Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2364 the success of nonsense

In a room on the 52nd floor of a towering skyscraper only three kilometers away from the AIB headquarters, Fushii Desuke stood in front of the French window facing north, wearing a black suit with his left hand behind his back , holding a glass of red wine in his right hand, gently shaking the wine glass in his hand, looking down at the bustling city with his eyes calmly.

High-rise buildings of different heights are neatly arranged, and wide roads shuttle between these high-rise buildings. Cars smaller than a matchbox are driving on the road at high speed, and there are pedestrians coming and going. .....Everything shows the prosperity and noise of the city.

"You don't like the monster capsules I made, but would you like the human ones? You keep saying that you want to protect human beings, and now humans are starting to make monster capsules. What will you do with hypocrisy?" Si said with a smile, with a strong interest on his face, as if he saw something interesting.

Fushii Deji raised his hand and drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, casually threw the glass back in his hand, the transparent goblet spun a few times in the air, drew a beautiful arc, and then landed precisely On the table eight meters away from Fushii Izushi, after a few shakes, it stood firm, and it didn't mean to break in the slightest.

Fushii Deji lowered his right hand to look at it, raised his head proudly, stared at a large building complex belonging to the AIB headquarters in the distance, and said to himself: "Since you want to become stronger, then let me help you Well, I'm very happy to help people." In the end, Fukui Izuki's right hand was clenched tightly, and his tone was full of sarcasm.

In the underground base of the AIB headquarters in the distance, in a cylindrical room with a diameter of 30 meters and a height of 8 meters, cables as thick as arms extend from four directions, connecting to the small room in the center of the room. On the equipment of the truck, more than 20 technicians in white coats were walking around the equipment, carefully checking it.

On the north wall, which is five meters high from the ground, there is a high-strength toughened glass six meters long and two meters wide. More than a dozen people stand behind the glass window and look at the busy people below.

Half of them are wearing military uniforms. Even though the military uniforms are slightly different, at least there is a general star on their shoulders. The rest are accompanied by senior AIB officials. The purpose of these people is to watch this experiment with a success rate close to zero. . The purpose of these military and government representatives from various countries is not to watch the experiments, but to actually understand how far the AIB's research on the human genes of the universe has gone, and human experiments have already begun.

The monster capsule plan has been listed as the top secret of the AIB, and it is not disclosed to the public at all, even if it is the same in various countries, the more people who know any secret, the harder it is to keep it. So AIB made magic changes to this plan, disguised it as a human body enhancement plan, which was obviously successful, and it has been two weeks, and no sixth person has known the existence of this plan.

The preliminary inspection had been carried out for three hours, and within five minutes of the arrival of the 'observation group', more than half of the technicians had evacuated the scene, and then three thick iron doors fell, completely sealing off the room.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became solemn. A muscular soldier walked in front of the instrument, then turned around and leaned on the iron bed that stood up.

'Crack! Click! '

Immediately, the iron cuffs were closed one by one, firmly imprisoning the strong soldier's hands, feet, waist, limbs and head. Then the iron bed slowly turned until it turned 90 degrees. Then, under the rotation of the gears, The iron bed and the soldiers were sent into this huge machine.

The five most skilled anesthesiologists summoned have already begun to get busy, preparing anesthesia according to the soldier's physique, and then slowly injecting it into the soldier's body through a thin infusion tube, and the soldier inside the machine has been smeared. More than 50 needles pierced the skin, some into muscle groups and some into blood vessels, and almost every large muscle group on the body was taken care of.

The generals and senior officials in the 'upstairs' can only see the huge machine and the people busy around it. Said the progress of the test.

A three-star general in American uniform looked bored at the huge machine below, and said impatiently, "When will the experiment end?"

"It will take about five hours," one of the AIB's escorts immediately said, "Because this is the first experiment, and the experimental serum will be injected into the muscle groups and blood vessels of the whole body at the same time. I know what will happen, so I will not inject all the expected doses of experimental serum at once, and will proceed slowly with the experimental results."

This person's explanation made all the generals and high-ranking officials outside the AIB frown. After five hours of doing this and looking at this broken machine, the key is that this is still an experiment that is doomed to fail. No one thinks that this experiment will fail. success.

It has only been one and a half months since the genetic samples of the Cosmos were obtained. It is impossible to analyze the reason in such a short time. It took seven or eight years to build a human genome, let alone the Cosmic Man.

Sitting here boringly for five hours just to watch an experiment that is doomed to fail, they all feel that they are boring enough, but they have to wait until the end of the experiment when they know it is boring, which is even more boring.

The bored spectators are even more bored in the face of this experiment that is destined to be 'boring', but the people participating in the experiment below are not so boring. They are busy nervously. The consciousness of failure, but still have to do our best to achieve the slim success and work hard. Dozens of screens displayed the physical condition of the subject in real time. According to these data, the experimental serum was injected little by little, and some blood was drawn out for testing and analysis from time to time, to observe the fusion status, and dare not slack off in the slightest.

However, in the eyes of bored audiences, their busyness is just a group of people running around the broken machine, completely unaware of what they are doing. There is only one person who does not move all the time, just sits on the display screen of the machine and looks at the displayed data, providing real-time data support for others, and his hand is always on the machine, and the extremely subtle dark red light is emitted from the palm and the machine. leaked through the gap.

If time stops at this time and you look at the cross-section of this area, you will find that where the palm of this person fits, only the large area of ​​the palm is filled with strands of extremely fine dark red unknown particles, extending all the way to the inside of the machine The body of the experimental subject slowly merged into this person's body.

With the integration of these dark red unknown particles, those alien cells that were originally rejected by the human body slowly merged with human cells, and combined with the original human gene chain from the genetic level to form a new Double helix genetics.

After more than two hours of such fusion, the combination of a new gene strand was completed without causing any harm to the person, and then the DNA was catalyzed by RNA polymerase, using the new DNA as a template The strands start to transcribe mRNA, cells with new DNA quickly replace the old cells, and the old cells are swallowed up by the dark red particles all over the person's body, as energy 'nutrient' for the generation of new cells.

The scientists who really participated in this experiment became more and more shocked as time went by, not because of the failure of the experiment, but because the progress was so smooth that they couldn't believe it. The blood analysis results of the fourth hour have come out, and they are being circulated to each other. Everyone looks at the report in shock. The serum injected into the human body can no longer be found under the electron microscope. All seven samples are like this. That means...serum combined with human cells.

"Are you going to succeed?" The idea that was considered completely unrealistic before the experiment popped up in everyone's minds. The experiment was expected to take five hours, but in fact, the result in their minds was two hours. What they have to do is to extract and preserve the samples of various body tissues of the subject as soon as possible, so as to facilitate subsequent analysis and research, and provide experience for the next experiment.

For this reason, the anatomist and fifty freezers for storing samples were all mobilized in place, and they were on standby at the venue, ready to come in at any time for autopsy and preservation of tissues and organs, but they had been waiting for four hours, and the ice was about to melt. Yes, they haven't played yet.

Steve, who presided over the experiment, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said to the experimenters: "It's not time to celebrate, continue the experiment according to the scheduled plan, until the last moment, it can't be said to be a success."

"Heh!" The corner of a technician who was sitting there and responsible for monitoring the data raised his mouth slightly, showing a smug smile, and his eyes were full of disdain as he stared at the screen. A tiny chance of success, yet...it will, absolutely will.

The huge LCD clock in the middle of the room has jumped to 4 hours and 50 minutes. All the personnel participating in the experiment stopped their work, stood up, and looked at the entrance and exit of the machine that opened slowly with anticipation. The bored audience who were about to fall asleep also stood up, walked to the window together, and looked at the situation below, but no one was nervous or expectant, because in their opinion, there was only one result, and there was nothing wrong with it. something to look forward to.

In the huge room, there was only the slight 'hum! hum! ’ sound, the iron bed was slowly protruded out, and the soldier lying on it closed his eyes and lay there motionless, which made the hearts of the participants in the experiment drop.

Steve couldn't help sighing, and laughed at himself, saying that unrealistic expectations are really impossible to achieve, how can such a large-scale experiment succeed once, and it is normal to be unsuccessful in a lifetime.

At this moment, the soldier lying on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, straightened his waist, and sat up all of a sudden, causing the ugly sound of metal deformation to resound in the room.

The bored audience's eyes widened suddenly, and they looked at the soldier who sat up in disbelief. The iron bed under him was pulled out of shape as he sat up, and the body that imprisoned the soldier's head The iron cuffs were torn off directly, and the iron cuffs on the arms were torn off from the iron bed together with a part of the iron bed below.

"This... this..." Everyone looked at this astonishing scene and didn't know what to say. This is an iron handcuff that can withstand 500 kilograms, and it was torn off like this? No matter how you look at it, this is a scene that only appears in movies. In reality, how could such a nonsense thing happen that an experiment created a superhuman?

The soldier himself was also a little dazed, looking at the deformed iron cuffs on his wrists, it took him a while to react, he tried to raise his right hand to grab the iron cuffs on his left arm, and then with both arms... ...

'Chila! With a soft sound, the solid iron cuffs were easily torn in half by him like a bagel. This scene stunned the soldier himself, and the torn iron cuffs in his hands couldn't help but fell down and landed on the concrete. on the floor, bam! ’ With a muffled sound, a shallow pit was smashed into the concrete floor.

"Success...success?!" The surprised voice of one of the researchers rang out in the silent room, leaving only one thought in the minds of all those involved in the experiment, "Successful, they succeeded Already!"

"Oh no!"

Cheers sounded instantly, and everyone shouted and hugged each other with excitement, celebrating this incredible successful experiment. The experiment that was infinitely close to zero was successful. This can be recorded in the annals of the world and become a mythical history. .

"Impossible, right?!" The bored audience didn't know what to say, and there was only one thought in their minds, "This shit can be successful, why are you kidding me?" Just a little bit of research results, that's all. How many people have accomplished such an unbelievable feat? It’s as nonsense as the third grandson of Uncle Wang’s nephew next door who bought three catties of uranium ore on Taobao and set up a cold fusion nuclear power plant at home to charge the battery of his four-wheel drive car. .

But immediately their minds came to life, as long as the nonsense thing succeeds, then they have to face it. Judging from the performance of this soldier, the strength increase is simply outrageous, so even if there is no increase in other aspects, such a strong Strength, not to mention other things, participating in weightlifting competitions is simply winning all the gold medals, not to mention...energy production.

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