Ultraman Senki

Chapter 2349 Threat cooperation

Soldiers lined up in two rows pointed their guns at Fukui Izushi who came out of the tunnel that was slanting upwards. Before the officer standing behind these soldiers said something like "demanding surrender", Fushii Deji had already raised his hand, aiming at the two rows of soldiers in front.

These soldiers had just seen Fukui Idesiko's movements, before the index finger that pulled the trigger had time to bend down, the air in front of Fukui Idesiko's palm twisted, and an invisible shock wave was emitted from his palm.

The soldiers holding the shields in the front row immediately felt an irresistible force. The high-strength bulletproof shield in the palm of the hand shattered instantly, and the whole person couldn't help but flew upside down. The walls, ceiling and floor all made a sound of 'click! Click! ’ cracking sound.

In just a split second, all the soldiers flew upside down five or six meters away with their equipment, and hit the floor heavily, howling in pain. Not to mention the fragile human body, the ten soldiers in the front row were completely silent.

Fushii Deji showed a mocking look on his face, and walked forward at an unhurried pace. The walls, ceiling, and floor of the corridor were devastated, and the potholes were like cobblestone roads, and the original appearance could not be seen at all. .

The alarm lights in the front and rear corridors immediately flashed red, and the piercing sirens echoed in every corridor, making everyone in the base change their expressions, and then all the soldiers rushed to the weapon depot. And the scientists, under the escort of the guards, left the base urgently through the secret passage.

A large number of soldiers rushed towards Fushii Desi's position from all directions, and one after another, airtight doors made of steel fell in the corridors before and after Fushii Desi, trying to trap him for a while, so that they could dispatch troops to fight for some soldiers. time.

But what makes people desperate is that these five-centimeter-thick alloy doors couldn't hold up for even a second in front of Fushii Deshi, and they were blasted into pieces, and countless large and small metal debris flew forward. , deeply embedded in the walls, ceiling and floor, sputtering slight dust.

And Fushii Deshi didn't have the slightest sense of 'escape from prison', he walked leisurely, not taking this heavily guarded base seriously at all, and everything that dared to block him was given to him by him. Blast away with one move.

The aboveground part of this secret base is an ordnance factory located in the northern part of Daban. At this time, the alarm bells in the factory were loud, and the horn kept repeating the news of the leakage of toxic gas. The workers in the factory were being evacuated, but at the same time a car However, an armored vehicle was heading towards the interior of the factory in the reverse direction, and helicopters appeared in the distant sky and also flew towards this place.

After Fushii Desi hit all the way out and blasted away the last iron gate leading to the ground road from the base, what he saw was more than a dozen armored vehicles forming a semi-encircled circle outside, and the bullet nests of three armed helicopters in the sky were aligned. Once he got to his position, the six helicopters behind were hovering in the sky at a height of 20 meters. The doors on both sides were wide open, and soldiers were rappelling down the ropes one by one.

"Final warning, surrender immediately, otherwise..."

"Cut, I really don't know how to live or die!" Fushii Izuki spat softly, before the other party finished speaking, he raised his right arm, and a large amount of dark energy condensed in his palm again.

He has repeated this kind of action dozens of times in the base, so he has just made an action on his side. All the armored vehicles, armed helicopters, and soldiers who descended from the cables opened fire in unison. Different bullets and rockets roared at Fushii Deji.

Under everyone's gaze, at the moment when the armored vehicle and the helicopter opened fire, dark purple light shields suddenly appeared on Fushii's body, standing around Fushii's body, completely covering Fushii's inside.

Bullets and rockets hit it, but they did not explode or flatten the warheads. Instead, they hovered strangely. As the army continued to fire, the number of warheads and rockets also increased, densely crowded on the ground. Together, almost a layer of brass bullets was laid on the barrier.

This extremely weird scene, which only exists in movies, stunned the soldiers on the scene and the remote viewing personnel. It is really amazing. People from the universe have also been arrested before, and they are also in line with human perception of the world. At most, it is because of the advanced technology that the weapons on his body are far superior to humans.

But what Fushii Deshi displayed is already a mysterious power. No matter how you look at it, it seems like the power of telekinetics that only exists in movies. This is simply a challenge to human beings' understanding of the scientific world.

"Hehe," Fushii Ideji smiled maliciously, and then the densely packed bullets and rockets in front of him all returned the same way, 'Whew! call out! call out! ’ The sound of breaking through the air was endless, armored vehicles and helicopters were all smashed into sieves, and soldiers fell down trembling all over.

The rockets that followed hit the vehicle and the body, and exploded immediately. The sound of explosions echoed above the factory. The power of the rockets exploded all the vehicles and helicopters into scrap metal. Especially the helicopter that was still in the air directly turned into a ball of flames and fell towards the ground, hitting the factory building, punching a big hole in the top of the factory building, and then igniting all the flammable materials around it.

In just two seconds, this team of armed helicopters, armored vehicles, and forty special soldiers was wiped out, and equipment worth hundreds of millions of dollars was wiped out, but they didn't even touch the corner of the opponent's clothes.

At this moment, everyone in the AIB headquarters had a deep understanding of the true strength. It is really not something that only happens in the movie. But some people also have a sense of surprise in their hearts. Human beings have been pursuing their own re-evolution for a long time. All kinds of health-enhancing drugs are marketed all over the world, but even the theory of biological evolution None, let alone actual operation.

But now, someone showed them how powerful a person can be. Although it is an alien life, it also made them wonder, can human beings be so powerful? Even if it can't be so powerful, then reaching a fraction is also excellent.

Even if it is strengthened a little, there is still a market. Health care medicines that are no different from deceiving people can create big companies, so how expensive are medicines that can really strengthen the human body, and how much money should they make?

Thinking of this, several officials who are connected with the world's leading companies or are their spokespersons can't sit still. They can't wait to pass the news back. AIB took a lot of blood after arresting Fushii Desi As for body tissue samples, it was just a routine, but now it seems that this is gleaming gold.

But the people in the military are thinking about whether it is possible to transplant the ability of this cosmic man to human beings. Even if it is not so powerful, even if it is just physical fitness, it is enough to make super soldiers. This can greatly improve the army. fighting power.

All of a sudden, the minds of senior officials from different departments in the command room of the AIB headquarters were all alive, with a lot of thoughts in their hearts, but no one felt angry and sad for these sacrificed soldiers.

Fushii Ideji withdrew the energy barrier in front of him, walked up to a soldier whose whole body was sieved by the rebounded bullets, squatted down, picked up the communicator that was still in good condition, and said to the microphone with a smile: " How? Do you still think I am your prisoner? Do you think that the whole universe is as weak as human beings? It is too ridiculous. This is a little lesson for you. By the way, my fusion sublimator It's lost. Without my gene, I can't use the fusion sublimator. If you find it for me, I can give you an energy technology, which is enough for you to make energy weapons. Also, I want to repair my spaceship , need a lot of materials, if you help, I can give you some scientific and technological materials in return, think about it, I'm going to get my spaceship back."

As he spoke, Fushii Ideki casually threw out the communicator in his hand, a dark purple mist appeared all over his body, and then soared into the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only the armored vehicles and helicopters all over the ground. The wreckage was burning, igniting nearby factories.

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