room listened to Fukui Ideji's words, and communicated with each other simply with their eyes, and their brains were also running rapidly, guessing the purpose of Fukui Ideji's coming here, so as to serve as the basis for the next conversation.

"Why don't you talk anymore, don't you believe me?" Fukui Ideki stretched his waist, sat up straight, and said with a half-smile: "There are many cosmic beings hidden on the earth, and they have established Some trading areas and gathering areas, if you catch a few, you will know whether I am right or not."

"What?" Osborn exclaimed suddenly, and looked at Fushii Idesi in astonishment. What he said was really amazing. He even said that the cosmic people established a trading area and gathering area on the earth. ..how can that be possible?

"I still don't believe it, alas, can't we have some trust?" Fukui Izuki sighed and shook his head, and said with emotion: "I just helped you achieve the super soldier you want, I have already expressed You still don’t believe me with such great sincerity, if so, then I’ll tell you another news to show my sincerity.”

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone pricked up their ears again, and listened intently to Fushii Izushi's revelations. These news about the universe are extremely precious to human beings, and they must be carefully written down regardless of whether they are true or false. Yes.

Fukui Izuki looked at these people, and the smile on his face became more vigorous. He glanced at Noben who was sitting there, and that look made Noben's heart jump suddenly. Before he could start thinking, Fukui Ide Si had already said: "What I want to talk about is monster-beast-capsule!"

Noben clenched his right hand, his pupils dilated, his whole body tensed up, his Adam's apple moved unnaturally, his lips trembled, as if he was facing an enemy, and Osborn did the same So, staring at Fukui Idesi very nervously.

"That's right, it's the monster capsule I used to fight against Ultraman." Fushii Izuki said word by word, making the representatives of various countries present at the meeting short of breath, a sense of expectation rose in their hearts, and their eyes were extremely fiery Watching Fu Jing out of silicon.

Under the nervous gaze of everyone who was expecting Noben and the others, Fushii Ideki continued: "Compared with super soldiers, this thing should be more attractive to you, after all, no matter how many super soldiers there are, it is impossible to defeat them all." A monster with a strength of tens of thousands of tons."

The representatives of various countries looked at each other several times, and the representative of England suppressed his excitement and said, "Then Mr. Fukui, do you have any conditions?"

"Hehe," Fushii Izuki laughed, shook his head lightly, pointed at Noben and the others and said, "What more conditions can I ask, all my things are in their hands, including the production line for making monster capsules, The laboratory for instilling monster energy and the materials for making fusion sublimators are all on the crashed spaceship. They were all found by AIB and secretly transported away. I don’t know where they went. These Everything is in the hands of you humans, how can I have anything to trade with you."

Fushii Deshi's voice has not yet fallen, and the representatives of the five major countries have already turned their heads to look at Noben who was sitting there and the other senior AIB executives beside him. The representatives from the Beacon Country are the worst. In order to promote Noben and Osborne, they assumed 60% of AIB's annual material and expenses. They originally thought that they were in high positions and could bring more benefits to their country. Interest, but it seems that they have not achieved their goal at all, and have been betrayed instead.

Noben sat there with a gloomy face and said nothing. You must know that there are too many people from the five countries in the AIB. If you check this kind of thing carefully, you will know where the equipment and materials have been transported. There is no way to hide it. In the past, it is useless to say anything at this time.

Osborne looked at Fushii Idesi with anger, his eyes wished to eat Fushii Idesi, but Fushii Idesi spread his hands innocently, and said, "Why do you look at me like that? I abide by the trading rules very much. , I’ve given you what you want, but what about you? I haven’t even seen a gram of what I want, and you broke the contract first, so I have to find someone else to trade with.”

The representative of the Lighthouse State immediately took up the conversation and said: "So what do you want? Or the materials for repairing the spaceship before? I hope we can find a condition that both parties can accept. After all, our human technology is relatively high compared to you. It’s still very underdeveloped, and we can’t get you too much if you ask for it.”

"Isn't it just that you don't want to give too much? Yes, because my spaceship is already in your hands, and you think it is yours. How could you be willing to pay a high price?" Fushii Izushi said mercilessly The hypocrisy of the representative of the Lighthouse State was exposed.

"Hehe!" The representative of the Beacon Country laughed twice, and then said: "I'm just a small character, and those big guys still have to discuss whether they agree or not. Their opinions are the most important, and I agree to everything. It's useless."

"Yeah, so we can push and push each other," Fushii Deji stood up, paced up and down in the not-so-large conference room, and said unhurriedly: "Even if you get the production line and those materials It's useless, without me, you may be able to imitate and manufacture after 50 or 60 years of groping; without me, even if you give you a hundred years, you will not be able to fully translate the data stored in my spaceship without me, it would be impossible for you to integrate my genes into the human body, so even if you produced monster capsules and fusion sublimators, fusion and sublimation would not be possible."

Walking to the window, Fushii Deji stopped, looked at the buildings outside through the thick glass, and said with a little contempt: "If you don't believe me, you can try it, just like the previous experiment, I It is easy to help you create super soldiers with my genes. I can help you master all the techniques of producing monster capsules, and I can also open up all the data of the spaceship to you. The only condition is to assist me in repairing my spaceship. However This time I will not deliver everything at one time. The transaction with AIB let me know the saying "Pay with one hand, deliver with one hand". You provide me with a piece of material, and I will give you a piece of material, okay. , I can pass my conditions to the boss behind you. By the way, be careful of the monitoring of the Kingdom of Light, they have more advanced artificial intelligence than me."

After Fu Jingideshi finished speaking, he turned around, looked at the crowd with a smile and said, "Okay, can you provide accommodation? I'll wait here for the replies from the big guys behind you. No matter how many people in the world look for me, after all we probably don’t want to disturb the Kingdom of Light.”

The representatives of the five countries looked at each other and nodded, then the representative of the Beacon Country looked at Osborn, and said in a cold tone: "Adjutant Osborn, go and arrange a safe place for the guests, you must Make the customers happy."

Osborne nodded silently, then stood up, walked to the door and made a "please" gesture to Fukui Idesuke, Fushii Idesuke walked towards the door with a smile on his face, and when he walked to the door In an instant, his face changed again, becoming the appearance of the young man who participated in the experiment before, and followed Osborn out of the meeting room.

The door of the conference room was closed again, and all the representatives of the five countries turned their attention to Noben who was sitting there silently. The representatives of the other four countries looked slightly sideways at the representative of the Beacon Country, waiting for his handling.

The representative of the Lighthouse Kingdom tried to calm down his tone, and said, "Commander Noben, do you have anything to say about Fushii Deshi's words?"

"Oh, that," Noben said casually, "I found so many things and equipment from that spaceship, and I'm not a scientist, so how do I know which one is the monster capsule production line he mentioned? Even now the text is still unclear." The translation has not been completed, even if it is marked on it, we still can’t understand it, since he said there is, let’s take him to find it, just let him come to help classify those devices.”

"Hmph, so I didn't know about it," the bear-like officer said sarcastically, "It seems that it's not your problem, after all, you are a commander who doesn't know anything."

"The AIB usually has so many things. How can I have time to look at those devices one by one?" Noben still had the look of "a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water".

The representative of the Lighthouse State hurriedly said: "It seems that Commander Noben has some dereliction of duty, but this is also normal. After all, this is the first time that he has really come into contact with alien life."

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